BLM - All gravel utilized from the gravel pit for use on individual private ground must be permitted through the BLM office in Kanab, Utah. Currently the cost is $.70 per cubic yard which is payable to the BLM.
Private Use - In addition to the County permit, members must also obtain a permit from DSROA. A fee of $.70 cents per cubic yard will be charged as a reclamation fee for DSROA members who use the gravel within DSR boundaries. This material is considered non-screened. A fee of $8.90 per cubic yard will be charged for screened material.
People who are not members of DSROA or members that wish to utilize gravel from our pit to areas outside of the DSR boundary will be charged a $1.00 per cubic yard reclamation fee. These fees are to help pay for the cost of reclamation and is paid directly to Deer Springs Ranch.
Limits - Members are limited at this time to 100 cubic yards per year. This amount may be adjusted by the Board. (With 300+ members our pit areas will not support each member taking large volumes.)
Coordination - Prior to removing any material from the pit area, Members must coordinate with the Ranch Caretaker and the Board Representative to determine the appropriate area of removal. This is required to not only provide gravel for members, but also shape the pit area for most effective reclamation and enhancement of road right of way. We must ensure no encroachment is made to or on their private lots.
Member Responsibility - Members and their contractors will be financially responsible for all excessive wear and damage to ranch road surfaces (as determined by of the Board representatives and following consultation with the Board). Heavy dump truck traffic does cause road life to be shortened. A special use permit may be required for larger vehicles.
Safety - All operations to remove gravel from the pit area must be done with member safety in mind. At no time can equipment be left as to cause harm or injury to members or vehicles traveling the ranch roads. Should temporary detours be deemed necessary, it is the responsibility of the member and contractor to provide adequate signage to prevent collisions with equipment, material, or other Ranch traffic.
Preservation - DSROA has been limited at this time to a 5 acre disturbance at the existing pit site. No member may remove fill from any undisturbed areas without first contacting the Ranch Caretaker and the Board Representative responsible for the gravel pit.
Noise - Due to noise concerns, all work at the gravel pit and the hauling of material from same will be conducted from sunup to sundown ONLY.