August 10, 2013

DSR Ranch Headquarters


1. 9:00 a.m. Welcome - Pres. Dave Turley

Prayer - Nancy Brayton

Attendance: Board: Dave Turley, Shawna Cox, Dale Clarkson, Jodi Akers,

Ben Clarkson

Members: Nancy & Paul Brayton, Linda Alderman, Brad & Tammy Leavitt, Joe & Candy Boze, Larry Meltzer, Larry Baer, Patsy Clarkson, Robert Allen, Lynette Foster, Dustin Holland

2. Approval of June and July Board Minutes - Jody asks to have it postponed as her suggestions for corrections for June needed to be further discussed. The July minutes had not been read yet. (even though the minutes had been sent out for approval for the last two months within 3 days of the meeting they were still not reviewed and responded to).

3. Financial Report - Linda reported that we had $45,000 in the budget except for the bill

That is due Ahern for the Kabota work done. Jodi said there are $28,000 left to collect from dues.

4. Ranch Report:

A. Top Ten List - (weekly)

Well project finished

Paul - we have a leaking Hydrant needs repair - ACTION

Dale - someone left the gate open up the Meadow

Need a cattle guard at the Meadow Canyon Gate - ACTION

Lynette said there were 3 cows up on the airstrip. Dale - Cattle can go from the ponds to the upper gate. Some gates should be closed and others left open.


Paul has been hauling water out East and finding the cattle out, at Lick Wash.

Doug Hunt came out 1 day this week, stayed 2 nights and left.

Ben will contact Doug to see what’s up. - ACTION

Dave - Paul please post all pictures on the web. Also keep photos on line and on disks and computer for backup. ACTION

Nancy volunteered to do the Monthly News Letter. ACTION

(1) Top Twenty-five -

B. Daily Reports -

C. A Board Evaluation Report of Paul and Nancy Brayton for July’s performance.

Jodi will email out survey by Monday ACTION

D. Report and Discuss Insurance Inspection 8/5/13

Paul - met with insurance adjuster and everything looked great!

5. Board Member Duties

6. Roads and Fire Protection - Marc Cram (absent)

Dale - Main Roads should be maintained. Coal Road to Johnny Brown is a low

Priority road. Used mostly by ATV‘s. Need improvements from Fred Searles to Johnny Brown .

Ben - We need to drag the Grader Blade and pick up material and make the loop with a single pass but don’t spend much time on it.

Dave - John Deer or Grader Operator, Paul are you the best guy to run the grader?

(I am an English major not a heavy equipment operator).

Ben - If anyone has better ways to operate the equipment, please teach Paul. We must

Clean out and maintain, but build and not destroy it also.

Paul - I have talked with Larry Clarkson a couple of times and I maintain the equipment

(oil and repair). I will get Larry Clarkson to work with me when I am over by Slide

Next where Larry is working and I will spend time with him.

Ben - Biggest issues is not much work has been done.

Paul - I have run up Slide and the Coal Road have been covered in places by silt.

The North side of the road needs to be dug out with backhoe 10 ft.

Across from Meadow Canyon turn off about Lot #109, We need to get the water


Larry Meltzer - The culvert there is beat up.

Ben - Have we ever re-reimbursed Larry Clarkson for road work done many many times?

Jodi - We need a paper trail.

Paul - I will write a handwritten bill for Larry C. to pay his assessments.

Tammy L. - Found (4) Tires for the tractor and got them for the Ranch. Did you use them?

Linda - We already put 4 new tires on the Grader and we will use those for our backup!

Jodi & Board - Thanks so much Tammy & Brad Leavitt.

At Lot #239 culverts present but less and less dirt to repair road now. It’s eroding. ACTION

Suggestion to put tube in the leaky Grader New Tire.

Joe Boze volunteered to do Kabota Air Conditioning (that’s what I do)! ACTION

Linda - Kabota is in St. George still in repair shop.

Fire Protection: Vegetation by Cabin #2 needs to be a priority. Remove tree and limb others. ACTION

Good things. Every Cabin has water, 2 way radios, radio communications, water on hand to haul to fire. Fire alarms & carbon monoxide detectors.

Forest Service has Lifted the FIRE BAN.

7. Agriculture and Wild Life - Ben Clarkson VP - Dale has done water work to fulfill contract with Doug Hunt. Major concern was fencing the Springs off in the Meadow.

(already lost expensive cow). Fence was built very strong with posts, bolts & Nuts etc. around 2 acres with field wire. Required to be 100 ft. every direction from the spring.

Looks Great!!!

Upper spring needs to put the water in a pipe to run away from that area to be able to manage the water.

Ben - We did pick up seed in Cedar City and bought 2 bags of “Spike”. Paul will do a

Test spot by the Polly Wog Ponds to see how the Spike works. ACTION

Paul - How much would it cost to fly over that and take photos?

Dale - BLM has mulched & Shredded Trees & Brush and also fly over and seed it coming

In to Skutumpah.

Ben - It takes 1 year to see any changes. We will take photos before and after.

We purchased 500 lbs of Dry land pasture Mix but need another 200 lbs to finish it.

The cost was $2,700 total that included 2 bags of Spike. 2 bags can do 2 acres.

Can get it to $100 per acre.

Dale - You can plow the whole field and do the same thing for about $15 per acre using

Clark Lamb and his bulldozer.

Paul - There is a section above Broad Hollow that needs Spike.

Joe - Spike has been around for 50 years.

Ben - The active ingredient is 24D.

8. Water Resources and Management - Dale Clarkson - All of you may go look at

Fencing and see where we need fences. On the West side of the Meadow, below

Cabin #1 to the Wet Meadow.

Jodi - Is our part of the fencing for Doug Hunt done or do we have to build more fences?

Dale - We need more fencing done so Doug and maintain it. We need a cattle guard at

The SE corner of the Meadow. ACTION (Paul)

Ben - 2 or 3 board members should go look with Paul at the locations. ACTION (Paul)

East side of the Meadow below Crawford turn off. Taylor B. tore it out but it needs

To be tied in. It needs to be heavy and wide - Price It. ACTION (Paul)

Top 25 waiting for Price, Plan, and Money.

Next stretch of fencing is SE corner of the Meadow up above cabin. SW to fish

Ponds is complete.

Fire road from Cabin #1 done up the hill. Fish pond area is now closed in.

Leaf Spring is fenced and complete. E Barb and Net Wire Rest 3.

Jodi said she tested Leaf Springs and got 1 ½ gallon per minute.

Dale says it produces 5 gallon per minute and the water needs to be channeled.

Tank is full for the cattle.

Leaf Springs needs Spring Development ACTION (Dale)

Ben - We have enough water for the cattle now.

Dale wants to develop it for culinary and will provide a plan to the board soon.

Dale will report on what materials have been used and what might be left.

Need 16 feet.

Dale - We need shovel work done (make a ditch) at Leaf Springs. ACTION (Paul)

Work needs done by Findlay Cabin - Drain Ditches & Fence around it. ACTION

Engineers will come and advise what to do with water sources.

Black Knoll Spring work will be done by Dale personally on his own dime. Work

Was historically done by Dale White.

Dale - Doug has a bull in each area that he has to keep recorded. He has 3 separate areas.

Heaton’s bull got in last year and cost Doug 3 calves!

Dale motion: We amend the bylaws to go back to 5 Directors. It was changed in 2002 to 7 Directors and seems to run smoother with 5.

2nd by Shawna

Jodi wants to keep it 7.

Ben says to check the PC&Rs. ACTION (Ben)

Motion - Dale- All memberships have one vote (according to the By Laws)

Rights are being restricted if you don’t pay your dues. (Voting is a Right and should not be restricted). Example : If you do not pay your property taxes it does not restrict you from voting at the poles!

Tammy L. - Put a notice in the news letter on the currant PC&R’s and the proposed PC&R’s.

Ben - Only put in the HOT Topics and make it a multiple choice A B C D? ACTION (Linda)

Candy - The Board can’t change the PC&R’s.

Ben - The PC&R’s can be interpreted by the Board.

Dave - We like our representation or we don’t like it! We can use the ranch, but we don’t

Have to rent a cabin.

Larry Baer - Dale you would even let contractors vote!

Dave Motion - We as a board will respect the 3 or 4 kinds of electronic voting by snail mail, E mail, or Telephone polling of the board when we have not had a meeting and have matters to attend to.

2nd Shawna Cox


Yea: Dale, Ben, Shawna, Dave

Nay: Jodi


Who makes Management Decisions: Exec. President/V. Pres./ Secretary and Director over that Area.

President will make the decisions with input from Secretary and Board Members.

Dale waived damages done to his red truck by prior Ranch Management youth. Thank you Dale for your thoughtfulness and generosity!

Payment needs to be made for Labor and Materials to Dale & Dan Clarkson on Leaf Springs work and IFA.

Jodi - Kabota repairs, Cabins, Fencing work, and cattle guards puts us over budget.


Jeff - Kabota Repair - Bid $3,000 given to Dale. They should have called when things changed. Paul - Please keep on top of the Equipment ACTION (Paul)

Paul - Rhino - Troy Davis doing the repair - back ordered muffler.

Suggestion to Sell Rhino for $3,000 and by a used 4-wheeler

Van - needs help. Does keep the linen clean while traveling the dirt roads etc.

Ben - come see the truck at Color Country Auto

Joe Boze - will check on Kabota at Ahern in St. George. ACTION (Joe)

Larry Meltzer - Dr. Apt. on Monday and can stop by Ahern and check the Kabota and

Call Paul to let him know if it is ready to go. Ask them to throw in the old

Parts and haul it back to the ranch.

9. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox /Sec

August 10th Report of Nominations for the Annual Election of DSROA Board


19 Nominations Accepted: Lynette Foster

6 accepted Art Ortilani

6 no-response Shannon Millet

Jodi Akers

Robert Allen

Joe Boze

Annual Meeting: SEPTEMBER 21

Food: Nancy B. and Candy Boze

Activities : Shawna Cox

Entertainment: Paul Brayton will contact

10. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Dave Turley/Pres.

Candy and Joe Boze fixed cabin #1 and added a screen door. Added coordinating curtains, Shower curtains, towels etc. To the tune of $1,000 and never asked for a dime.

Dave and Board: Thank you Boze’s. I hope more people will be like that.

Linda - We need to have the Flooring in Cabin #2 redone.

Ben - Nancy and Paul need to make a running list of things needed at the ranch and posted at the Store or Ranch Headquarters for all to see. ACTION (Nancy & Paul)

Dave - Put a Big THANK YOU and explanation of fence needed in the Meadow in the

News Letter. ACTION (Nancy/Linda)

Dave - Dale puts in thousands of dollars to fix up and maintain the Ranch without even a

Thank You. We want to Thank him.

11. Legal and Finance - Jodi Akers/Treas.

Summer help - paid two kids for July help. Jodi will check on payments.

Jodi - I want invoices from Dale on the fence.

12. Ranch Communication & Reservations and web development - Ryan Dubinsky (absent)

Thanks to Vance for cleaning up of the web page so far.

Dave - Order two more radios for the ranch. ACTION (Linda)

13. Motion - Dave - To compensate the president for all the extra work and responsibilities in the amount of $500 per month. To begin in the next fiscal year.

2nd by Dale Clarkson


AYE: Dave, Ben, Shawna, Dale

Nay: Jodi

Motion - Jodi - Allow Ryan the cost of Pro rated Dues to Attended Meetings.

Dies for lack of second.

Jodi - Motion to Adjourn

2nd - Shawna

Vote Unanimous

Motion - Dave - Move into Executive Session

2nd Shawna

Vote unanimous

Motion - Ben Move out of Executive Session

2nd Dale

Vote unanimous

Motion - Ben - move forward with giving Linda a 10% raise this last qtr. If possible.

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