DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

Aug 2, 2003

DSR Bunkhouse 9:30 am


Board Members present: Larry Baer, Art Ortolani, Phillip Hall, Larry Clarkson, Taylor Button, Nyle Willis, Tom Massengale

Others present: Brent Fullmer, Barbara Button, Lee Bellar, Ken Lent, Malinda Sanders, Travis Sanders.


Taylor made a motion, seconded by Larry B, to accept the previous meeting’s minutes as written.

Follow-up on previous assignments

Legal Representation

Nyle made a motion, seconded by Phil, to accept Barry Clarkson’s offer for legal representation in the matter of foreclosures. Unanimous. Larry C will talk to Barry about the fax received regarding fees.


Water Tank Certification Compliance

Taylor reported that he had spoken with Bush and Gudgell Engineering in St George regarding certification requirements of the water storage tanks for the lower cabins. They will come out the first time to see what is involved at no cost. After discussion, a motion was made by Phil, seconded by Nyle, that Taylor contact Bush & Gudgell and arrange for an engineer to fly out with Phil Hall to the ranch to inspect the job. Taylor to contact Richard Cothern and get an updated quote to finish the epoxy job. Taylor then to attempt to contact the original epoxy contractor and see if they will warranty their work. At this point, the Board is to be contacted via e-mail with an update. Unanimous.


Fencing the Fish Ponds

There was discussion regarding where to place a fence around the fish ponds to prevent the cattle from accessing the ponds directly. It was decided that the meadow directly adjacent to the ponds should be fenced also to allow volley ball or other games be played without stepping in cow pies. Phil made a motion, seconded by Art, to have Taylor get a fence estimate for a fence along the west side of the Meadow Canyon Road, crossing on the dam of the lower fish pond, across to Oak brush and up along the west side of the meadow, having a cattle guard near the generator, crossing back across the meadow just above the upper pond and back down to the road accessing the upper cabins with another cattle guard at the exit of Meadow Canyon Road. Unanimous.

Picnic Tables

Taylor picked up seven tables from Clarkson’s at a cost of $80 each. Larry C will get a bill to Barbara for them.


LLC and past history

Nyle presented a copy of the February 11, 1999 board meeting minutes showing where action was taken by the Board to rescind prior Board action to establish a limited liability company. The LLC placed all real property, water rights, buildings, mineral rights, and land owned by DSROA in a LLC with DSROA owning 2/3 and Dale Clarkson owning 1/3. Because of questionable legal precedence, lack of a vote of the membership of the Association, and the requirement of double insurance, it was decided that LLCs are not practical for the ranch.


Number of Board Members to Vote for at Annual Meeting

Phil reported that after research, he determined that a two year term for each elected Board member was what was stated in the Bylaws. Three new board members will be elected this year.


Horse Boarding Agreement

Phil made a motion, seconded by Taylor, to accept the Horse Boarding Agreement he presented to the Board. Unanimous. A copy signed by each member that lets the ranch use their horse should be on file at the business office. Barbara will get signatures from all members currently letting the ranch use their horses.


Web Site Update

Infowest is the new server for the ranch web site. A final check will be mailed to Online Marketing within the week.


Final List of Candidates for Annual Meeting

All Board members reported on those that had been nominated. Following is a list of the candidates for the Board of Directors for 2003. At least one board member has spoken with these men and they have agreed to run. Ed Belinski, Lee Bellar, Larry Clarkson, Tom Massengale, Joe McElroy, and Larry Walters.


Broad Hollow Road Project

Taylor, Art, Ken Lent, and Brent Fullmer reported on the Broad Hollow Project. After discussion, a new proposal was submitted. Ken and Brent asked that the road be re-routed across the ravine, crossing a corner of lot 127 and 126. The new route will allow for better drainage, dry out faster, help control erosion, and generally be safer. Taylor, Brent, Art, John Davis, and Larry C to look at new proposal. Written permission to be obtained from Lee Gappmayer (lot 126), Paul Ford (lot 127), George Strain (Lot 129), and Ed LeMasters (Lot 128). John D will talk to LeMaster, Barbara talk to Gappmayer, Ken talk to Strain, and Brent talk to Ford.


Road Right of Ways

Nyle will find out the process to obtain clear road right of ways for the ranch.


Reflector Posts, Road Gravel, 5 Year Plan

Phil Hall put up reflector posts along Meadow Canyon Road at each mile as a marker. Art will put up more reflector markers along Broad Hollow and Slide Canyon Roads. Art will then write a suggested Five-Year Plan for gravel to be spread along these routes by mile marker. Barbara to pick up more reflectors and numbers.


New Business

Annual Meeting Plans

The following assignments were made to facilitate the annual meeting.

Larry C Bring chairs and tables if possible

Nyle Set up sound system and bring chairs if possible

Print up Balance Sheet for members to review

Phil Make extra copies of Ballot, Agenda, etc.

Set up Web Site display

Barbara Bring copies of Profit & Loss Statement/Budget vs. Actual Expenses

Taylor Set up tables, collect extra ranch chairs

Larry B Door Prizes and Suggestion Box

Tom Flag and Prayer

Art Record the meeting

Phil and Barbara Take minutes

Taylor and Barbara Cook and organize dinner

Ken Lent, Malinda & Travis Sanders, and Brett Barrett Count ballots

The agenda was agreed upon and will be sent out with the ballot and newsletter.


Newsletter/Bylaw changes proposed

Tom read a proposed newsletter. A few changes were suggested. Tom will make changes and get the letter to Barbara for copying. Nyle presented four changes to Bylaws that he wants on the ballot. Tom reminded the Board of a change he proposed for the PCRs allowing two residences per lot.

John Davis asked the Board if lot #4 and lot #10 should be given a membership if they are sold. An answer could not be arrived at the time. The Board tabled the matter until further information could be gathered.


New Store location

Malinda Sanders and Taylor Button reported that the Bunkhouse and Store would be trading places. The Store is too hot in the summer time and hard to keep an eye on. Check in and check out will be from the new store (where the bunkhouse used to be) which is closer to the ranch house. A bed, a stovetop, and a frig will be put in the bunkhouse so it can be used for sleeping if needed. The same bathroom facilities will be used as the previous bunkhouse used.


Manager Report

Taylor reported that most of the new signs are made, that cabin 7 and the Comfort Stop have new front steps, that a retaining wall made from rock is being made to replace the rotting logs near the Garden Cabin, and that a new on-site manager family will start about Aug 20. Cabins 1, 7, and 8 are in line for new roofs. The GC needs new flooring and paint. Cabin 6 needs a new refrigerator.


Wildlife Money

Larry C reported that the ranch received a check from the Paunsaguant Landowners for the deer tags for 2003. It is in the sum of $5535.92.


The next board meeting will be at 9 AM, Saturday, Sept 20, 2003 at the ranch.

Adjourned at 1 PM