John Southwick, President Ben Clarkson, Vice President Shawna Cox, Treasurer David Sills, Secretary John Harris, Member Ed Belinski, Member Dustin Hollis, Member

Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting
Thursday, May 14 2009, 7:00 PM UT

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Call to Order:
Approve and correct last meeting minutes (Mar. 2009)
Ranch Caretaker Report: (00:22:20)
Financial Report: Treasurer and Bookkeeper (00:04:16)

Old Business:  (00:22:28)
1. 40,000 gallon water tank repairs
2. Johnson Family Memorandum of Understanding; agricultural progress
3. Leave-no-trace; Back Country's Horseman Association
4. Cabin Reservations
5. Delinquent Assessments
6. Forest access

New Business:  (00:55:30)
1. Johnson Family - Cabin use and trade offs
2. Longhorn Cattle; Doug Hunt and possible lease agreement
3. Board Compensation
4. Board Officers and restructure?

Open Forum: Members may address the Board. This will be time limited based
on number of topics and number of members requesting to participate. Please
have questions and information prepared to facilitate discussion.

Next Meeting date and time:  (00:05:59)
Meeting Adjourned