Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

July 8, 2011, 4:00 PM at Zion's Bank, Kanab

DSROA Board of Directors Meeting MINUTES
4:00 PM in the basement of Zion’s Bank - 41 E Center St., Kanab, UT
Friday, July 8, 2011

1. Welcome - Dirk Clayson
Prayer – Dave Turley
Board Members Present: Jodi Akers, Ben Clarkson, Dale Clarkson, Dirk Clayson, Shawna Cox (late), Kathy Duvall, Dave Turley
Others Present: Ranch Manager Paul Brayton, Sec/Res Clerk Linda Alderman, Larry Baer, Robert Allen, Ken Lent, (by Skype) Vance Green

2. Approval of June Board Meeting Minutes –
Motion: To accept the June Minutes was made by Jodi Akers
Seconded by Dirk Clayson
4 votes to approve
1 abstention without correction by Dale Clarkson

4. Financial Report: Linda Alderman
There was a discussion to find extra funds within the budget. The money’s are already assigned to areas of need. Some assessments are slow coming in and may not come in at all. The Board decided that we need to be cautious on our spending for the rest of the year.

5. Roads and Fire Protection – Jodie Akers
A. Ranch road maintenance
1. Update on culverts
Paul traded 2 -12” culverts to Phil Hall for work done on the Crawford Road near his place. Photos were passed around.
An area near Fred Searles place collapsed onto the road. Alan Steed cleared the debris that blocked the road.
All the Meadow Canyon Road culverts are done.
After a discussion it was decided that the $7000.00 plus the cost of delivery and Allen Steed installing it would be more than the ranch could afford to do. Dirk said we need to take care of the Road Work for the Podunk People. It was suggested that 2- 6’ or 8’ tanks be purchased and cut out the ends of it to create the needed culvert 54’ long. Ben Clarkson will call about the tanks. Dirk asked Paul to talk to local equipment operators. Larry Clarkson is available.
#1 – Coal Road crossover should be done by Brent Fullmer.
#2 – Ben Clarkson will talk to Roger Holland.
#3 – Dale Clarkson will research tanks and Culverts.
Paul is to grade all the roads. “Get it done” – work the roads in the upper slide canyon area every week until they are done. Work a full day once a week.
Jodi Akers will file, (Brent Fullmer may already have filed) with the BLM for a Title V, Right of Way for the road from Meadow Canyon to Slide Canyon. This road is a necessary second outlet in case of fire in the Slide Canyon Area. He has all the information and is aware of what needs to be done.
Jodi Akers was asked to make a map and file for the road from lot “112 – “200. This road is erroneously known as “The road to nowhere.” It too is a necessary second outlet in case of fire.
Dale asked that the members write a letter to the County and thank them for the work already done on the Skutumpah. And ask that it be improved with gravel and - Dirk Clayson stopped Dale and said, “I will put on my County Commissioner’s hat for a moment here. The County does not have money for improvements at this time, only maintenance. We would love to have letters saying ‘Thank you’ from the lot owners, but I’m afraid no amount of requests or complaining for more than maintenance on the Skutumpah will make a difference. The County does not have the money. County road maintenance funds come from fuel tax and we can't use general funds to make road improvements. There may be other improvements as time and funds permit in the future. However, the lot owners along the Skutumpah can create a Special Service District to create a fund to improve the road with asphalt &/or oil if they so choose.
Don’t forget that the Skutumpah was the 1st road graded after the roads were released by the Court ruling. The Kane County road crew was out the very next day and graded the Skutumpah first. They do deserve a letter of recognition and thanks from the land owners for that.”

6. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox
Paul reported on the 4th of JULY gathering at the Ranch. Though the numbers were small they had a good time. There was a watermelon eating contest and seed spitting competition. Water balloon war and a good Barbeque with Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and pot luck by those who participated. There were member participants and others from Kanab that came out for the 4th of July activities, twenty five in all. It was a fun time.
August 5 & 6 will be the Annual DSROA Olympics - Rain or Shine.
The line-up of events will be: Friday night cook out. Camp out or stay in a cabin.
Paul has camp sites in mind near the air strip.
We’ll start with Breakfast with a pancake eating contest. Under the Rim Trail 4 wheeler trail ride. Bring your own lunch. Frisbee Golf. Preparedness fair. Chili cook-off. Corn hoeing. And more. See the web site.

There was a concern about appropriate activities at the Ranch, because of a report of Skidos, motorized water skies on the lower pond. Kathy Duvall lead a discussion on Proper activities on the ponds and on the Ranch in general. It was decided that the guidelines are in place and the Board didn’t want to over regulate activities at the ranch unless liability came into question or damage had occurred.

7. Update on water issues - Dale Clarkson
A. Meadow Canyon Springs
Jodi Akers initiated a long discussion beginning with her desire to revoke her vote to allow a private water system on Meadow Canyon Spring at the June 10 meeting. The vote will stand. As with other water system owners at DSR, Dale has permission, by approval of the Board of Directors, to move forward to develop a private water system at Meadow Canyon Spring including anyone who wants to participate, especially DSROA if desired. The Board of Directors has the power to ask questions and make a decision and be done. The discussion was long, but fruitful in that the Board decided, because of the Association usage of a percentage of the system, they would commit to participate in the project up until the collection box for the well is in place. Because of the proposed locations of spigots on Association land the Board decided they would provide 50% of the funding to be budgeted and paid in 2012. Any future billing due to usage would be divided by 50% as well. Dale will report back to the Board with updates and progress reports beginning with an Onsite Evaluation soon to be done by Thebeau Engineering of Kanab for $2760.00. (Not to exceed $2800.00)
Dirk Motioned:
"That we move forward conceptually on a 50 - 50 cost sharing basis with the
development of the spring in the meadow (Meadow Canyon Spring) with Dale Clarkson paying for the costs of that up front. With the Board being made aware of the costs and pre-approving them. DSROA will budget and pay their part in the year 2012.”
Shawna Cox seconded the motion
Vote was unanimous.
Jodi representing the water committee’s list of 10 proposed Guideline for Spring Development to be discussed at a later date.
Ben Clarkson offered to meet with Dale, Jodi and Ken Lent to help everyone Communicate better which seems to be a problem.
Jodi Akers offered to file for 100% of the run off water rights for irrigation on water flowing into Bear Spring & the Crawford Burn if she could be removed from the Road Committee. It was decided that the road projects were more important at this time, and this project would be put on hold.

8. Agricultural and Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
Gravel pit activities will be billed with $1.00 per yard for raw material to the Association and $ to the BLM. We seek not to regulate. The ranch gravel needs will be determined by Paul.

There was not much information on the Pavilion cement pad.

Taylor Button has been up at the Ranch working on the fences on the property line adjoining the Forest Service land. There is more to do and they will be communicating with Taylor to not exceed the $7000.00 budgeted for this project.

The extension agent told Dirk areas of the pastures on the ranch are ready for discing, mowing and seeding. The sunflowers need to be mowed. Paul said the cattle are eating some of it down.
ACTION ITEM: This is the Deadline for mowing willows and Roses.
Paul knows where Ben Clarkson’s seeder is, he can get it when the work is ready to be done. Ben’s 2012 Assessment on lot will be waived as a trade to the Ranch for the seeder.
A check from Hunt Cattle Company in the amount of $4000.00 was presented as part of the Grazing Fees coming to the Ranch for the Longhorns.

9. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Kathy Duvall
Kathy had a loose leaf binder with a list for each cabin showing dates of upgrades they’ve experienced. It will be an ongoing effort to keep a record of what has been done, the expenses accrued and what is needing to be done.

10. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson
Nothing to report.

11. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley
Nothing to report

12. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
The Fencing in lower ranch will be done in the Fall or over the winter months.
A Map with designated Pastures numbered for Board was not presented. Perhaps that will be organized for the next meeting.
A Cattle Guard at the Drift Fence area has been placed. 6 2x2x6 concrete blocks from Western Rock where placed under the cattle guards for support. Photos were presented. No wing wall is needed. The fence leading up to the cattle guard will need to be one that can be opened so cattle and horses can be lead through.
ACTION ITEM - Paul finish the cattle guard project with Joe Bosze’s kind offer to help. Place one at the ponds.
No report on County (Burt Harris) to get the cattle guard cleaned out on the Skutumpah.
The placement of the Cement Culverts was again discussed.
ACTION ITEM: Put the usable cement culvert at Hidden Reservoir access road and the road from Meadow Canyon to the Johnnie Brown area, then a third cement culvert at the ditch where the organic trash is being dumped.
Move unusable cement culverts into the cuts to stop the erosion
#1 Priority, near the Garden Cabin- needs to be done.
#2 Priority, in the well field.
Another discussion on the doors purchased from CR Doors in Springville which were not correct. They were measured for Pre-hung doors and were made as Slab Doors. They have not been exchanged or taken back yet. Dave Turley can return them up to Springville. Ben and Dirk said, “Let’s get that done before it is too late to do it. ”
Put linseed oil on the top of the posts and rails, before winter. Dave Turley suggested shingle oil. It’s cheaper for a large project and works well. Ben said, get a 5 gallon barrel and use a $10.00 pump spray bottle for the oil, then throw the sprayer away.
Ben said, Set up a drip system for trees to be planted at headquarters. Plant 10 trees in Sept or October. Larry Baer will have Poplar suckers this Fall that he will donate.
The Board said that comfort stop needs to be completed.
#1. Grade the roads
#2. Brush Hogging
6 hours in the upper meadow / 6 hours in the leaf spring area
Designate a day for grading and a day for brush hogging
#3. Get the Windmill up to headquarters.
The iron gate at the top of the ranch leading out on to the Forest is sagging and hard to open or close. Fix the sag and fix the latch so it works and doesn’t look like it is locked.
Motion to Adjourn by Shawna Cox
A Second by Dirk Clayson
The vote was unanimous.

A Brief Executive Session followed.

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