Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

October 09, 2009 1:00PM at DSR HQ

Minutes for 10/9/09 1:00pm at Ranch Garden Cabin

1- Welcome.....................................................Dirk Clayson
Conducted by Ben Clarkson, Vice Pres.
In attendance:
Board members:
Dirk Clayson
Ben Clarkson
Shawna Cox
Brent Fullmer
Ed Belinski

Staff: Paul Brayton, Caretaker & Linda Alderman, Reservation Clerk & Secretary
DSROA Members: Jodie Akers & Dale Clarkson

2- Financial review.......................................... Linda Alderman

Dirk estimated we need $24,000. to finish the year. Some strategies are underway to separate percentages of dues paid by each member into capital Improvement and Ranch Revenue to reduce income tax and use money for depreciatable capital improvements ongoing at the ranch.

3- Facilities and Building Review......................John Harris
Cabin 6 needs repair of two bad doors. Motion by Dirk Clayson to approve replacement of damaged doors under the supervision of Board Member John Harris with the recomendation to look into Therma Tru fiberglass "fiberclassic" Doors. and to use these doors on future replacements to maintain consistencies. Motion was seconded by Shawna Cox and the vote wan unanimous

4- Roads and Easements Review....................Shawna Cox and Brent Fullmer traded responsibilities. Brent will be over roads from now on and Shawna will be over ranch activities.
Report on Title V roads: Three ways to loose the Title V road usage. 1) Don't pay the fees - we have paid 2) Don't keep them up - we need to 3) Go outside the agreement in using or changing the roads. Report was made on the ranches Title V roads between units.
After discussion it was decided to maintain the top half of the Lower Podunk Road. Run the grader down the Brown homestead road and the Old burn road and Brent will clear the Broad Hollow Jeep Trail (not on the DSROA map). It is important for fire protection. They will improve it and check with the BLM to see about getting permission to take the road on through to Slide canyon as an ATV trail and to verify that we also have a title five for the slide canyon road.
Brent will improve what we have and wants to work on New Trails of existing roads for ATV.
Plans are to improve the Johnny Brown Road.

5- Communication, On Line version of ranch map..Dave Sills
We are sad that Dave Sills has resigned from the Board.
Vance Green has developed an interactive Map of the Ranch where the owners names of the lots pop-up as you run the cursor over it. Dirk Clayson motioned we add it or a link to the DSROA website so folks can know who their neighbors are. Only information available from public Kane county public records will be shown. It was seconded by Brent Fullmer and passed - unanimous.

6- Ranch Grazing and Wildlife..........................Dirk Clayson
Update on Johnson seeding project was provided.
The fall seeding project will be as follows:
20 acres in the well field with Ranger Alfalfa
80 acres well field, dry land with Triticale
15 acres north of the well field with Triticale
20 acres west entrance with Forage Kochia
60 acres in broad hollow with Rye Grass
7 acres in half moon field with Ranger Alfalfa
30-40 acres in the upper meadow with perennial pasture mix
70 acres at the air strip, west side with Triticale
70 acres in the air strip dormant this season until further improved
The Johnson Cattle are moving off the Ranch this week. The longhorns will have a Cattle Drive Oct 19th-20th
horn measurement Oct 10, 2010. On our range-land Cattle Lease, A motion by Shawna Cox was made to explore and draw up a 10 year lease for the Doug Hunt Cattle Co. and bring it to the Board for approval. Discussion was for the possibility of a longhorn gathering, advertising, etc a 10 year lease is practical. Ed Belinski expressed concern that 10 years is a long time. It was a 10 year lease that Brent Robinson had. It was suggested that a rotation plan be added into the lease. Ben Clarkson seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
Fences and gates and cattle guards were discussed and will be investigated this month so progress can be made with the supplies the ranch already has to make cattle guards, etc.

7- Water.........................................................Ben Clarkson
It was suggested that the Water Conservancy Board of Kane County monitor and test the DSROA water systems. Paul will be going to a training session with the Rural Water Association. There was a discussion about the steps to be taken to protect the upper water system spring area.
Jodie Akers brought a proposal for a water line to their property, Lot #128 across association land at Leaf Spring. She brought photos and a map. It was not an "official" proposal but a presentation. Akers would like to put a 1 1/2" pipe in 4 feet deep. They figure on it producing 2 gallons a minute and it could possibly support 6 seasonal users. The board members felt the Association should develop this spring and fund it's improvement because of the delicate manner in which Springs function and with the wrong type of attempt to capture the Spring's water, it's service could be lost.
Jodie said Justin Murphy was poised to move on this now and Brent Fullmer backed her up that the equipment was there now and they are ready to move forward before winter.
Further discussion revealed that a larger pipe would be better for all who might want to tap into it for their lot. There are 20 lots in the Broad Hollow area that could be serviced by Leaf Spring. The Association would probably want to put in a 40,000. Gal tank there and Water Conservancy may help fund the Improvement of this in Spring. Lot owner Dale Clarkson has some 50,000. gallon tanks.
No final decisions were made.

8- Ranch Activities.....Will be headed by Shawna Cox.

9- Legal and Public Safety...............................Ed Belinski
Next year is the hearing for the Donkey mishap on the ranch 2 years ago. Limited Liability Company was already approved and Ed will be looking into this.

10- Ranch review............................................Paul Brayton
IN the next week the manager will be shutting down the upper cabins for the winter. The Johnson's are disking the Broad Hollow area. They will be done in a month. Paul plans to brush hog & Burn the slash pile. The Kabota is working now. The Ranch truck needs 2 new tires.
There was a discussion about locking the upper gate for the Hunting Season. They will make signs and have keys available to members. Cameras will be set up for surveillance.
Business cards were OKed for Paul and Nancy.
Paul and Nancy were asked to submit a budget and progress ideas for the next meeting.

10-A Meadow restoration project..........................Dale Clarkson
An overview of this project was submitted on paper. A motion was made by Dirk to authorize payment of $7500 for making several improvements to red reservior and the collection of the drainages as well as some wash crossings by the ranch headquarters. Brent Fullmer seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

11- Vacancy of Board seat appointment
Board nominated Dave Turley and Dustin Hollis. And paper ballots were cast.
Results: Dustin Hollis - 1
Dave Turley - 4

Shawna Cox moved to go into executive session
Dirk Clayson seconded and the meeting moved into an Executive session to discuss past due fees and county roads.

12 - Executive meeting results:
Regarding Past Due Assessments:
Policy: Quarterly Statements will be sent out as has been done in the past.
When Assessments are LATE ONE YEAR, DSROA will record a lein against the property in violation.
When Assessments are LATE THREE YEARS, DSROA will send a notice of foreclosure.
Regarding the Skutumpah Road:
It was decided that in the interest of DSROA land owners DSROA will pursue a Title V on the Skutumpah Road.

13- Tour of ranch to look at project areas.

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