The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held:

Parry’s Lodge in Kanab, Utah at 10:00 AM

  1. Call to order: Phil Hall called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM with a prayer from Larry Baer. All board members were present. Members present were: Dale Clarkson, Dirk Clayson, Kathy Pierce, Ken Lent, Larry Baer, Linda Alderman, Nancy and Paul Brayton, Candy Bosze, Bob Allen’s fiancé, and Vance Green (T).
  2. Phil reviewed procedure for meetings. Ideas go to committees first to organize and prioritize, not to the general board meeting as a brainstorming session. Agenda items then go to Linda weeks before publishing agenda, preferably 10 days before the meeting. Teleconferencing problem 10:15AM.

  3. Minutes: The minutes for October 11, 2014 were presented for review. Jodi made a motion to approve and seconded by Robert Musko. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes will be posted on the website. Minutes from the 2013 Annual Meeting were reviewed; motion to approve by Phil and seconded by Art. Motion was unanimous. They will be posted to the website and newsletter.
  4. Ranch Report: Paul reported that the upper cabins were shut down in late October due to good weather.
    1. Put dirt around vault to complete project.
    2. Brush hogging finished up to Broad Hollow.
    3. Chemicals need to be sprayed over sage brush, rabbit brush and thistle (nothing on the County’s noxious list).
    4. List of services needed on vehicles to Joe. (Generator done at 200 hours; Kubota needs to be done.)
    5. Firewood needed for cabins and ranch house. Next is to work to clear area by wood chipper on left side of Broad Hollow to allow sun and air to dry road.
    6. Harvest Party at the ranch Nov 7th for approximately 40-50 people. Event is held yearly and possibly should be a ranch activity that is advertised on the website.
    7. Cows were moved to headquarters for branding and tagging. Many thanks for the efforts.
    8. Braytons will create an employee handbook and manual to include a record for the ranch.
  1. Financial Report: We have $28,613.62 in the account going into 2015 with most of it already accounted for. This is an acceptable figure as we enter 2015. In 2 weeks, a check from the Hunts (longhorns) will be added. ** Agenda item for next meeting - How to read the balance sheets. **
  2. Rules and Regulations: Last revised paperwork was in 2003. It is a working document that needs to be updated.
    1. Work needs to be done on responsibility areas of the ranch and committees
    2. Written policies for reservation for campers (Make septic tank accessible for dumping.) Art and Paul work on official campsites available at the ranch.
    3. Question on trolling motors on Red Reservoir – discuss. (Dependent on depth of water; boat dock) (5.05)
    4. Limit the number of fish caught in the ponds. Possibly post placards stating limits; encourage catch and release.
    5. Discussion on water hookups and hauling water from the springs. (18.01)
    6. If revised rules and regulations are completed, they can be added to the packet with the 2015 billing for assessments due to be mailed around December 1st 2014.


  1. Finance, Water Resources, Legal: The latest Version 3 of the 2015 budget is balanced; Version 2 was $2,000 in the red. Nothing on the wish list is required for budget. We should keep the working budget within the categories. Thank you, Jodi, for the efforts put into this budget.
    1. Phil Hall to be compensated for road work for $10,000 by having assessments removed for 2 lots for 6 years and paying him $1,300 each year for 4 years then $1,000 each year thereafter to pay off the obligation of $10,000. Jodi made a motion to begin arrangement for payback on this 2015 budget as stated; Robert seconded it. 5 board members approved motion, Leland and Phil abstained. Motion passed.
    2. Discussion on reimbursements: Suggested that members who put money out for roads and/or anything concerning the ranch should submit invoices within 1 year of trade and back up their receipts for any reimbursement.
    3. We need to budget money for crop management and seeds as well as spraying areas around the ranch. Irrigated, non irrigated land, seeded acreage, common usage acreage should be reviewed to receive money back. Contact Bruce Bunting in Kanab (435-644-2774) for compensations for these areas.
    4. Fencing has a good foundation to date but some repairs are still required. We will identify the areas with the maps and review.
    5. It was decided that the rock screen was not going to be purchased.
    6. Taxes should be 0 on line 119 on the tax return as we are a nonprofit organization. This was done years ago, and needs to be completed in this way again. Linda will speak to Nyle Willis. We should also do a corrected tax return for last 2013 year.
    7. It was suggested that there should be a trespass fee for hunters and a category in the budget for the amount of money spent by hunters.
    8. Art made a motion to accept the 2015 working budget; Bob Allen seconded it. Motion carried unanimously.
  1. Roads and Fire: Meadow Canyon MOU will have new signs and correct placement of signs according to the maps provided by Vance Green. Paul will call the County to get signs up.
    1. There were some problems with the hunting season. The gates were closed for the 2 weeks and there were no parking issues.
    2. Repair of the Coal Road has been completed by Alan Steed from Meadow Canyon Road to the Podunk side at a price of $900. Robert will contact Linda for the number to contact BLM to let them know the road in this area for our Title V has been completed.
    3. Lower Slide Canyon Road was graded for 3 miles and looks good. A double culvert was added, but another 5 foot culvert is needed in Slide.
    4. Phil, through his trade arraignments with Allen Marion, might have 30 inch culverts available at a good price.
    5. Robert is looking to put together a 5 year plan for the roads including numbers, sizes, and placement of culverts. He will need to contact representatives of all areas for input. Linda will gather paperwork for board members for names, lots, addresses and phone numbers of members for easy access for help.
    6. There is a 1972 fire truck (200 water gallons capacity with needed hoses) available for the ranch to purchase for small fires that may occur at the ranch. Joe will also look at it today in Colorado Springs checking out the pressure pump. It is selling for $2500. Phil made a motion to buy the fire truck for $2500 after seeing it today; motion was seconded by Art. Motion was passed unanimously. Linda stated that donations have been coming in and will probably cover the cost of it. Liability insurance on this vehicle will be added to our insurance policy.
  1. Equipment and Cabins: Joe checked into a new washer for the ranch; the cost would be around $700 to $800 for a good one (Maytag). This requires further research.
    1. Paul will submit a list of the conditions, mileage, repairs done for trucks and equipment for review to Joe. To decrease windshield time, Joe will pick up synthetic oil for oil changes on the trucks (change between 8 to 10,000 miles.)
    2. Tires that were just purchased last December 2013 for the new truck have worn out. New tires needed to be bought. Ten ply Firestone tires from Kanab were bought with no insurance. It is imperative to check out road hazard insurance for all tires. We need to check with other sources for this coverage as many members have it at the ranch.
    3. Mattresses are needed badly for many of the cabins, especially the Garden Cabin. Nancy will check for the best prices and relate costs to Joe.
    4. To determine the gas consumption on cabins, Paul will order one gas meter at $350 plus $25 charge to install. It will be installed by Amerigas on Cabin 8.
  1. Reservations, HOA, Web Dev and Communications: Bob Allen had 2 documents revealing the lawyers and the collection policy for overdue assessments. It would cost the ranch $250 to set up for each name turned over for collections plus a percentage of each account they collect on while long term non collectible accounts can be another issue. The legal avenue that the ranch already practices includes the use of our lawyer presently. A lien is recorded after 2 years of nonpayment. A motion was made by Phil to not proceed or pursue this law firm or program for collections. (Vial Fotheringham LLP Law Firm)
  2. Members that use the website or face book ask for things to be done at the ranch find it difficult to get responses. It is being recommended that members address their concerns directly to the board via email or phone call. Linda will contact Vance Green to indicate this change on the website.

  3. Agriculture and Wildlife: Leland is researching the grazing permit leasing for longhorns with Doug Hunt ($12,000 for the year) to Deer Springs Point and all acres of the ranch. 500 cattle AUM (Animal Unit Mouth – cattle to calf) permit and report is done every year to satisfy BLM. A committee needs to be formed checking on the grazing rights including Paul, Dale, Dirk, Linda and Leland. Shawna completed the survey requested by BLM; a follow up of the paperwork is being requested from Shawna. Jodi will send the paperwork received from Dale to all members.
    1. The ranch has water available for agriculture and can haul water. Phil’s area (Crawford) has water available for wildlife. A channel was dug out by Clarkson at Deer Springs Point for water.
    2. The Hunt family has made efforts in reseeding and will work with the ranch. $4000 will be used in the well field for this and expires in 2021. The Hunts also have 6 horses that graze year round at the lower ranch that are used to manage the cattle.
    3. **There has been some discussion on horse rides with wranglers. An agreement and licensing would be required. A rough draft will be given to Art to further develop. Questions arise – Who pays for the help? Who rebuilds and maintains the corrals? Clarification is needed. **
  1. Ranch Activities, Security, And Public Safety: Johnny Brown cattle guard has been damaged (Tony) and it has become an access problem. Check with Robert Musko for guidance and follow up.

The grader is working well with the large weld that was added to the blade.

Discussion continued concerning members with problems and how the board is going to be more responsive. We should further develop the ranch email system.

Newsletter with Vance’s help will go out. Questions arise concerning dues being raised or not raised. Where do we need things and how will we have the funding for them – special assessments or even pay for play?

Brent, Jodi, Paul, Linda, Art and Joe will head up a committee showing usage and costs for cabins to explain the pay for play.


NEXT MEETING IS ON JANUARY 10, 2015 IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA AT THE BOSZE HOME 8801 SANDY VISTA CT. AT 10:00 AM. Nancy and Paul Brayton and Linda Alderman will attend. A motion by Phil to pay for the Friday night room and gas for this meeting was made; Robert seconded it. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 1:15 PM.

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