Addenda to April 12, 2014 Minutes
contributed by Jodi Akers, Treasurer

Board Members in attendance: Art Ortolani, Joe Bosze, Robert Allen, Dale Clarkson, Dave Turley, Jodi Akers

Members in attendance: Larry Baer, Bob & May Woolsey, Candy Bosze, Tom & Joan Davis, Patsy Clarkson, Brent Fullmer, Ken Lent, Lee Bellar, Paul & Nancy Brayton

2. Approval of March minutes - Jodi to add some corrections to minutes previously sent out by Shawna and submit to Vance for posting. Jodi will also will be submitting amended copy.

3. & 4. Financials Report - Jodi
We have collected about 88% of the assessments that we budgeted for.
Kabota repair is now over our budgeted amount for the year by a few dollars.
Dollar amount of the solar batteries installed at headquarters still needs to be transferred out into special projects. After this is done, we are pretty close to being at budget for headquarters.
DSR Ranch Managers Account & DSR Checking Account excel sheets sent out earlier in the week to Board Members. No comments or questions at this time.
Tom Davis - present for questions

5. Ranch Report - Paul
Opened up the store, and garden cabin (with water)
Culvert in the Podunk finished
Fencing around headquarters completed for now
Brush hogging around ponds, and meadows
Graded Meadow Canyon Road from ponds to the rock pit
Will go around ranch areas with Joe Bosze to see what areas to prioritize (roads)
Brent Robinson delivered some base - Crawford culvert too small for that area. Need a bigger culvert, dig out the silt, and make the road wider. Estimate about $1000 for equipment work @ $100 per hour and abt $800 to $1000 for materials. Would be cheaper to use our gravel from the pit. Need to re-channel the water. No more than $2000 for entire project. Need to make a decision.
1st year of 5 year plan - Podunk and Crawford

Podunkers came up with their own materials - our only costs was abt $200 for load of base. Good feedback on getting the job done quickly.
Issue of trade work with cattle guard - address via email.
Cabin 9 prepped for painting. Should begin painting next week.
Art stated the rate we agreed on $400. Dave says the $500 is a good price. Jodi asks Paul how much he has put in to the project, and he said just a little bit. Jodi makes a motion to pay $500 per cabin, with stipulations that they do 2 and we check it before they proceed, and Paul is only to oversee the work. Paul will determine approval to proceed ahead after checking out the work on the first two. Railings not included in that price, but holes are closed up.

Pump at headquarters for lawn not working - will be looking at it.
For Pierce to fix cattle guard, cost is $85 per hour so should run about $500.
Art makes a motion to approve the trade for completed cattle guard work to Paul's satisfaction for 1 year assessment on one lot.
Passed unanimous.
Paul picked up the flooring for Cabin 2 - Zach coming in over Easter Break do to the floor. Upper cabins open mid May.
Art asks that if any of the Board has questions abt what Paul is doing for the day - ask him or Linda

6. Legal, Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Dave Turley
A. Liability Release -
Dave talked to attorney. Advised not worth the paper it is written on. Dave talked to our insurance company and if we were to bring back horseback riding, they would carry their own outfitter policy. Jodi stated that if we ever did, we should also require the outfitter to add us as additionally insured on their policy. Shooting area is off the ranch, so we don't have to worry about that. Art asks Dave if we will be doing the liability release form and Dave said no.
B. Camp sites - place to put RV's - use cabin 5 site - later on put in a septic - will look at it today on the field trip

Renting out cabins commercially - Joe brings up we need
to get licenses, permits, cabins would have to meet safety codes, fire codes, etc.
Jodi states and Tom Davis verifies that if we start renting out commercially, it will end our Not-For-Profit Status. We would now also be liable to all government agencies for collecting taxes. Question as to whether or not we are a 501-C3, Dale does not believe we are, Jodi thinks she discussed this with Nyle Willis and that he stated we were. To check on that.
Patsy brought up a good point in that DSR has no time to rent out. Members possess the rental time.

7. Roads & Fire Protection - Joe
Joe submits invoice from fixing our grader from Phil Hall for $2000. Phil hauled grader to CO city or Hildale - had fuel system cleaned, broken belt repaired and other maintenance issues. Bill submitted is not the original bill, but repair shop made a copy.
Dale had told him that there was no charge to use the grader as long as a good operator worked it. When Alan (Steed) was done with his area, he would clean up MC road on the way back. 1/3 of the gravel was used on the road. Ranch was to take half of the gravel, but the Ranch didn't follow through. Individual lot owners paid for shares of the gravel that was screened. We need to pay Phil Hall something - table this to Exec. session to figure it out..

8. Activities, Agriculture & Wildlife - Shawna (not present)

9. Water Resources - Dale - Water Presentation
Water at the Ranch:
89-1496 HQ Well - perfected Water Right .80 acre feet (per year),
approved for culinary use
89-1263 Cabin - 5.8ac feet - Dale states this system is unapproved
- and questions when will the state will shut it down - could be this
year. Jodi corrects Dale in that although not a State Certified
System, we have documentation from the DDW that unless we
pass a certain threshold of use, the system is fine and not in any
threat of being shut down.
89-1497 1/2 Moon - 28 ac feet
89-1250 Oak - 6.37 ac feet by Val Cram - culinary
89-1264 Leaf - 4 total filed personally on that spring for 1.73 acre
feet for culinary & agriculture
89-1259 Meadow - 134.4 ac feet
89-5 Broad Hollow - 246 ac feet
89-9 Well Field - 422 ac feet - irrigation
89-17 Podunk - engineer says still on the books and still good, 135
acre feet. None of the water rights in Podunk are authorized for

Water right up above Broad Hollow
The ranch has abt 70 - 75 water rights, old and new
Wells - abt 20 wells drilled on the property
Well logs on abt 10 - 15 wells that have been drilled
A canal coming out of Crawford to a reservoir site
A 1/2 dozen water systems at the ranch
Upper Cabin system
Johnny Brown
Phil Hall's
DSR Headquarters
All facts come out of State of Utah Judication book
All water rights are listed under DSROA
The area here is still open for wells. Anyone can file .015 or 1.73 acre feet (0.15 just different way to measure)
The first 20 years at DSR, no one had water. We first gave out 1/2 acre feet. Now homes/lots should have .45 ac feet and this comes from the existing water rights of DSR.
In 2010 and 2011 Dale & Larry worked on the old Findlay irrigation system.
Suggested cleaning up MC spring area to who ever was interested in developing that Spring. Dale was interested because he has 5 lots it could serve, but there are abt 40 other lots that could use it too.
Dale recommends Meadow Canyon for 10 connections - that would serve Dale's 5 lots, and sometime in the future, we have other hookups - faucet at corral, faucet at Findlay Cabin area, at the grove, at the fish ponds - plan on a commitment for 10. Out of the 134 acre feet - take 10 acre feet and use for culinary. Leaves 124 for irrigation and livestock.
Broad Hollow - Dale recommends that 10 ac feet go culinary (to furnish 20 water hookups for the 20 lots in that neighborhood), would leave 236 ac feet for irrigation and livestock.
The well field - 10 acre feet
The water over in Podunk, Dale originally thought was useless. 12 acre feet, not on DSR, but it's on the BLM.
Dale met with state engineer 2 - 3 weeks ago.
Can not get a filing on a wet water set (like a spring) but can move the point of diversion. So we could move that into a new water source.
Above Val Cram's, there is another spring called Mud springs, move the point of diversion of Podunk to Mud springs.
Dale went to file on Leaf springs - they will not accept anymore filing on surface springs.
Candy asked what it would take to make it culinary - Dale explains a long list - the Division of Water Rights and Utah Dept. makes the regs that we list..
Dale asks whether we should we follow the state rules or let the members determine how we are going to develop.
Dale thinks Leaf Springs could be done for $50,000
1/2 Moon - he guesses abt $25,000
Use neighborhoods to fund the projects
Joan asks Dale abt what he said concerning water systems - Dale becomes a water company - those who hook up, they pay him? Dale said he is not interested to be a water company. The users have to own the water company.
Bob Woolsey asked about well in Slide - on private lot and is a private well.. Bob stated that he understood that it was not a good producer and Dale agreed. Dale says the pipeline is in for 6 - 7 lots, and that he (Woolsey) has the right to hook on. The pipe goes to the dip. It's up to the member to get it to the lot.
If under 15 connections, those who want to improve the water - they go in together. Dale has a permit for 3 more test wells. Had a water witch in 3 times before. Would like to drill another well higher in Slide Canyon to hook up to that system.
A person can drill a well and serve up to 4 people.
Larry Baer states there is not water under every foot at DSR. There are some lots that don't have a drop on it.
Engineers J. Mark and Hershberger out of U of A did reports.
J. Mark said that in this cove - (just west of lot 160), a well in that area could generate 3000 gallons of water.
There's a water right at Oak and down at the bottom - Board to vote and deed it to those in Podunk. DSR has no reason to keep those water rights.
End of Dale's presentation.

10. Security, Public Safety & Communications - Art
Our right-of-ways will be signed (that have expired) We will get the
right away for Slide. Phil Jessop did most of it.

11. Reservations & Web Development - Bob Allan
What we can do to get more reservations and more use out of the cabins. Talk with members, and getting good feedback. We are 1/2 way there on reservations expected.
Art asks how address book is coming. Bob still working on it.

12. Old business:
Art has 21st of June 1997 minutes - Dale has offered provide one year of minutes at a time to scan. Art will get that done.
We need to get the unapproved minutes online to have all minutes caught up. Art and Jodi will do that. We put the meeting minutes on line even though they are not approved. We can approve later and note as such on the website.
Bob Woolsey - great job to Paul on solar install in Cabin #7. And cabin looks cleaner as well and great new set of pots and pans that a member would actually look forward to cooking in! Nancy stated that 6 cabins got new pots and pans this year. Cabin 8 to get solar next year.

Art motions to adjourn - Jodi seconds
No Executive Session

After the meeting, Members of the Board and some other Members joined in for a field trip to review the Ranch Roads and Water Resources. Board Members present were Art Ortolani, Joe Bosze, Dale Clarkson, Bob Allen, Dave Turley and Jodi Akers. Others to include Brent Fullmer, Paul Brayton, Bob & May Woolsey and Patsy Clarkson. Checked on roads in lower and upper Slide, and stopped in at Meadow Canyon Spring to review.

Next meeting May 3rd, at 10am at the Ranch Headquarters

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