Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

March 11 2011, 4:00 PM, Search & Rescue Bldg., Kanab

DSROA Board of Directors Meeting MINUTES
Friday, MARCH 11 at 4 PM
at the Search and Rescue Building in Kanab

BOARD MEMBERS in attendance: Dirk Clayson Ben Clarkson, Brent Fullmer, Dale Clarkson, Kathy Duvall, Dave Turley joined us later. ABSENT – Shawna Cox

OTHERS in ATTENDANCE: Linda Alderman - sec/res clerk, Paul & Nancy Brayton – Ranch Managers, Larry Meltzer, Larry Baer, Larry Clarkson, Bob Allen, Taylor & Barbara Button, Patsy Clarkson, Mike Duvall, Joe and Candace Bosze.
Clint Grey, Jodie Akers, Vance Green

1. Welcome by Dirk Clayson
Prayer by Paul Brayton

2. Approval of February meeting Minutes
Motion to approve by Ben Clarkson
Seconded by Dale Clarkson
Vote - Unanimous

3. Areas of Responsibility:
Review of board member assignments.
A. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
B. Ranch Activities, Finance - Shawna Cox
C. Water Resources and Management - Dale Clarkson
D. Agricultural ad Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
E. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Kathy Duvall
F. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson
G. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley

4. Financial Report: Linda Alderman

5. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
A. Ranch road maintenance projects have not begun there is a lot of mud now due to a lot of wet storms, but we can see where culverts and work are needed.
1. Culvert placement project
2. Reestablish ditch around lower cabins to Polliwog Ponds.
3. Repair the minor amount of road damage along the roads.
4. ATV road that parallels the ranch road. To be used by ATVs, Mountain Bikes and Snowmobiles. Unfortunately Snow has prohibited work on this trail
5. Drainage issues along Meadow Canyon.
6. Johnnie Brown
B. Fire Protection
1. Emergency number on website was fixed a couple of weeks ago.
C. Paul will purchase fuel for the ranch while prices are relatively low. We also need to contain the fuel tank near the well. We will put a heavy membrane under the tank to meet code.

7. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox
A. Activities Posted
1. There will be a Family Camp Out on June 1st. More information will follow.

8. Update on water issues - Dale Clarkson
There was nothing to Report on Water by Dale
A. Leaf Springs
B. Water System expansion, vault.
C. Irrigation Management - references
1. Water Management of Polliwog Ponds
2. Water Management of Red Reservoir
3. Water Management of Half Moon
4. Water Management of Hidden Reservoir
5. Water Management of fish ponds
D. Dirk reported that the Dept. of Water Rights received the changes for 89-1259 & 89-1260 and the address and contact information records have been updated.
Dirk took this opportunity to discuss the follow-up with the DWR regarding the resubmitted Headquarters well (89-1496) to update the water rights for beneficial use and to modifying. Dirk had a good visit with the DWR. They want to come in to the Ranch to see if the changes were made that was discussed at their last visit – they expect that there will be irrigation and that the other changes will have been made. Photos will not be enough to satisfy their expectations. U of U has suggestions of what we could use to reseed the fields.
The DWR wants to know;
1) Have we done what the Change Order by the engineers said we needed to do?
2) Would we put the balance into irrigated ground?
If we do not plant and irrigate this year it will not be a big problem But we will HAVE to next year. It was suggested that we broadcast Rye Grass, Maple Leaf Seed has the Rye grass seed, harrow it and water it- Dirk wanted to know if we will be able to use the irrigation well? Terry Smith form Rural Water Users will be out to look over the well’s network. Larry Baer said he water underground is separated from the new Drinking water well. There are multiple zones – will we be in the right zone is the question. Brent said we have a backflow preventer near by if we use the domestic water well.
*Action Item : Find out if we can use the irrigation well to irrigate. We can use the pump we have, but a professional needs to pull the old pump out of the well.
Dirk asked, “Who will volunteer to read the 4 page change order document to make sure we are in compliance with all that was ordered?” When no one volunteered, Vance Green took up the challenge. He read the 4 page proof and reported back to the Board.
The water rights - 80 ac ft of water (required to irrigate 20 acres of land) was changed to convert some to domestic use leaving enough to irrigate just under 20 acres of land. The Engineering firm that went out and did the verification state now they want to come out and verify use.
(1) 1978 (2) 2002 (3) 2010 were the 3 water rights.
3) Vance - investigate change application to see if there is anything to prepare for their visit. In 1987 Martines Lot # 153 were separated from that right.
4) Brent - Look to get well in shape for use.

*Action Item: The Board authorized Paul to order 400 lbs of Annual Rye grass seed for the well fields. To harrow, then broadcast and re-harrow at 20 lb / ac or 20 acres = 400 pounds.

E. Page 7 of the copy of SPP was sent to Vance for electronic filing.
F. Bring a proposal to create new lots from common grounds to bring in money to the ranch. Dale reported that he has a map and he felt that this is a practical way to raise money for the Ranch but dropped any further action on this issue because of disagreement among the members about this issue. Dirk asked “Does anyone want to further this Proposal?” No one did and it became a dead issue to be taken off the agenda.

Note: Dale Clarkson was called out and had to leave the meeting due to a family emergency.

G. Appoint a committee to write a Master Plan to give guidance to Meadow Canyon Springs Project. Dirk read the last line from the proposal. “I suggest the appointment of Jodi Akers, as Chairman of this Committee, with Mike Duval, Phil Hall, Vance Green and Brent Fullmer being asked to assist in formulating the needed Master Plan.”
A letter was presented in response to this proposal to appoint a committee by those who were named. It is as follows:

To the DSROA Board and Clarkson Investments:

We find the proposal to create a Meadow Canyon Springs
Water System Committee to guide the development &
construction of this valuable Ranch asset to be an
excellent idea and a very positive step in the right

In order for the Committee's findings and recommendations
to have any credibility, we must erase any perception
that this project will preferentially benefit a select few.
Simultaneously, we must make the case that when constructed
in a professional manner, the Meadow Springs Water System
will be of great benefit to all members of the DSROA.

To ensure that this happens, the Board must rescind its
past vote allowing Clarkson Investments to proceed with system
development and construction.

The Meadow Canyon Springs Water System Committee will begin
work, in a timely manner and in good faith, immediately upon
a positive vote on a Motion to Rescind the current blanket
permission to proceed given to Clarkson Investments at the
February 11 Board Meeting.

Agreed to by the entire proposed Meadow Canyon Springs Water System Committee

Brent Fullmer
Vance Green
Jodi Akers
Phil Hall
Mike Duvall

Brent motioned to move forward on the letter as read.
Kathy Seconded the motion.
A discussion followed before the vote. It was suggested that the Motion be split to
1) rescind the last proposal
2) motion to get a committee to build a new proposal.
Ben asked for Clarification. Ben expressed frustration over the tension among the members. With this committee the hope is that we can move forward. Mike Duvall said let’s start over and get it documented and create a plan all can agree with and move forward. Candace Bosze said, “This association should be involved in the allocation of this much money on this very important project.” Jodi said, “Form the committee, find out the finances present it to the membership for a vote.” Clint grey wants more definition of the project than what was presented at the last meeting. Brent expressed ALL Agree that Dale is the best person to spearhead this project with a contract and a written plan that all can see. Ben clarified the situation - water rights were never in question – the improvements are subject to time. Dale can do a lot of the foot work. Dale’s proposal to split the water right is very legal and right. The project will be a multiple year process. Please be patient with Dale’s impatience.
Candace said it was just too much of a shock to have this dropped in our laps.
Larry Baer said every member can claim .45 acre of water rights.
There is no financial obligation to the Ranch. Dirk Clayson said if any member called up their claim on the water rights we would move forward on the proposal. Dale told us he would give updates. He suggested this new committee. We don’t want to loose Dale’s expertise and we will loose him if we rescind last’s months vote. Kathy suggested they open the committee to more who want to help (that was voted against) Mike Duvall said we need to step back and plan, write a management report and move forward. Ben said a step back will discourage Dale’s participation.

Brent created a motion for a new resolution;
“That we rescind the vote of the February meeting and go forward in resolution form, with Dale Clarkson as the committee head and a committee as stated and open to any on the ranch to help in committee form. The committee is to vote on a chairperson. This committee will be specific to the Meadow Canyon Project with the hope to grow to other projects.”
Vance said this will be the biggest project on the Ranch and we just need to treat it as such. This is Business. Ben quoted from “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen R Covey’s son and said this board has built some trust with the membership and asked that we try to trust that Dale’s motives are pure.
A request was made for a time frame
Brent amended his resolution that the committee will be open minded, but no new members to the committee. The committee’s powers will be advisory.
The revised resolution was seconded by Kathy Duvall
A roll call vote was called (Dale being absent) and the new resolution was passed unanimously.

9. Agricultural and Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
A. Willow mowing
B. Seeding Experts at the U of U Extension have advised that we should have seeded last fall but we can seen now to have a crop. But we can not wait. We need to acquire a grain drill and can borrow one from the BLM but we need to spray of mow the sunflowers first.
C. Fencing – Taylor Button has had a discussion with Dirk about some changes in location of the fence. Fencing will begin when weather permits. Paul asked for a wider deck for the brush hog – it was denied.

10. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Kathy Duvall
A. Meadow Canyon Spring affirmative vote retraction. (See Item 8 G.)
B. Headquarters Clean-up activities/projects.
C. DSROA will have two Clean-up Weekends April 8-9 & May 13, 14 & 15. We plan to have a Friday night Bar-Be-Que/Pot Luck Dinner, Activities headed up by Shawna, Cox, we’re hoping to formally introduce the new ATV/Snowmobile Trail and have several clean-up activities written up for all to help. Young and Old alike.
D. Trading of products from Kathy Pierce to improve the facilities at the ranch for her assessments on lot number 023 was discussed.
Dirk moved that Kathy Duvall move forward as a Board Member to obtain the products for the ranch.
Seconded by Ben Clarkson
Vote was unanimous
E. Storage Container for the ranch. A discussion followed that the container approved in the budget be obtained from Alan Steed or Val Cram for the ranch. Mike Duvall, DSROA member will continue to work on this project.
A motion was made by Dirk to obtain a container for up to $3000.00.
It was seconded by Ben Clarkson
The vote was Unanimous.
F. Fencing at Headquarters. The Fence is down in front of the house and the playground. It was decided to put a rock and post fence up to delineate parking. We have no need to keep the animals out except to have a fence for the dogs to contain them to the back yard of the house.
1. The cedar posts at the entrance gate will come down and no fence will be in that area to accommodate large trucks coming into headquarters.
G. The Comfort Station - Larry Meltzer will donate some hours and help with the reconstruction of the Comfort Station. After discussion it was decided that the bathroom area in the bunk house will become part of the comfort station with an exterior entrance allowing for a new shower/tub area with a toilet and the separate toilet area already delineated, giving us the option of 2 toilet facilities.

11. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson
A. Update on county zoning – Status Quo
B. Update on county roads – take off action item list
C. It was found in past meeting minutes that Corrections for deed restriction to allow 2 cabins per lot was authorized several years ago. Past Board Chairman Larry Baer affirmed that in this meeting. DSR’s attorney is now working to write the new Restriction. It will then be recorded.

12. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley
A. Dave brought a survey with 35 questions for the Board Members to approve but has had no feedback addressing cabin usage. It was suggested that we give a weeks free cabin time to respondees. Further action on this was discussed.
B. Create a proposal for buying cabin time by paying members assessments.
C. Create a cabin time pool. Ben suggested that members who wish to rent out their cabin time be directed to Craig’s List, Ebay or FRBO (For Rent By Owner) website and list their cabin time. Rather than create a first come first serve list on our own website. Dave asked that Ben write it up for the newsletter.
D. Cabin rentals - marketed to the public? Continue as is on reservations. No change

13. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
A. Fencing / cattle guards – Paul found a cattle guard for $500.00 in Johnson Canyon, Dirk said “Buy it”. Paul reported that his efforts to make the cattle guards has not been successful. Joe Bosze spoke up about the welding of the cattle guards. Joe is a professional welder and has taught welding and is now retired. He offered to train Paul and help with the effort to put cattle guards together for the ranch. Joseph Woods was going to make cattle guards for us a long time ago and has spacers and rods that Joe Bosze cut for that purpose. Paul will track down Joseph Woods and acquire the parts then Joe Bosze will help Paul learn and make the Cattle Guards.

Dale returned to the meeting and was filled in by Linda on where we were in the meeting and by Dirk on what he missed. There was some repeat discussion. Then Dale asked for a moment to affirm that he does not want to replace the Braytons. He said they are doing a marvelous job of hosting for the Ranch. His concern is that much of the Ranch work is not getting done as he felt it should. Brent Fullmer said he was witness to the statement by Dale that he was wanting to replace them and had someone in mind to do so. An in depth discussion followed wherein the two parties were not in agreement.
The Board is training the Braytons to meet the Board’s expectations through Brent’s efforts. Dirk made it clear that the Board is reviewing, NOT “testing to terminate” the Braytons. Dave Turley agreed and said “It’s all good”.

Kathy Duvall moved that the meeting be closed and the Board move to an Executive meeting.
Dave Turley Seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.

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