DSROA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes (Second Correction)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
8:00 AM in the basement of Zion’s Bank - 41 E Center St., Kanab, UT


1. Welcome – Marc Cram
A. Prayer – Dave Turley
B. Roll Call – Dave Turley, Jodi Akers, Ben Clarkson, Ryan Dudinski, Dale Clarkson, Marc Cram, Shawna Cox ( A little late)
Also in attendance: Ken Lent, Brent Fullmer, Larry Bear, Val Cram, Lynette Foster, Patsy Clarkson,
Telecom: Vance Green
Also in attendance for a short time Larry Clarkson, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Turley Sr. & Dale’s sister (not lot owners) Mrs Dave Turley Jr.

2. Approval of Previous Board Meeting Minutes -
Need the 2 missing months of minutes produced by Shawna
Motion to approve prior minutes by Dale Clarkson.
Seconded by Ryan Dudinski
the vote was unanimous.

3. Financial Report: - Linda Alderman
A. The Zions Bank facility will cost us $15.00 for each meeting. (Cost will be added to budget) Ben will call Joe Houston to try to waive the fee.

4. Ranch Manager's report - Paul Brayton
Paul & Nancy are on vacation – a good time of year to do so.
Ben reports that the Board is getting frequent emailed log reports from Paul. He has according to the reports, pushing snow, brush hogging (unheard of in January),winter work.
The Rock crusher is off Meadow Canyon Road. There is new gravel on the airstrip road.
Brent has a “real” snowcat by the airstrip.

5. Areas of Responsibility:
A. Roads and Fire Protection – (Marc Cram) President
B. Ranch Activities – (Shawna Cox) Secretary
C. Water Resources and Management - (Dale Clarkson)
D. Agricultural and Wildlife – (Ben Clarkson) Vice President
E. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance – (David Turley)
F. Finance, Legal and Public Safety – (Jodi Akers) Treasurer
G. Ranch Comm. and Reservations, Web Development– (Ryan Dudinski)

6. Roads and Fire Protection – Marc Cram
A. Discussion on what was decided about the trailers piled up in the Lower Podunk reservoir. Board member Shawna Cox will contact the owners and try to alleviate the 15 year old problem.
B. Follow up on check cut for Slide Canyon Title 5- Ben reported that Mark Foley was contacted. Mark said the application is still open and ready to process. It was started by Larry Baer, Dirk Clayson and the motion to pay the title V was made to pay it at the last meeting. Mark Foley suggested that we put the Title V on hold until he can return from an extended stay away from Kanab.
C. The Board wants snow removal to be consistent by the County. It was agreed by all that the County should stop the plow at lot #137 as a standard, unless otherwise requested.
D. What is decided about the need to obtain a Title V for a new fire escape for the Johnny Brown to Crawford Canyon area, is it really needed? Do we need to spend money, we have a current road just needing some care. Not at this time. Ben will proceed with Mark Foley in the Spring when Foley returns.
E. A Title V Easement is not needed for the lots 112-200? It was decided that it would be too expensive to tackle this problem at this time.
F. Ben Clarkson made a motion to table Brent Fullmer’s letter until the next meeting after some discussion. In the meantime, we would work over the numbers to help determine if a nominal usage fee should be implemented and is so, present the information to the Members at the Sep. Annual Meeting, then work it into the 2013 budget in October. During the interim, in an effort to cut costs, we would continue to review the Cabin Usage to determine when each Cabin should be opened or left closed.
G. Ben Clarkson made a motion to repair the Coal Road between Podunk & Meadow Canyon Road. Shawna Cox Seconded the motion . The vote was unanimous.

7. Agricultural and Wildlife – Ben Clarkson ,Vice President
A. Discussion with Doug Hunt about his contract was postponed because Doug has been ill. From the contract, the board knows that fences are a big concern. Doug has no responsibility over fences until they have been brought to good condition. Then by contract, he must keep them that way.
1. Hunt's Lease
B. Fencing concerns as from Jodi's hand out last month with Hunts leasing requirements
C. Any member can put two steer on the ranch to graze. That is fine. They must be tested and vaccinated and they can not be breading Bulls. Warning Cows may become impregnated by Hunts bulls.
D. John Deere Post hole digger $800.00 in January.
Ben Clarkson approved the purchase of a John Deere Grain Drill for $950.00
Dale Clarkson motione to buy the Grain Drill
Shawna cox seconded the motion.
The vote was unanimous.
Marc Cram suggested we us the collected money from past due assessments for this purchase.

8. Water Resources and Management - Dale Clarkson
A. Water Committee meeting report: Jodi reported that water committee all agree that the second water source ( Meadow Canyon Spring) would be good to have in place to haul from, and to enable closer access to those members in that area, and as a back up to supplement our current system and in the event our current water source is unusable for any reason. The Committee suggests we take several years to do it. Dale feels we should get it done now.
It was decided to meld the Meadow Canyon Springs committee with the regular Ranch Committee.
The Ranch Water Committee suggested that:
1) Continue the TC survey and complete within the next 2 years.
2) Determine the yield from the spring and how many lots it will service
3) Put together a plan to:
A) Develop the Spring to the Spring box
B) Install a water line for hauling
C) Determine who would want to use the water source
D) Take before the membership for approval at the annual meeting, and if approved, fund via a special
Larry Baer suggested the members in the area that would want to hook in to the water system should pay into the project (at a reasonable cost) and would still be cheaper than drilling their own well.
Marc Cram motioned to abolish ALL committees and starting fresh.
Shawna Cox Seconded the motion
Discussion put the vote on hold. It was suggested that ALL Inactive committees be abolished. Motion did not carry for lack of vote.
Dale Clarkson motioned to accept the resolution
Marc Cram seconded the motion
Vote reads as follows.
A RESOLUTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEADOW CANYON SPRINGS Clarkson Investments, LC seeks authorization from the Board of Directors of Deer Springs Ranch Owners Association to proceed with engineering, applications, spring development, pipeline construction, and management of the Meadow Canyon Springs water source. Progress on this authorization will be shared with the Board of Directors on a monthly basis. The budget for this ranch improvement will be the responsibility of Clarkson Investments LC.
Dale stated that Clarkson Investments is ready to move forward with the front end capital and expenses being bore by Clarkson Investments this year. The expense and maintenance will be ultimately bore by the users. There is no known anticipated top end knowledge of the expense of the project, but he can at least get it started.
Brent Fullmer states that although he is in agreement with the project, he is not in agreement of the Resolution. All he asks for is a viable plan, and a contract to protect all parties concerned.

Discussion continued after a break. Ryan questioned Dale as to Dale's intent to come back to the Association later requesting funding when or if Clarkson Investment could not fund the development any more. Dale stated that Clarkson Investments would be funding the project, but that if DSROA uses the water, they're going to have to pay part of the costs. Question to Dale why DSROA would have to pay for their own water, and response was that DSROA is going to need to pay for their share of the improvements that gets the water to their point of use. Vance stated that after building this water system, a number of Dale Clarksons' lots stand to become a lot more valuable from having water to those lots, and that if the Association ever found it "necessary" to hook up to the system, they should not have to pay to a connection fee to hook up to the Association owned asset. The Association should be responsible to cover of the infrastructure, but nothing more. Marc disagreed and stated that even in Kanab, if you hook up, you have to pay a connection fee.
Jodi presented documentation to the Board of a Court Case between Dale and Boulder King Estates Water Committee, of which Dale served as Chairman. (These documents was also emailed to Dale and Ben Clarkson prior to the meeting) The intent of providing this documentation was to show the Board why this open-ended Resolution should not be approved, and what could happen if it were. Members of the Board stated they had already received a copy. With that, Jodi stated on the record, that after reviewing this documentation, we're not protecting ourselves, and if we vote through this Resolution today, it would show gross negligent on the Boards' part to protect Association assets.
After a discussion a role call vote was taken:
Jodi Akers no
Ben Clarkson – Yes
Dale Clarkson – Yes
Shawna Cox - Yes
Marc Cram - Yes
Ryan Dudinski - Yes
Dave Turley - Yes
- 15 Minute Break -

9. Ranch Activities - Shawna Cox

10. Facilities, Cabin Maintenance –David Turley
A. Pavilion on 20 Acres – North of the Wet Meadow at the top end of the ranch near the Red Resevoir.
A resolution was presented by Dale to set aside 20 acres of Association Property (up under the ponderosa's) for a recreational center, a parking area and 5000 foot pavilion. Jodi questions as to why are we planning a pavilion five times larger than the smaller one, we still can not afford. This would be a separate project in addition to the smaller pavilion discussed at the fish pond. Motion made, vote taken. All approved except Jodi and Ryan, who abstained for lack of information. Dale went on to say that the founders of Deer Springs Ranch and the family, would be responsible for building this building and that it would not be build out of DSROA funds. Dale asks for a letter of permission from the membership be included in the next news letter. Jodi asks Dale why he would just not make this pavilion on one of his lots and just make money on it, and why we are asking the Association for input to build a $50,000 pavilion, but we won't ask the Association their input when building a $300,000 water system.
Vance asked Ben if this pavilion is built as shown in the location planned, would it change the tax status of that Association parcel. Ben responded no, it would be done under the current coding of agricultural property. It won't change the coding, but it is an improvement. The county is going to assess the building at value, and it will cost the Association another $100 (estimate) a year in taxes because it is an improvement.
B. Cabin usage report review by Jodi Akers. It was suggested that those cabins
not rented not be opened up until they are requested. And that those not being used at the end of the season be closed down early to conserve expenses.
There was also a suggestion that we rent the association cabins commercially. It was decided that that would be too costly and open up many factors that would have to be brought to code for commercial rentals.

11. Legal and Public Safety – Jodi Akers, Treasurer
A. Member concerns about increase in Assessments.
1. Discussion on cabin rental fee for members.
2. Cost Share Resolution will be discussed next meeting.
12. Ranch Communications and Reservations, Web Development– Ryan Dudinski

A. Schedule next year’s jobs to be done and their funding, by month on the 2012 calendar was not addressed.
There was discussion about the DSROA website and some updating that needed to be done.
Marc Cram motioned to adjourn to an executive meeting.
Shawna Cox seconded the motion
The vote was unanimous.

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