Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

February 11, 2011, 4:00 PM at ERA Utah Properties, Kanab

DSROA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present: Dale Clarkson, Brent Fullmer, Shawna Cox, Kathy Duvall, David Turley Jr., Dirk Clayson, Ben Clarkson

Others Present: Paul and Nancy Brayton, Ranch Managers; Linda Alderman, Res. Clerk/Sec.; Patsy Clarkson; Robert Allen; Ken Lent; David Turley Sr.

1. Welcome - Dirk Clayson
Prayer - Shawna Cox

2. Approval of January meeting Minutes:
Kathy Duvall moved to accept the minutes.
Shawna Cox Seconded the motion.
The vote was Unanimous.

3. Areas of Responsibility:
Review of board member assignments.
A. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
B. Ranch Activities, Finance - Shawna Cox
C. Water Resources and Management - Dale Clarkson
D. Agricultural ad Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
E. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Kathy Duvall
F. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson
G. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley

4. Financial Report : Linda Alderman

5. Roads and Fire Protection - Brent Fullmer
A. Ranch road maintenance
1. Culvert placement project - Requests for 2 or 3 culverts has been made and a plan is in the works. One of the first priorities is to reestablish the ditch around the lower cabins to the polliwog ponds.
2. Erosion control issues around the HQ has been changed to "Reform ditch/add culvert".
3. Repair the minor amount of road damage along the roads.
4. A proposed route for an ATV road that parallels the ranch road was presented. It is to be used by ATVs, mountain bikes and Snowmobiles. It will begin at the parking area near the air strip, go down the hill, loop out to Broad Hollow Rd., then up to Slide Canyon. There will be no BLM land involved other than the Title V area. Watch for a map on the DSROA website. Brent will apply for the extension on the Title V from the existing road through to Slide Canyon.
5. Drainage issues along Meadow Canyon.
6. Johnnie Brown
7. Snow removal.
8. The Warning sign stating " Road Closed Ahead!" didn't happen.
9. Regarding: Brent requesting 2 new Title V Roads to Slide Canyon;
A motion to authorize Brent to proceed was made by Shawna Cox.
Seconded by Dale Clarkson.
The vote was unanimous.

A Motion was made by Shawna Cox to have Brent begin on the trail project.
Seconded by Dave Turley.
The vote was unanimous.

7. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox
A. Winter Activities were cut short by an early melt. Perhaps more snow will follow.

8. Update on water issues - Dale Clarkson
A. The development of the Meadow Canyon Springs was discussed at length. Dale gave some history on the Spring:
It requires 4 ac.ft. of water to irrigate 1 acre of land. The Ranch must use the water rights or we could loose them.
In 1971 the ranch was purchased and there were 29 water rights on DSROA land and none were on the Meadow Canyon Springs.
In 1977 the water rights were adjudicated. Meadow Canyon Springs.
In 1978 an Application on Meadow Canyon Springs was submitted. The State Engineer said there was 34 acres previously irrigated to justify 134 acre ft. of water. The Application was subsequently lost.
Three years ago the Clarkson copy of the application was taken to the State Engineer and the application was reactivated.
On the drinking water checklist, #1 is to do an Engineering Report. GEM was suggested because Bullock had gone out of business. Dale moved forward. Meadow Canyon Springs (#89-1259) is on the website and registered. It is the spring by the Findley Cabin and is estimated to produce 50 gal a minute. To put it to culinary use it needs a 100 ft. perimeter animal proof fence around the spring. Then take a pipe past the fish ponds to be used by the upper cabins. Dale said we need a better water supply there.
Dale suggested that:
(1) We need to get water to cabins 1,2,3 & 4.
(2) A hose bib should go in at the Finley Cabin.
(3) A hose bib should go in at the Pavilion to be completer at the fish ponds this year.
(4) Water to the area where Cabin # 5 was supposed to be built.
(5) Water to the Hidden Cabin area.
(6) Water to the Grove.
(7) To the private lots up in that area.

A large holding tank would be placed across the Meadow at the appropriate level.
The fields could be irrigated and excess water diverted to the Red Reservoir.

A proposal was submitted by Dale Clarkson to move forward on the Meadow Canyon Springs. Discussion followed. Kathy asked that (1) The Ranch will have no financial responsibility (2) Monthly progress reports will be made. Brent asked for a master plan and a contract including these points and stated he could not vote "yes" without a master plan. Dave Turley Jr. & Sr. both felt it's taken 35 years to develop this spring and it's about time to do so. Shawna stated, "It would cost DSROA a great deal of money to do this and if DSROA choose to do this we would have to get a loan to proceed - Why are we looking a gift horse in the mouth?" Dirk's preference was to work out an agreement but felt the patience to do so wasn't there. And since this would benefit the ranch he entertained a motion to accept the proposal.

Dale made a motion to approve the proposal by a roll call vote.
Dave Turley seconded the motion.
A roll call vote was taken.
The Resolution reads:

Clarkson Investments, LC will accept authorization from Deer Springs Ranch Owners Association to proceed with engineering, applications, spring development, pipeline construction, and management of the Meadow Canyon Sprigs water source. Progress on this authorization will be shared with the Board of Directors on a monthly basis. The budget for this ranch improvement will be the responsibility of Clarkson Investments LC. We trust this resolution will meet your immediate approval so work can continue on this critical situation in a timely manner.

Sincerely, Clarkson Investments, LC Dale E. Clarkson.

DSROA Board Member Vote:
Clarkson, B. Yes
Clarkson, D. Yes
Clayson, D. Yes
Cox, S. Yes
Duvall, K. Yes
Fullmer, B. No
Turley, D. Yes

During the discussion a check for $2000.00 to reimburse the board for the payment to GEM engineering was given to Linda by Dale.
Shawna Cox made a motion to return the check to Dale.
Brent Seconded.
The Vote was unanimous and the check was returned.
B. Leaf Springs
C. Water System expansion, vault. There was some discussion on the Well at Headquarters and the water proof letter. An inspection needs to be made to show the water is being used to irrigate. Dirk will call the State Engineer to find out their intentions. The water right needs to be protected. It's 80 acre ft. of water. Paul is to look into future alternatives on old and existing wells. Is drinking water OK with pumping from both? Research and report back by email. The discussion continued on drinking water vs. irrigation well. Div. of Water Rights want to see the use of the water to the cabins. Even though the fields are set up for flood irrigating, the Ranch is not prepared to show the use of water for irrigating. We need to irrigate the fields.
D. Irrigation Management - references
1. Water Management of Polliwog Ponds
2. Water Management of Red Reservoir
3. Water Management of Half Moon
4. Water Management of Hidden Reservoir
5. Water Management of fish ponds
E. Water Rights 89-1259 & 89-1260 are shown with an old
address of P.O. Box C. These need to be changed to
P.O. Box 254.
F. Page 7 of the copy of SPP was sent to Vance for electronic filing.
G. Bring a proposal to create new lots from common grounds to bring in money to the ranch.

Items B & D-G were skipped over.

9. Agricultural and Wildlife - Dirk Clayson
A. Willow mowing - It was explained by Dale that willows use about half of the water that comes from the spring. And that is a waste of a precious resource. Dirk said -"Get 'er done"
B. Seeding efforts - Dirk lead a discussion on the need to seed the areas where the Johnsons had planted last year. All agreed that now is the time to seed, Dirk and Ben said we need to drill seed the land. We don't want to plow the soil, but we do need to kill the sunflowers seeds.
C. Paul gave a positive report on the meeting with the Rural Water Users Association.

10. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance - Kathy Duvall
A. Headquarters Clean-up activities/projects.
B. DSROA Clean-up weekends April 8-9-10 & May 13-14-15. She found doors for $160.00 each in SLC. Dirk commented "Make it happen". Kathy said many people like the way Headquarters is shaping up. The Climbing wall is down, the old fence is down and clean-up has begun. Brent and Paul want to put a rock and pole fence up for the Board to approve.

11. Legal and Public Safety - Ben Clarkson - skipped
A. Update on county zoning
B. Update on county roads
C. Corrections still needed for deed restriction because the restriction to allow 2 cabins per lot was never recorded.

12. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web development - David Turley
A. Create a questionnaire for members addressing cabin usage. Dave asked that the questionnaire be done in the next 7 days and sent out by email.
B. Dave will work on a cabin pool proposal - Create a proposal for buying cabin time by paying members assessments.

13. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
A. Fencing / cattle guards
B. Water System - Well in Well field referred to as "Well # 2" is actually named "2003 Well" on the reports. Paul had the names and addresses updated on the reports. Paul reported that the "Sanitation Survey" rated the drinking water well on
a scale of 1 - 100, it was rated a "-10" That is a REALLY good rating.
The Source Protection Plan was submitted to Linda for filing and to Vance for Posting on the website. And a copy must remain at the Ranch Headquarters.
The propane tank can't be moved next to the cabin but a smaller up right one is going to be exchanged. The trash Trailer has been turned to look nicer. And Paul will locate and create a burn pit to cut down on expensive land fill trips.
Vance asked that the maps of the springs and the trails be submitted to be put on the website for all to see to alleviate suspicion among the membership and to keep the good news going.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn.
Motion to adjourn_______________
Second Ben Clarkson
Vote: Unanimous
The meeting was adjourned.

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