Deer Springs Ranch Wildfire Preparedness Plan


Over 600 of Utah’s communities have been classified as “at risk” of wildfire. The safety of the citizens of any community and the protection of private property and community infrastructure is a shared responsibility between the citizens; the owner, developer or association; and the local, county, state and federal governments. The primary responsibility, however, remains with the local government and the citizen/owner.

The purpose of wildfire preparedness planning is to…

Click HERE to download a .PDF of the current revision of the Wildfire Preparedness Plan currently being written for Deer Springs Ranch.

This is a work in progress, so be sure to check back often for the most current version.

Some informative video links:

Fuels Project Saves Homes from Wildfire in Southern Utah in the greater Duck Creek Area
New Harmony Utah Multi Agency Fuels Projects Saves Homes from Wildfires
Carpenter 1 Fire Defensible Space
Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire

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