DSROA Board of Directors Meeting

                                                      Saturday, May 4, 2013

At 9:00

Deer Springs Ranch Headquarters



9:00 a.m. Welcome - President Marc Cram

Those in attendance: Marc Cram, Shawna Cox, Dave Turley, Dale Clarkson (absent: Jody Akers, Linda Alderman, Ben Clarkson, Ryan Dudinsky)

Patsy Clarkson, Candice and Joe Bose, Brent Fulmer, Robert Allen, Kelly and Chris Church, Mike DuVall, Mike and Mary Andrew, Lee Bellar,

(Later-Lary Simms and an unknown young white male in his 30’s)

Marc motioned to approve the Feb. Minutes

Discussion - Needs a few changes first

Marc motioned to approve the April Minutes

Both were tabled until June meeting.

Financial Report - (Linda Absent) Jan. thur May 2013 P&L were handed out along with the Balance Sheet.


Care Takers Report:

Kelly - Has been waiting on getting water. The water lines were broken in the Ranch House and due to No Vehicle could not get to town to get parts etc. Did what she

Could in the cabins she walked to such as took inventory of the dishes and cleaning supplies needed etc. She cleaned the shower heads and washed windows.

Yesterday went with Marc to COSTCO and purchased cleaning and supplies for the store.

Water is now fixed and running in some of the lower cabins. Will do laundry as soon as the washer and dryer are hooked up or if need be will take them to the Laundromat in town.

Chris - Turned water on in lower cabins. Will turn water on in upper cabins in a couple of weeks as the weather warms up. Watering Lawns. Fixed Garden Cabin drains and fixed

the kitchen faucet. Cleaning up around Head Quarters.

1- There is a broken window in Cabin #10 on the North side. (Possible Bear)

Bear was spotted on the West side of the Well Field a few days ago.

2 - Cabins #7 & #8 are on line and ready for use.

3 - Cabin #6 needs a p-trap replaced

4 - Cabin #10 has a broken sewer line

Brent - Chris and I are filling upper cabins water system today. They should have water

By Monday May 6th. Should be up and ready for the first reservation on May 17.

Roads & Fire - (Marc Cram) Met with Kane County, BLM, and GSENM and got written permission to repair Monument Roads located on DSR properties. We will keep a copy with the minutes files.

BLM wants Earl Lavender (Fire Warden for Kane County) out to see about the chipping

the limb and trim areas in Slide Canyon.

Lou Pratt from the Kane County Roads Dept. will be receiving a letter from the KC Commission to close the issue on the Title V roads and be signed by the end of May.

Looks like the date might be extended.

Motion : Shawna - “The DSR purchase 4 of the 35’ x 5’ concrete culverts from Phil Hall (CULVERTS ARE NOT CONCRETE) (NEED TO PAY DALE FOR 2 AND PHIL HALL FOR 2)

In the amount of ($900.00 EACH) $1,000 each. 2 for Lower Slide, 1 for Upper Slide Canyon and 1 in Johnny Brown.

Seconded by Dave

Voting was unanimous.

Agriculture and Wild Life - (Ben Clarkson - Absent) Marc will visit with Ben about a couple of cows out of their rightful location.

Water Resources and Management - (Dale Clarkson) Working with State Engineer and Geologist on wells.

Ranch Activities - (Shawna Cox) - Brought lots of suggestions of inside and outside games that will be in a binder that will be kept in the Store for use by the members.

There will be rules and equipment to play the games stored there also. Such as corn holing, checkers, card games, hop scotch, kick the can, etc. etc. Members must check them out and sign for them.

There was much discussion about Friday night cook outs etc.

Motion: Shawna - To have Saturday Night Pot Luck dinners at the Head Quarters. Everyone must bring enough to feed his own family and guests but all will share

Around the campfire. Bring your own dishes. Will begin at 6 p.m. ends by 9 p.m.

2nd by Marc

Vote was Unanimous

Facilities and Cabin Maintenance - (Dave Turley) Need to replace Glass window in Cabin #10. Also fix the window in the Ranch House along with repair or replacement of

Glass in door of the wood stove.

We are waiting for the Gas Company to fill our propane tanks, some are totally empty.

Suggestion was made for Linda to check on the different prices between the two local propane companies.

Candy Bose said, “Cabin #1 has had water leaking in around the stove pipe.”

Bob Becker donated a mattress for cabin #8 has been moved there.

Robert Allen also donated a mattress today - will put in storage and use as needed.

There needs to be dirt shoveled away from the North wall on the Cow Palace/laundry room.

Chris will check for leaks in the upper cabins.

Brent said Chris did a wonderful job in winterizing the upper cabins last fall! There should not be very many problems.

Legal and Public Safety, Finance - (Jodi Akers) - Absent

Ranch Communication and Reservations, Web Development - (Ryan Dudinski)-Absent

Linda made a list of updated items.

Insurance people will be coming to physically see the ranch.

Dale said Matt Hunter is the owner or manager of the Insurance Co.

Ask Linda about landfill location and progress on the regulations.

PC&Rs still moving forward.

Lary Simms was hired to fix porches on cabins #2 and #8. Ask Linda why Lary Simms is painting cabin #1? According to DSR minutes we had an agreement for Chris Church to paint the cabins.

Marc reported that that Broad Hollow ditch is now cleaned out except for a little shovel work to clean out the culvert, but can now handle a flood. Nice Job Dale! Dale instructed Clark Lamb to

do the job while he was also working on the other roads etc.

Clark was paid for that in his last bill we paid of $2,100.


That is a very expensive piece of equipment and needs to be repaired. Marc will check with a Kabota guy in St. George.

Marc said the Kabota needs a really heavy duty trailer to haul it, it broke his heavy trailer when he hauled it in last time.

It was suggested that we have Little Diesel come out and fix the tires. We will have to check the price before we do that, it is very expensive.

We also need a good running ranch truck. This truck needs anther tranny and rear end..

Chris would like to purchase the old Green truck for trade work. Board agreed to sell Chris the green truck for $1,750 in trade work.

We need a 4x4 ¾ ton truck.

The Red Reservoir needs some repair work - very low cost.

Only one generator motor has been repaired. Most of the generators aren’t working any longer.

Marc suggested a big Time waster for the Manager is cutting wood for all the cabins.

It was decided that we would have the manager cut 1 ½ cords of wood for cabins needing wood but any campfires would require the members to gather their own and clean up dead wood around

the cabin they are staying in.

Interview of Price Johnson and Family for the Ranch Caretaker position.

Price was concerned about all the Politics he heard about on the Ranch.

He said he needs a Go To person.

His wife Kaydeen was there and their four children (3 girls and 1 boy).

They were questioned by the Board and then also those members who were in

Attendance also were allowed to ask them some questions.

The board will make a decision in the coming week about the Care Taker position.

The Johnson family was given a tour of the Ranch House by Kelly.

The Laundry is being set up behind the Ranch House.

Approx. 12:30

Motion - Shawna made a motion to adjourn

2nd by Dave Turly

Vote Unanimous



Top Ten list:

Water to the Upper Cabins and the Garden Cabin

Water lines fixed and upper water system checked

Winterize lower cabins this year

Hook up Washer, Dryer and Water heater

Need more firewood Now.

Fix Tractor and Grader Tires

Fix Well Field Fence

Shovel out culvert @ the diversion above half moon res.

Move dirt away from North side of Cow Palace and build ridge to divert rain water

Fix fencing for Doug Hunt areas

Grade the Roads

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