December 14, 2013

Zions National Bank, Kanab, UT

Welcome: 9 a.m. - Art Ortaloni (Pres)

Prayer: Dale Clarkson

Attendance: Board Members: Art Ortiloni, Dale Clarkson, Shawna Cox, Jodi Akers,

Dave Turley (Phone), Joe Bosze, Robert Allen.

Members - Linda Alderman, Paul & Nancy Brayton, Patsy Clarkson, Candy Bosze,

Brent Fullmer, Daniel Clarkson, Larry Clarkson.

2 - Approval of Nov. 9 Board Meeting Minutes

Motion by Art to Approve the minutes

Dies for lack of second

Dale - There are several errors in the minutes. Some needs to be re-written. Record only generalities. There are several errors that could be misleading.

Jodi motioned to approve the minutes after a couple of changes were made that she suggested.

After much discussion by the board members, Art made a MOTION; That we strike/remove the stipend voted on by the board in August of $500 per month for the president.

2nd by Jodi

Vote: Unanimous by all board members present.

Art- Vance would like to have the board meeting minutes out to the board for review within 1 week of the meeting. If Shawna needs help doing it, then she should ask for help.

3 - Financial Report - Linda stated we have $7,000 in the bank but are expecting a $6,000 check from Doug Hunt any day.

Paul - reported that Doug Hunt needs to be kept in our prayers. His wife is fighting cancer and going through chemo and Doug has some major health problems right now.

Brent - Paul has been taking care of Dougs cows during this troublesome times or they might of died by now! Thanks Paul.

12 assessments have already been collected for next year but Linda said she has been keeping them separate from 2013 income.

After looking over the bank Registar provided by Linda, Dale had a couple of questions on a few checks. Check to MD Auto on Dec. 12? Linda : New Snow & Mud tires for the new truck.

Dale stated: Why do we need snow & mud tires when the truck already had very good tires on it? I have driven over the ranch roads on the same tires all year round for 30+ years.

Joe said he recommended getting the tires and should have asked the board first.

Dale asked: Who authorized Ahern to come and pick up the Kabota and work on it?

Dale had asked Ahern to give a bid on the work but it was never approved by the board to get the work done. The charge was $5,000.

What was the check to Ahern for $89.64?

Dale: What was the check to Setters Cove For on 11/21 for $426.05?

Linda: It was a tire for the Grader.

Dale: What happened about the credit from them for the bad tire we received from them?

Paul said he was still trying to work that out with them.

Dale: The check for UPS for $266? Linda: Water Sample

Frank Edwards (Parts Plus) - Antifreeze and parts for cabins

Lumber Plus charges for $1,800 ? Cabin maintenance - screws, nails, wood etc.

Charges for the Front Porch were charged at the Farm Store and Reidheads.

$8,000 for fuel was for Red fuel etc. To fill the tanks. Brent: Red Fuel is also used for the Kabota and Grader etc.

Dale: Balance Sheet should reflect the total assets of the ranch. Then he handed out a list of The Ranch Fixed Assets with a conservative Estimated Market Value he had completed with total fixed assets of $4,754,900.

Jodi- We just enter things on Quick Books and that’s how they are set up. We need an Accountant to do an audit we are suppose to have done every year but have not had one for about 6 years. We should hire an unaffiliated accounting service to do an audit.

Discussion about costs etc.

Dale suggested that the board would like to put out an accurate balance sheet statement.

Jodi- Motion - We give the books to Nyle Willis to bring us up to date.

Dies for lack of second.

Dale: Do we want to show we are a poor run multi-million dollar business?

Jodi - We are a non-profit organization.

Art: Can we please table this and do it on line. We are running short of time if we are going to make it to Ayda Bear’s (Larry Baers Wife) funeral today.

4- Ranch Report - Paul Brayton

I have done 25 hours of Brush hogging, I borrowed someones Brush Hogger and intend to get more brush hogging done this week.

I had Vance blow up these maps of the ranch to show where the fences are and have mapped out the ones in Green as Good Fences, Green w/Blue - are OK but need work, and Red lines - Bad.

Art and Paul walked some of the fence lines and looked at them after the meeting in November.

Paul is trying to figure out per footage - What we have/What we need , and the most important areas that need attention to keep the cows in or out.

Art: Suggested that Dale or He take over the ranch fencing responsibilities if that was ok with Shawna.

Shawna: Motion : Art will add the Fencing Responsibiltiy to his list and remove it from Shawnas’ list.

2nd Jodi

Vote: Unanimous

Dale and Paul will work together with Art on the fencing.

Brent suggested carrying a camera and GPS while walking the fence lines.

Dale and Paul went to the BLM and got comment cards we need to fill out and return about grazing. There is a History behind grazing that is important to understand.

Everyone should go to www.BLM.GOV.PGLD . There are changes coming from the BLM.

I have also been doing inventory at the ranch of all the tools etc.

Shawna: Linda, Did you bring the list and photos of the last inventories you said you had of the ranch?

Linda: No, I haven’t had time.

Paul: Nancy and I try hard to stay in our Budget.

A. Top 10 List

B. Daily Reports - Dale: We have had no Top 10 weekly reports this month. All board concurred. Nancy - Sorry, I haven’t gotten to it yet.

Paul : I will drive the Kabota until the tires are bald so we can get new tires next November. Kabota clutch is installed but it needs a 4-wheel drive shaft.

Jodi: We just paid $5,000 on the Kabota for what? Linda : That included 2 tires around $400 each.

Jodi: Grader repairs were $2,000?

Brent: I got a Solar Batteries Estimate of $309 each = $4,944

Dale: We could increase our assessments by $8,000 by including all 300 assessments in our budget.

Jodi: We can’t. There are 7 board members who don’t pay. 2 Association lots, and 1 exempt lot.

Jodi - We need to complete the budget. Motion: We accept the budget as it stands with the new adjustments in change of headings as discussed with Linda.

2nd Dale C.

Vote: Unanimous

Paul: I have been trying to come up with something to help the budget - We can take two cabins off line to rent through the Travel Council there in Kanab.

Shawna: I also have a presenter here today to give you another good idea, but we are out of time if we are going to make it to the funeral. Dan said he would come back next month if we needed him to. Thanks for coming, Dan.

Joe: The phone call-in system is worthless. You can barely hear it, and it is scratchy at best when you call in.

Dave agreed and had to call a board member on their cell to listen in and finally calls Paul and hooks into “Face Time” to be able to participate in the meeting.

Dale: I thought this was a budget meeting and was trying to get the budget items addressed first. The budget is a guide and there will still be changes as we go throughout the year.

Art: We wanted to Thank our Ranch Managers, Linda and Brent for all they do. So we voted to give them each a Christmas Bonus of $250.

Jodi handed out the gift checks with a big THANKS.

Shawna: Motion to Adjourn

2nd Joe

Vote Unanimous

Next meeting - Jan. 11, 2014

Zions Bank 9 a.m.


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