DSROA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Unapproved
Saturday, August 9, 2014
DSR HQ - 10:00 AM


Board Members Present:

Art Ortoloni, Joe Bosze, Jodi Akers, Robert Allen, Dale Clarkson, & Shawna Cox via teleconference

Staff:  Linda Alderman, Paul & Nancy Brayton


Others Members present:  Phil Hall, Brent Fullmer, Vance Green, Marcus Hamilton, Candy Bosze, Ron Benson, Patsy Clarkson, Larry Meltzer, Sharon Maas


2. Approval of June and July minutes

Jodi motions to accept the July minutes as she submitted.  

Robert Allen seconded:

unanimous yes


Jodi Motions to accept the June minutes as she submitted.

Robert Allen seconded:

Aye:  Art, Joe, Robert, Jodi, Shawna 

Nay:  Dale Clarkson


3. & 4. Financials Report - Jodi Akers

Budget not being followed - need to follow what has been suggested in the budget and follow it more closely.

Roads are maintained good this year, but next year we need to plan which roads need for culverts, roads, etc.

Paul says he believes we need many more culverts throughout the roads.

ACTION ITEM:  Linda states we need to start on the Coal road per the BLM contract.  Will take about $1000 to make it drivable.   


Budget sheet needs to be addressed - remove equipment we no longer have

ACTION ITEM: have Nyle Willis review & correct


Summary of financials -

  Overages & Categories to watch:

            Auto Expense Category (due to Kabota)

            Cabin Maintenance, Furnishings & Supplies - 

                        continue only with maintenance issues and              misc     supplies till end of year

            Fuel - almost at budget now. Watch spending

            Tools - stop any more spending unless critically                                         


            Fencing - stop for year unless critically needed


We have just enough income remaining to meet our budget requirements of the year.  No further spending on items that have not been preplanned in the budget, unless critically necessary.


Joe makes a motion to approve the financials - Art seconded

Aye votes:  Art, Joe, Robert, Jodi

Nay votes:  Dale

Abstain:  Shawna


Try to piggyback the dozer to come out for the Coal Rd.


5.  Ranch Report - Paul Brayton

Lot owners are coming in and filling 1000 gal tanks however our bylaws allow .45 acre feet.  One time someone took out 3000gl to water the road.

Add this to the water committee assignment

Bylaws state $100 per year to haul - water committee to work on that as well

Septic tank - there is an inlet, there's one closer to the fence which is an easier hookup.  on the south side of comfort station

Figure $10 - $15 to dump

Log books presented for review

Brush hogging done for the season

*Work on a 5 year plan to include chemical to use while brush hogging to stop the rabbit brush

Put about 10 hours on the grader since Mar or April

about 100 hours on Kabota since Jan

While  Phil had a grader out, he had the road graded too.

Wheel fixed on brush hog, 

A/C if fixed

Annual meeting - use an auction to pay for our Annual meeting - ask for donations

ACTION ITEM:  Tables need to be painted before the annual meeting


6.  Legal, Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Dave Turley

            not present


7.  Roads & Fire Protection - Joe Bosze 

Granite pit:  make separate piles for rock - one pile for free - another to pay

Still need to determine pricing for hauling out of the ranch

$2 per yard for hauling out of the ranch

MOU - since the MOU has been put into place - Joe was forced off the road a couple times , the area of the fishing ponds, ATV were making circle 8s, shooting down in the meadow.

New signs state Public roads going through private property.

ACTION ITEM:  We need to change the sign to read "Public access through private property". Needs to be larger as well.

Vance proposes signage and map.  Counties responsibility to do the signage. Should have had the sign up and in place prior to posting in paper.

Newspaper did not say it was a Public Road.

Update in the Kanab paper.

Dirk said if we have a problem, call the sheriff. 

ACTION ITEM:  Paul will get cameras around the ranch.  Get license numbers - if they are local, the sheriff will go visit them.

If we don't cooperate, we will lose access to the FS.

Dale states that over the past years, we have had almost no vandalism on the Ranch.

Joe will take care of signs with county

Put notice in newsletter to take pics, note day and time, get license number.


8.  Reservations & Web -  Robert Allen

Doing real good with reservations

Attorney for foreclosures on HOA - will review later


9.  Water Resources - Dale Clarkson

Scholzen statement received from Clarkson Investments for $4796.78 for Meadow Canyon Spring project.

Dale states he rec'd email that states he should not pay bills, but the Assoc. will.  (to note:  this stipulation was put forth in the contract between Clarkson Investments and DSROA.  Contract still in negotiations, so stipulations set forth in contract are inapplicable until such time).  Dale would like to wrap up the contract now, after the meeting.  I responded that we were waiting for Larry to return to work the contract.  


New member Marcus Hamilton asks whether we could get a system done on Half Moon Reservoir.  Can the land owners pay for the transmission lines and whatever is necessary to develop what is needed.  Is DSR going to pay for the solar system and pipeline, and Dale said no.

The planning of MCS project is pivotal to determine the process of new developments of future springs/sources.

Markus asks how long it will take to bring the water if the members there want to pitch in to do it.

Brent explained that once we get the necessary agreements together and dot our i's and cross our t's on the MCS project - it could be as early as next year.

Markus is leasing a lot from Dale.  The rights are different between leasing and owner. 

The ranch guarantees .45 ac - but you are not guaranteed water.  The water right allows you to drill a well, what may be eventually be a closed basin in the future.  But we don't guarantee that you'll hit water.

Dale - we have certain plans and logic to what we did over the past 30 years, he hopes they are honored today. The intent of the Bylaws was not to drill a well for the .45 acre feet.


10.  Shawna - Auction great and she will start working on it.


11.  Security, Public Safety & Communications - Art

A.  Report on lot 11 - removal of trailers - spent a whole week already, planning on coming out another week.  Art recommends sending a certified letter.  They need to make a date that it will be done.  Art will call them again on Monday.

Piggy back the dozer to come out and do this and charge  the lot owners the fee (we need out the dozer for Cole Road)

B. Paul & Nancy -  perhaps health insurance in lieu of retirement.    Have Paul look at the options.  Art and Sharon will help them.  Then Linda. Dave Turley to review.


Old Business:

Jodi - Dave made an agreement with Paul that he would pay half of the cost of the zip line.  He needs to honor his commitment.

a.  Dave to pay half of the zip line - Art will try to get something to donate to the Auction to make up for his share

yea - by Art, Joe, Jodi And Robert Allen

Art will work with Dave on that


b.  T-shirts - not approved by the Board, just brought up and paid for by the store.  We have not sold any in the last month and Jodi is concerned that they will not sell per the design.  

It was suggested to auction them off during the Annual meeting.


Brent - brings up pay for play and wants it on the ballot.

Let's put it in front of the membership.

Discussion ensures


Art motions to adjourn - Jodi seconds


Following the meeting, the Water Committee (Vance Green, Jodi Akers, Brent Fullmer, Robert Allen, Dale Clarkson) and others (Dirk Clayson, Joe Bosze, Candy Bosze and Marcus Hamilton) meet to discuss the contract between DSROA and Clarkson Investments.  No notes taken at that time, but Jodi has recording for anyone interested.


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