APRIL 14, 2012

At Deer Springs Ranch


Called to order at 9:15 a.m. - Pres. Marc Cram.

Prayer - David Turley

March Minutes read on line were approved Unanimously

Those in attendance:

Board Members: Marc Cram, Dale Clarkson, David Turley, Shawna Cox.

Others: Larry Meltzer, Larry Clarkson, Patsy Clarkson.

There is over 4” of snow here at the ranch and more up on top so Jodi Aiker, Linda Alderman didn’t drive out from Kanab.

The board spent hours on interviewing some very capable and wonderful applicants all day yesterday in Kanab. By about 6 p.m. they finally arrived at their #1 pick


Jeff and Evie Wingad were offered the job and they accepted last night.

Financial - No Report

Fire - Brent Fulmer is working on Community Fire Plans. He is applying for a grant and needs the plan before they fund. They determine funding by risk assessment and DSR is high on the list. Brent said we also need to do a risk assessment of our own.

Dale C. spoke to Earl Lavanger (county fireman) about help with slide canyon.

Brent said Ole was cutting posts for Phil Hall and left a lot of slash by the road. Brent will talk to him about that because Brent wants to use it for his own fire wood as he cleans it up.

Larry Clarkson submitted an invoice for Road Grading, ditch cleaning and water control for $750.

A MOTION was made by Shawna Cox that The Board Authorize Brent Fulmer, Larry Clarkson, Larry Meltzer and all Active Board Members to submit invoices to the board for re-imbursement of emergency or time sensitive issues without prior board authorization for any amounts not to exceed $1,000.

SECONDED by David Turley

Passed Unanimously

Brent reported a Grey Ford PU that was staying in a cabin was driving around mud bogging on the ranch roads and tearing them up.

Dave Turley suggested we put a notice on the front page of our website stating “Recreational mud bogging and wonton destruction of the roads will be a fine of $100.” More Discussion ensued.

A MOTION was made by Dale C. “The computer password to the back door of the reservation system should be available to Brent Fulmer (caretaker), the on site managers and all board members.”

SECONDED by Marc Cram.

Vote was Unanimous.

Marc will instruct Linda to change password on reservation system and to pay Larry Clarkson for Invoice #10001 for $750 as mentioned above.

Pasture rotation and grazing needs are to be coordinated between Doug Hunt and Ben Clarkson.

A MOTION was made by David Turley: Marc wants the record to clarify the previous motion that was made (at an earlier board meeting) and approved for the recreational spot that is North East of the Red Reservoir can be used by Dale Clarkson to erect a pavilion at his option!

SECONDED by Shawna Cox

Vote was unanimous.

Water Resources -

The Board Instructed Larry Clarkson to secure the 2 or 3 head gates at the Red Reservoir immediately before any damage is done. They have been blowing back and forth in the wind and will be a huge problem if they work loose or break off.

Larry Clarkson will also attempt to have a water report by next months board meeting.

The Board will ask Linda Alderman to get some more laminated maps for the cabins as they are missing from the walls of some of them.

Dale is waiting for the weather to dry up a little before sending out the engineers to finish doing the assessment and reports on the Meadow Canyon Spring.

Brent will meet with the new Ranch Managers, Jeff and Evie when they arrive sometime next week and show them the ropes.

We have already begun our Priority List:

1) Fix the Ranch House so they can move in by May 15th.

2) New Managers will be staying in Cabin #8 until that time.

3) Permanently fix the vault where the pressure reducer valve is located so no more freeze ups.

A MOTION to adjourn by Marc Cram

SECONDED by Shawna Cox


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