Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

October 8 2010, 4:30 PM, ERA Meeting Room, Kanab

DSROA Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Friday, October 8 at 4:30 PM
at the ERA meeting room.

1. Welcome: Dirk Clayson
Board members in attendance:
Pres. Dirk Clayson
Vice Pres. Ben Clarkson
Kathy Duvall
Shawna Cox
Dale Clarkson
David Turley
Linda Alderman, Sec & Reservation Clerk
Jodi Akers
Paul Brayton, Ranch Manager

2. Approval of September Meeting Minutes skipped over

3. Areas of Responsibility
Discussion and reassignment of the Areas of Responsibility:
Adjustment of board member assignments are as follows:
a. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
b. Ranch Activities, Fiance - Shawna Cox
c. Water Resources and Management - Dale Clarkson
d. Agricultural ad Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
e. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Kathy Duvall
- John Harris has offered to still help in this area.
f. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson
g. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley

4. Financial Report : Linda Alderman
Item 12. on the agenda moved up
12. Year end budget review: There was a lengthy discussion of the expenses for the rest of the year. Operating expenses as well as needed expenditures.
The three items deemed necessary by the Board to be completed by the end of the year were:
a. Berm the 40,000 gallon water tank
b. Reseed the fields
c. Repair the breach in the water catchment at headquarters
Items to be put off until 2011:
1. Pavilion at Ponds
2. Septic at Ponds
3. Septic/Dump station at headquarters
4. New Roofs on cabins 3 & 4

5. Update on water issues - Ben Clarkson
a. Leaf Springs - After much discussion, it was decided that we need to hire a local engineering firm to write up a legal description from existing records with Bulloch and the DDW for the water rights and have proof of rights by 2011 for the DWR. With the purpose of acquiring an extension.
b. 40,000 gallon water tank.
c. Water System expansion and PROV Valve is a priority. Equipment and supplies are at the Ranch. The Valve is put together it is to be installed by first snows.
d. Sustainable action item added - update lower headquarters proof of water rights by 2011.

6. Agricultural and Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
a. BLM Fencing - West end fence is used and hasn't done well. It needs replacing. Plan to get a bid from Taylor Button to replace in the the Spring.
b. Meadow willows and roses need to be mowed.
c. Cattle Guards - 1 done and needs to be dragged up to the ponds to be placed at the base of the road that goes up the hill to the cabins to protect the Spring from the cows. Materials are at headquarters to make another one or two.
d. BLM Grazing Dates - Out by November 15. Hunt family to bring the cows down. Johnson cows out by October 31.

7. Irrigation Management - Dale Clarkson
a. Water Management of Polliwog Ponds
b. Water Management of Red Reservoir
c. Water Management of Half Moon
d. Water Management of Hidden Reservoir
e. Water Management of fish ponds

8. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
Brent was not present but sent this list of items to be accomplished ASAP.
a. Ranch road maintenance
1. New culverts where are they most needed and when do we want to install them? (I believe that we really should make an effort to get as many of them as possible into critical locations before winter. It will help mitigate the road damage in the spring.)
2. Erosion control issues around the HQ. The road between the cabins is getting worse and we are at a point we can't do to much more with the ditching alongside the road. The road needs material brought in to be put on it to build it up. We need to re-direct it so it flows away. The water comes down that road and washes across the lower one and through the HQ.
3. Repair the minor amount of road damage along the roads caused by the motorcycle race. (I drove home in a downpour yesterday and there are drainage issues along Meadow Canyon.)
b. Johnnie Brown
c. Skutumpah

9. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox
Shawna had to leave but reported that there are targets at the Ranch Store for folks to purchase. Members have been using them.
Compass Course, Geo Cache course, Running Course, Plant/Animal search, to be available for anyone using the cabins.
The rally for the County Commissioners and the success of obtaining the RS2477 designation on the Skutumpah and other county roads was attended by about 150 people on September 18. Utah Senate Mike Lee flew in for the occasion. USA-ALL and Utah Shared Access Alliance and Take Back Utah rallied with us to cheer Kane County's success. Should be shown on "At your leisure" Utah's local Channel 4 TV station.
October 2 - Desert Foxes motorcycle races were a success. There were several club members who attended. Cabins were rented and a percentage of each riders entrance fee will come to the ranch.

10. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson
The purchase of Dead End Road signs for the ranch.
Corrections still needed for deed restriction because the restriction to allow 2 cabins per lot was never recorded.
County Zone Change

11. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
a. Fencing / cattle guards - see above
b. County Celebration & Races - see above
c. Decks on cabins 2 & 4 - done
d. Water System - Still dealing with it. Dig out the area for the PRV this week, put in a temp vault. The board stressed they wanted Paul to build a permanent Vault now and finish it off.
Discussion: With the help of Vance Green on the Speaker phone, it was discovered that the 40,000 gallon tank is at 6531 elevation. the 2 inch junction is at 6378 elevation and the low area at the headquarters is at 6240 elevation giving a 299 foot drop in elevation at 120 lbs of pressure.
Wingate Youth Program would like to acquire up to 700 gallons of water per day in trade for doing projects at the the ranch. It was approved.

Pavilions - Dave Turley - we need 3 - "I" Beams for the Pavilion
Door for Cabin #6 - There was a discussion on the many doors that are needed / in varying sizes. We will acquire thermatrue fiberglass doors with windows in them or weathermaster doors in 2011.

An item not on the agenda was brought to the attention of the Board and was discussed and voted on. The matter of the ranch trucks. To bring a pallet of concrete home from Cedar City took 2 tanks of fuel. It's not a good truck. Brent Fullmer has offered 2 trucks to the ranch:
A 93 Dodge that will get 20 - 25 mpg for $4000.00
A white Chevy stake bed dually for $1000.00
($2,500.00 in 2010 and $2,500.00 in 2011.)
A motion was made by Dale Clarkson, to buy the trucks from Brent and sell the existing trucks for $2,500.00 and $500.00. With a commitment from the budget of $2000.00. The motion was seconded by Ben Clarkson. The vote unanimous.

A motion to adjourn to an Executive Session:
Ben Clarkson moved to go into Executive session to review & discuss dues and review of voting policies. Kathy Duvall seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

The Board had an Executive Meeting immediately following.


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