DSROA Board Meeting
September 29, 2007 9AM UT
Garden Cabin, Deer Springs Ranch

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NOTE:  The topics are shown in the order
that they occurred.



Financial Report: Ken Lent / Linda Alderman (01:08:10)

1.  Accept minutes from last meeting
2.  HOA issues
3.  Cabin repairs
4.  Solar system invoice
5.  Allan Steed - Ranch improvements and repairs
6.  Ranch cattle
7.  Ranch water improvements
8.  Goats
9.  New Ranch computer
10.  ID tags

Manager’s Report: Ole Lindgren (00:30:40)

1. Signs / upper gate
2. Culverts
3. Roads
4. Committees

Ranch House Plans / Common Area Pavilion- Dirk Clayson / Dustin Hollis (00:31:30)

2007 Annual Meeting Vote Recount (00:10:10)