Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

February 12, 2010, Comfort Inn, Kanab

February 12, 2010 MEETING
at Kanab Comfort Inn
at 1:00 pm

1. Welcome and Introductions by Dirk Clayson DSROA Board President
Present at meeting: Board Members Dirk Clayson, Ben Clarkson, Brent Fullmer, Shawna Cox, Ed Belinski,
Absent: John Harris, Dave Turley
Also Present: Paul Brayton Ranch Manager, Linda Alderman Ranch Secretary, ____________ DSROA Member

Prayer by Shawna Cox

2. Approval of January meeting Minutes -
Motion to approve January 2010 meeting minutes by Brent Fullmer
Second by Ed Belinski
Vote was unanimous

3. Areas of Responsibility:
a. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
b. Ranch Activities, Finance - Shawna Cox
c. Water Resources and Management - Ben Clarkson
d. Agricultural ad Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
e. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - John Harris
f. Legal and Public Safety - Ed Belinski
g. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley

4. Financial Report : Linda Alderman

5. Update on water issues - Ben Clarkson
At this time Ben is making an effort to correct the public record and addresses and of all the DSROA water rights.
There was a motion made by Ben Clarkson that Ben Clarkson and Dirk Clayson sign the change of address forms on the water rights as prepared by Jodie Akers.
It was seconded by Brent Fullmer
Vote was unanimous.

Water Systems repairs and Leaf Springs Water system expansion will be explored further when weather permits.
A bid was sent in by Dave Turley from Fab-Seal Industrial Liners for a 40 mil. Potable Water Bladder, cost, $7,250.00 for liner and hardware for the large water tank. This seems to be the most cost effective choice for long term corrections of problems with the water storage tank. it is 45' long and 13' wide. There was a discussions expressing concerns. Dave Harris had put in extensive effort to research a coating for the inside of the tank that would line the water tank like a swimming pool but would require the tank to be sand blasted. Ben will be checking into acquiring a potable Bladder as soon as possible, so it will be ready for the May opening of the Cabins.
Ben reported on the presentation to The Water Conservancy and their approval to work with DSROA this year at no charge. A formal agreement will be worked out. It was also Agreed that Paul Brayton should still finish training and test to obtain his water system operator certification.

6. Agricultural and Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
Fencing needs included a discussion on Electric Fence. Gallagher chargers - $350-$650 Higher Jewel rating will allow for use fiber cable. Dirk suggested that the ranch use T-posts with insulators instead of short plastic posts. It will protect the fence from shorting out which can shorten the life of the charger.

7. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
Because of heavy snows and now warmer weather conditions, the Skutumpah is in really bad shape. There are deep mud holes and the road is best traveled in the early morning or late evening when the road is frozen. A discussion - the BLM will likely give emergency approval for us to blade the road when needed. We need to submit additional documentation to accompany the title 5 application that was previously submitted.
The County Commission is optimistic that the courts will reverse a decision that did not uphold the County's jurisdiction over the Skutumpah. The membership is encouraged to continue to write letters to the BLM.
Snow Removal has kept the roads in the lower ranch open and usable. The drifting has been kept at bay by Paul and the ranch equipment.
Brent tested a Snow Cat and suggested that the Ranch get a Snow Cat to groom the roads for Winter Activity.

8. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox
There are some great spots for sledding at the Ranch, Cross Country Skiing, Snowmobiling, and other winter activities.
Anasazi ATV ride fees through the ranch for 2010 brought in $140.00 to the ranch.
Shawna will be looking into Desert Foxes motorcycle races.

9. Legal and Public Safety - Ed Belinski
Our Insurance will not cover Title V work on road.
Lawsuit about Donkey has been settled. No liability, no fault, done.
Dirk reported that a Liability waiver will not work as a blanket waiver only if it's a specific liability protection such as insurance is offered and then waived. Paul would need to email ATV for the board to look at to see if it should continue to be used or modified.
Linda reported on the gate on Quarterhorse Road. When weather permits, Paul will go in and straighten the road past Ortalani's lot to lot 150 and the gate will come down.
In the meantime a key must be provided to Paul.
Paul to look into purchasing several Dead End Road signs for the ranch one to be places on Quarterhorse Road.

10. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
Paul reported on bed frames and box springs that have been purchased but need to be picked up near SLC. It was decided that will have to wait until weather is better and someone will be heading that way and can get them.
Paul wants the ranch to buy Larry Meltzer's snow mobile a '92 Polaris.
Paul has been working on the tool shed to organize it. The porch cover caved in under the snow load.
There was discussion about redoing the Ranch House roof.
And discussion about putting down Visquine to keep the water away from the foundation of the cabins.

11. Corrections needed for deed restriction because the restriction to allow 2 cabins per lot was never recorded.
Shawna Cox motioned that we prepare a deed restriction and record it as it to make current that
which was voted upon in the 2003 annual meeting.
It was seconded by Ed Belinski
Passed unanimously.
Dirk reported that the County land use authority is changing classifications on the land in the county. DSR would be changed to Rec R-9 from the current zoning of Forest Recreation which would:
a) Take out the 2nd cabin item on our lots.
b) Disallow our gravel pits
c) It could affect our ability to have out buildings.
Shawna Cox made a motion to send a letter from the board to the County Land Use Authority, to request that we maintain our allowable uses at Deer Springs Ranch.
It was seconded by Ed Belinski
Some discussion followed then the motion was passed unanimously.

12. Brent Fullmer led a lengthy discussion about the storage of DSROA records suggesting that there be 2 different sites for copies of the records. Ben suggested scanning and storing them online in a password protected document storage. Brent will look for an electronic repository. It was suggested we use the storage on our DSROA website. Minutes are already stored there.
All agreed that we need to do something.

The meeting was adjourned to an Executive session to discuss delinquent Assessments.

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