Ranch Headquarters
July 14, 2012

9 a.m.  Executive Meeting in Ranch House
9:30 a.m. Executive Meeting with Jeff & Evie- Ranch Managers
10:30 a.m. Board Meeting called to order – Marc Cram – Pres.
Those in Attendance:  Marc Cram, Ben Clarkson, Brent Fullmer, Jodi Akers, Linda Alderman, Dale & Patsy Clarkson, Shawna Cox
                                             Jeff & Evie Wingad ( managers )
Ben Clarkson reporting  -            Wingate Youth Program.
Shane Galliger – Owner / Operator. They have 59 boys plus some girls in their program not including staff.
They have 6 pods and stay away from other groups.  (they have a 2 month transition period) and have only had
A couple of runners a year.  They are more than willing to work with the Land Owners and Ranch.
They pay the BLM approx.  $46,000 annually to use the land.  Their office is across from the Airport in Kanab.
If anyone has a problem they should report it to Ben or the Ranch Managers first.
Maybe we could let them cross over our property and trade for some extra help with projects at the Ranch.
They will have to be co-ordinate with the Ranch Managers.
Linda will take Shane a Map of DSR.
                                Boy Scouts
We need help to clear land of wild Thistles – Scouts have helped do that before.


Theobolds volunteered to do a project we need done – If they could bring big loppers and cut ground cover
Growing over the roads to the ponds etc. would be wonderful.




Fence – Taylor Button and crew are working on the South Side.  We need about 2 miles more of fencing from the
Top end of the well field to Broad Hollow.  We would like to have cattle not by the ponds during the summer
Months.  Ben will talk to Doug Hunt and we will have the fences fixed to keep them out.
Jeff will build a pole fence around the vault in the well field to keep the cattle out. 


Planting -  We would like to disc and plant the well field with seed before fall.   Need to find out how many acres are in the
Well Field and ask seed company “Granite & Maple Seed Co.”  how much seed we will need and what setting we
Need to use on our Drill.


Jeff should work with Taylor Button to learn how to fix the fences and Jeff will also work with Larry Clarkson or Larry Meltzer to
Grade the roads.  Meltzer should be back this weekend.
Grader is being used by Alan Steed to repair roads while he is hauling gravel for members on the ranch.  He has been doing
The needed repairs to the grader in trade for it’s use.  Grader will be back for the Ranch use in 30 days.


Ideas – Keep trash in the metal trash cans with lids on and you can also put carpet tack strips on the outside ledges of your
Windows as they like to rest their paws on the window sills to look in, it will discourage them.
Evie will make sure flyers about the “Bear Country” will be in every cabin.
Members should be aware they we also have Snakes and Cougars on the ranch.  Just be careful, they have always been here.


Marc – The Title V application for Slide Canyon & Skutumpah has gone back to the County.  The county has retained the RS2477 rights on the
Skutumpah road so Shawna will talk to Commissioner Clayson about filing for Title V on Slide Canyon or not.  They have separate road numbers.
The old water line road runs up to cabins 1,2,3,&4  and someone has been driving up the road.  Members need to know that the water line
is very close to the surface and we should be careful.  Jeff will put some t-posts with barb wire up along the water line with flag ribbon to warn
them.  Also we need to haul some dirt in to cover over some of the exposed and shallow water lines we have along there.
Elections - There are Three Seats up for the September Election – Dave Turley, Dale Clarkson, & Shawna Cox who are all seeking re-election. 
Any new nominations of those who would like to run for the board must be submitted by July 31st.
Marc told Linda that there was a promissory note from the Braytons for $300 for the freezer they took from the ranch.  It was full of their
Meat and they didn’t want to have to unload it in boxes to travel that far.  Jodi was just wondering what the promissory note was for.
Managers -   Ranch Managers have been very concerned over the communication abilities (or lack of) at the Ranch.  They would like to have the Ranch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              purchase an Ipad.  Discussion ensued or pros and cons.  Jodi has purchased a new keyboard for the computer and will install it while she is
Here this weekend and then we will order a $99 new camera to replace the old one that is now working correctly.  More discussion
On the Top Ten List.  A white board will be installed on the wall of the Ranch house of the Boards Top Ten list of priorities for the
Managers.  List to follow.
Laundry  - Suggestion was made to purchase a front end loaded washer and dryer for the ranch.  Brent Fullmer did a cost analysis on the
Laundry situation and determined it would cost approximately the same amount to purchase the washer and dryer as it would to haul the
Laundry to town and do it there.  After the first year we would be ahead to have our own washer and dryer. 
Motion was made by Jodi Akers to purchase the washer and dryer with the understanding that when the laundry is maxed out there is still the option to do it in town in the case of time crunch and emergencies.  Seconded by Dale Clarkson.  All Board Members Presented voted unanimously.
Linda is the Ranch Manager Liaison
If cabins are left dirty by the owner or their guest they are charged a $50 cleaning fee or more depending on the situation.  Where does the
Fee go?    Suggestion was made to have an annual reward for the Cleanest Cabin Keeper Member!  That will be awarded at the Annual Meeting
In September.


We need to increase cabin usage and ideas have been discussed.
Last meeting in May the board passed a motion to have Linda get the password to the back office of the cabin rental web site for all board
Members so they knew who was in which cabin for a number of reasons.  Linda was concerned that there was private information on that site and would get with Vance to figure out how to hide that information.    Linda has not provided that information yet and to date has not and
For some reason doesn’t want to.  Discussion ensued and things got a little heated.  It was decided that we should take it to the  Members
to mark on their annual voting ballot if they would allow their names (only) to be viewed by the board of those who are renting the cabins.
Linda will put it on the ballots.
Water Resources and Management – Dale Clarkson. 
There are 16 water resources and wells on the ranch today.  Dale will prepare a list of 3 options for members to get water to their own lots.
There is a well head at the head of Slide Canyon.  We could put a solar pump for water on Lots 241 & 166.  Lot 190 would have to be a bailed
Well.  Lot 189 not worth getting water from.
Marc said there has been a water line break at Podunk or something because the water tank there is minimal and has always been full and over
Flowing for years.  They barely have enough to use at their cabins.  That means that there is no water in the tank for fire protection right now.
Ben said there is water at Leaf Springs.  Brent said he does have a clog and filling slurry.  Jeff said there was a white pvc pipe out of the ground
At cabin 4.  Brent said it was a fire stand pipe he put in.
Dale stated for the record that if emails are just chit chat and not a board decision to please leave him off the list.  It was decided by all board
members in attendance that we would only respond to those emails that are flagged “Important” or “Action Needed”.  To much wasted time
on emails.
Red Reservoir  head gate needs to be repaired.  It was approved last meeting for Larry Clarkson to go ahead and repair it.  We already put it in
the budget.   Dale will instruct Larry to go ahead with the work.
Dale suggested we form Cost Sharing Neighborhoods to do join improvements on our own neighborhoods.  Some have already been doing that.
There are 7 suggested neighborhoods:  (1) Head Qtrs  (2) Broad Hollow  (3)Meadow Canyon (4) Crawford (5) Johnny Brown (Podunk) (6) Slide Canyon.  This will be discussed further at the Annual Olympics and the Annual Meeting in September.
Dale has sold a number of lots recently and wants to put the money back into DSR for much needed improvements. A Motion was made by Dave Turley: to encourage Dale C. to create a Meadow Canyon neighborhood opportunity on the DSROA Inc.  The Pioneer Cabins Improvements (3 cabins), Cabins 1,2,3,& 4 30 year face lifts, Meadow corrals relocated, mowing of willows and wild roses, road improvements from upper ponds to the Forest Service gate.  He will keep the board informed of progress.  Seconded by Marc Cram.  Vote passed 4 to 1.
Ranch Activities – Shawna Cox
Last Tues, Wed, and Thursday July 10, 11,&12th  Doug Hunt had their family reunion and had the cattle drive.  Only a few DSR members attended.
Ken Lent was there.  Tuesday evening they had a dinner and music by Robyn Arnold (a professional musician) and very spectacular, performed. 
Robyn also performed after a wonderful dinner on Wednesday Night.  Don and Shawna Cox, Calie and Damien also attended.  It was terrific!
Shawna went back to Kanab and tried to call many locals to attend the next evening because Mr. Arnold was going to perform again but everyone was either out or didn’t answer their phones!  Too bad, you really missed out!  Maybe next year.
Please check you emails for our Annual Olympics Schedule.  It is planned for August 11th but looks like it will be changed to the 25th.  The board meeting is on the 11th. 
Facilities, Cabin Maintenance – Dave Turley
 There has been discussion on building smaller temporary pavilions  approximately 12’x25’ with 2 picnic tables under each for the cost of
$50-$100 each.  They will be located one at each fish pond and will be put up in August.  Dave will install posts to hold the mesh coverings and   
Use ranch gravel for the flooring.  All in attendance agreed.
Cabin 3 needs a new roof.  Jeff will measure the roof and contact Dave before he returns to the ranch in August so he can obtain materials.
Dave will also finish roof on Ranch house porch that was short of roofing.
Treasurer – Jodi Akers
Ranch Store profited $500 last year. This year is was agreed upon to just break even in the store.  She suggested that we use that money along with the extra money she and Linda found while going through the budget (something was budgeted twice), that can be used to do some of the needed improvements to the ranch house .  Good Job Jodi!
Shawna Cox motioned to adjourn.  Seconded by Dave Turley.
Go to Executive session.   Long Day!!!

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