Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

May 14, 2010 at Deer Springs Ranch

Board of Directors Meeting Friday May 14th
At Deer Springs Ranch

Welcome by Board President Dirk Clayson

Those present, Dirk Clayson, Brent Fullmer, Ben Clarkson, Ranch Manager and Paul Brayton went on a Tour of the Ranch.
Items discussed:

1) Water issues South of Headquarters.
I.E. Water Rights, fix the reservoirs, cost of DSR.

2) Fence the well field to Lick Wash.
Fencing is a priority at this time.
Cows will be coming in June 1st.
a) Hunt to haul water to cows.

3) Stop the windmill at Half Moon Reservoir.
Windmill needs work.
Water is a Priority.

4) The Ortolani gate on Quarter horse Lane:
Send Mr. Ortolani a letter advising him that the DSROA Board visited the site and looked over the situation.
The gate must move this season.
It must remain open until it is moved.
The ranch suggests that Mr. Ortolani move the gate up onto his lot beyond the split (Y) in the road that goes onto his property and install the gate parallel to Quarter horse Lane, rather than across Quarter horse Lane.
A letter is to be sent to the owners of Lot # 150 suggesting that they purchase a culvert and the Ranch manager will install it to give them access to their lot from Quarter horse Lane.

5) Johnsons who have been cultivating the fields have not come to the ranch this spring yet.
The Board would like to know what their intentions are for the fields.
Johnson cows will not be allowed on the ranch unless a proposal is brought before the Board.

6) There is a lot of growth this spring after all the moisture we received this winter. Purchase Spike for weed abatement.

The Board returned to the ranch to continue the meeting.
David Turley, Shawna Cox and Linda Alderman joined the Meeting.

Earl Levanger, from Utah Forestry, Fire & State lands, presented the board with a proposal to clear out overgrowth that is posing a fire danger along the roads of DSR.
A grant could be obtained where the Ranch members would work in kind to match the funds offered to pay professional foresters to clear and cut back over grown and flammable brush for the safety of the ranch. 

A motion was made by Brent Fullmer that a prescription be written up by Earl Levanger outlining the dangers and what Earls crew could do to remedy the problem. The area from the gravel pit to the cattle guard near Broad Hollow will be the first area addressed. The board could then approve the prescription and apply for the grant to get the work to go ahead or not approve the work.. Dave Turley 2nd the motion and it passed unanimously.

A discussion followed with Mr. Levanger about the jeep trail from Broad Hollow to Slide Canyon. Considering it to be another evacuation road from the Slide Canyon area. Mr. Levanger suggested we talk to Kevin Cahill at the Kanab Field office of the Bureau of Land Management. He is the Fuel Fire Field operation Specialist. This plan should be approved by the Sheriff’s Office.

Paul Brayton reported the 40,000 gallon water tank that supplies headquarters will be postponed until August. The water tank delay is due to the contractors schedule being pushed out because we did not reserve his time before he scheduled other work.

Construction on Pavillions for member use will begin Saturday May 14. One large Pavillion will be in the Meadow and two smaller ones will be put up elsewhere on the ranch. Dave Turley is spearheading this project.

Work will also begin on a restoration of the barn at headquarters. Supplies have arrived.

Dave also delivered the mattresses bought up near SLC.

Website/Webmaster proposal by Vance Green was ratified by an initial motion by Dirk Clayson and a second by Shawna Cox and passed unanimously.

The building permit submitted by Michael Andrews and Mary Scribner Lot #285 was approved by the Board. A letter will be sent to them informing them of this action.

Shawna Cox moved that the meeting adjourn Dirk Clayson 2nd it and it passed unanimously.

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