DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

January 27, 2007, Kanab UT


Board Members Present: Candy Bosze, Larry Clarkson, Ken Lent, John Martine, Bob Becker

Board Member Absent: Nancy Byrne

Others Present: Larry Baer, Joseph Woods, Lee Bellar, Nyle Wills, Linda Alderman, Scott Smith, Joe Bosze, Brent Fullmer, Ole Lindgren

Meeting called to order at 10:30am (00:09:56)

Minutes of December 9, 2006 were reviewed and accepted.

Management Report – Ole Lindgren (01:08:11)

1. Mud a challenge, have water in the pump house. Need to improve collection ponds and culverts as well as ditching around the Ranch House.
2. Need a ditcher, Larry thought we had one, Ole to check. If not we need to purchase one.
3. Tools – Most of the tools are gone. Ole to make a list of needed tools, members can donate tools, list of needed tools to be put on web page.
4. Saw Mill working well. Need cant (Joe Woods to donate) and two log lifter ($100 each). Brent to donate a skill saw.
5. Cabins need mantels, Linda thought they were in drawers, also check with Barbara on status.
6. Cell phone service works great – we have a loaner phone, will get another by Summer.
7. The Bosze’s provided a printer for the ranch.
8. Ole suggested a dam could be built in Deer Springs wash to provide water activities, we need to research proper dam construction.
9. Linda, Kenda and Ole need to co-ordinate reservations with follow-up on name/total in party/activity and confirmations.
10. Ole looking into issues with garden cabin and ranch house as he is living in them.
11. BLM - $250 cross land permit. Linda and Ole to follow-up on reason and our stand since we maintain the roads.
12. Newsletter – Put on web site and e-mail on a monthly bases – quarterly snail mailings.
13. Our 17 cows have been inoculated, branded, and impregnated. Ole to work with Brent Robinson on cattle lease arrangement.
14. By adding 100 goats, the Fire Marshall considers we have fire control and will provide two emergency radios that can contact the Sheriff, BLM, and Forest Service.
15. Garden Cabin out of propane will refill January 29th.

Financial Report – Ken Lent, Linda Alderman (00:09:55)

1. Reservations/Bookings going good.
2. Financial Report was not correct, Linda is still getting spun-up on the books and will submit a corrected report next meeting.
3. $1500 will not be needed to move from Capital Improvement fund to the General account. Voted and approved.

Old Business (01:09:45)

1. The Board reviewed with an attorney the requirement for a special election because four of the Board members were not put on a ballot but chosen by acclimation. Again, we had five positions and only four candidates so initially felt an election was not needed. The Board felt that a special election should be done to correct the error.
2. To address concerns, the Board voted and approved that when we receive from Scott Smith a list of 10% of the members in good standing requesting a special election an election would be scheduled. Scott Smith will provide the mailing cost.
3. The Board voted and approved that they will listen to the audio of the Annual Meeting and if it was determined that a candidate vote was done during the meeting the special election would not be needed.
4. To fill the seventh position, and replace Nancy on the Board, Candy will contact John Southwick and Dustin Hollis to determine if they are still interested.

New Business (01:38:56)

1. The Board signed the Conflict of Interest Policy – The documents were given to the Secretary.
2. The 10 steps to Higher Ground was pushed to the February meeting.
3. Linda’s work in December was voted and approved to be paid - $150.
4. Linda providing a computer, printer and Quick Books program as disposable office supplies was voted on and approved to pay Linda in the amount of $434.
5. The Prisbrey cabin rental will be four cabins for one week.
6. Bill Brockbank wanted cabin 1 but Barbara has it that week so we will provide two cabins and use Bill Brockbank time for one cabin and Bob Becker’s time for the other.
7. Ole’s horse back rides will always welcome DSR members even on multiple day pack trips with non-members. Ole to post on the web site the days of the special pack trips.
8. The new Ranch House will have a special bank account "DSR House Project" for donations. Ole to work on the house plans.
9. Ole has scheduled a Spring Fling Party on May 19th to start off the new year and new managers.
10. The Morarity truck needs brakes ($1000), transportation ($1000), and truck cost ($4000). No decision on purchasing the truck was made.

Next meetings:

February 24, 2007 10am at the Holiday Inn Express in Kanab.

Meeting adjourned 3:30pm.