FEBRUARY 8, 2014


NOTE:  These are Unapproved minutes and are subject to change.

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors, DSROA, was held in Parry’s Lodge, Kanab, Utah on February 8, 2014. The meeting convened at 9:00 A.M. President Art Ortaloni presiding, Shawna Cox, Secretary. Members of the Board in attendance were: Art Ortaloni, Shawna Cox, Dale Clarkson, Joe Bosze, Robert Allen. Member attendance by Face Time: Dave Turley, Member by Veriphone: Jodi Akers.

Call to order

Guests and Employees attending: Linda Alderman (Sec.), Paul & Nancy Brayton (Managers), Candy Bosze, Larry Baer, Larry Clarkson.

Opening prayer offered by Shawna Cox.


(by Art) That we take the minutes of our meetings according to “Roberts Rule of Order”. If someone wants to know more details they are welcome to listen to the recorded audios.

Motion was 2nded

Motion carried. Joe Bosze added: As long as we can add an addendum if we think something important was left out.

Motion to Approve January 11, 2014 Minutes

(By Dale)

Motion was seconded

Motion Carried

Financial Report:

Linda handed out Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual report and a Balance Sheet report to the board members. See attached*

Linda stated that to date we have a balance of $40,000 in the bank as of Feb. 4, 2014.

Dale questioned why we are over budget by 160.4% already on the Headquarters Area budget. The purchase of the batteries for the Headquarters solar system came out of this years budget instead of last years and also there has been $500 to Lloyd Jessop for repairing the back porch and ranch entry way totaling $5,208.55.

Jodi reported the propane tanks were topped off at the end of the year which resulted in the propane payment of $2,734.84 should not be needed to be filled again until mid summer.

Jodi asks for suggestions of where to pull the over spend from the Headquarters Area budget from? Paul thought that the batteries were in the 2013 budget and didn’t know they were coming from 2014 budget. There has already been spent another $1,500 on the solar system parts for the cabins #7 & #8. They just need to finish being installed.

The budget is very tight this year so we need to stick to it. If a board member needs money for your department please contact Jodi if it’s not already in the budget.

Ranch Report:

Paul showed the board a picture of the newly constructed peeled pole archway entrance to the Ranch he completed with the help of Lloyd Jessop who also helped with the repair of the back porch. Paul felt like the ranch needed a GRAND entrance so people passing by and members would know it was there and said he got approval first. The old wooden sign needs to be updated or replaced because we no longer provide horse rides etc. or we could paint it up so it would stand out. The metal “Deer Spring Ranch” sign (constructed by Joe Bosze) that was hanging over the road will be re-hung.

We still need to have the Septic Tank pumped this next week at Headquarters. Rod Willis extended the leach line to 130’ in years past and it should be good. There was lots of discussions about septic systems.

Projects already done - Cleared trees on Broad Hollow Section

Equipment - Kubota is at the ranch 4x4 Hydraulics, found a small water leak and fixed it. There was a clog in the bucket oil line but is working good now. Kabota had a problem with the starter due to the cold weather but is working now. It snowed 1 ft the day after the Kabota got back to the ranch.

The starter on the Grader needs a new solenoid for $175. Grader is at Half Moon reservoir. Paul did plow snow with the grader.

Solar systems are already in the closets upstairs in Cabin’s #7 & #8. Just haven’t punched the hole through the ceiling yet for the power cords as there are no panels on the roofs yet. We talked about renting cabins #9 & #10 to the public. Now is the best time to advertise with Kanab Travel Council.


(Shawna) Paul should go ahead and advertise with Vacation Rental by Owner and rent out cabins #9 & #10.

2nd by Art Motion Carries

Joe was concerned about the gas smell in the cabins and Jodi and Bob agreed that we shouldn’t rent the cabins out until we got the cabins okayed by Amerigas first. Linda assured the board that Paul and Nancy know more about the gas refrigerators than Amerigas does. That is where the smell comes from when the doors are left open to the drafts outside creating the exhaust to go upward. It is already spent gas.

Dave said the Liability release needs to be determined by our Attorney and not just for visitors but members also.

Nancy suggested we include the verbiage “As Is” would be nice.

Dave said he did receive the insurance policy but not until yesterday and will go over it.

Paul & Nancy stated that Amerigas do an inspection and pressure test all the gas in each cabin every Spring.


Joe asked if $1,000 would be enough for fuel to Lee Bellar and members to do the work on the Johnny Brown road? How much will it cost for materials? What about gravel on Quarter Horse Lane?

Dale stated that the gravel for Johnny Brown was coming from the wash.

Larry C. said that $1,000 for fuel would be about enough.


(Shawna) We give Johnny Brown project $1,000 worth of fuel for improvements and Paul will haul an overhead tank to the site and fill it there.

2nd by Jodi Motion carries.

Jodi wants to know if we can split up the road budget between the five areas that need to be taken care of. Joe as chairman over roads needs to assess and determine that. Joe is waiting for the weather to clear up to look at the areas of need. Lynette Foster says that there are roads that have never been graded in about 10 years, what about those? Dale C. also said that if you look at the 5 areas you have listed they are again on the East side of the ranch and nothing has been done on the West side of the ranch when those members are paying ½ the budget.

Larry C. suggests that 2/3 of the budget needs to be for overall maintenance of the roads with 1/3 for emergency repairs like washed out culverts etc.

DSROA is not responsible for Capital Improvements. Members need to pitch in to improve their own neighborhood roads.

It is the Ranches responsibility to make roads passable (maybe not when wet).

Joe will get with Larry C. to go over the roads and identify problem areas over all the 9 neighborhood areas.


(Joe) The ranch compensate Phil Hall for road work in the same amount as allotted to the Johnny Brown in either gravel, culverts and grading etc.

Discussion ensued that Phil had already received free gravel from another members personal property and had even clear cut another members lot without permission, plus Linda had already compensated Phil $1,000 in assessments last year. Gravel came from Turley property and DSROA gravel pit and crushed by Allen Steed group. Large percent went to Phil Hall he paid for, and clear cutting he paid for. Some board members were not aware of this.

Motion was tabled.


(Shawna) That Joe will research the compensation already given to Phil Hall for road improvements to date before we make any decisions of more compensation.

2nd Art Motion Passed.


(Shawna) There is a little snow on the ranch that is only good for cross country skiing if anyone is interested they should contact Paul and Nancy for the best locations.


(Shawna) John Rich from Jacob Lake has written information about “Benefits of Grazing”. BLM NEEDS your input! Always mention there is History in Cattle Grazing. You can get information from Doug Hunt about grazing facts to send in.


(Dale) Nothing to report at this time.


(Art) Art has given an employment contract to Paul and Nancy to look over (it is very lengthy) and Art will bring it to the board next meeting or will be reviewed on line. The board agreed to a 3 year contract in Executive Committee meeting in January.

Dave Turley wanted to know just what the Annual Assessment Fees cover?

Sheets? Road Use? Fish? Gas/Propane? Water? Are there going to be extra charges for people having family reunions? All all family reunions going to be treated the same for all members?

The answer is: YES, Dave.


(Robert Allen) Nothing New.


Art said he would do this for Joe but has not had time and will have it by next board meeting.


Joe Bosze introduces Tom and Joan Davis, Auditor from Las Vegas, Nev. Tom hands out an audit review to each board member to show the things he will be looking for. A number of things will not apply to the Ranch but it is a good overview of what an audit will require. He will be researching back 2 to 3 months. He has not ever run Quick Books but done audits on Main Frame Computers. (The Old Type for those not up to speed on computers and accounting programs)

The last review DSROA had was by Larry Walters in 2005. A copy has been given to Tom Davis by Joe and Candy Bosze.

Tom’s biggest and best advice is to “Be Consistent”.

Art thanked them for coming on behalf of the board. Executive meeting will be dismissed today.

Joe mentioned that we need a new updated member directory as we have had one in 1980, 2002, and the last one was 2010.


(Dave Turley) Meeting to Adjourn 11:00 a.m.

2nd Art Motion Carries

Lynette Foster mentioned a water truck available for sale by another ranch owner along the Hwy 89 if anyone was interested. Don’t know the price yet.

Next meeting: March 8, 2014 Parrys Lodge or Ranch field trip if the weather is good.


Shawna Cox - Secretary

Art Ortoloni - President

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