Submitted By Dave Sills on April 15, 2008

Minutes of November 17th Meeting

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved

I (Dave Sills) agreed to keep minutes

Larry made motion to contact Scott (not present) to determine participation intent

Motion to meetings to be on third Saturday, beginning with December meeting - location to be determined - seconded

Next meeting to be December 15 -proposed Cedar City - ranch 75% of meetings - will meet at Taylor Button home

Item #1: Rent out of member’s weeks - to be discussed later

Item #10: Discussed solar powered gate with keypad control and sensor for automatic opening upon leaving - partial funding to be donated - Crawford and Slide Canyon sites - Suggested having sheriff at meeting

Motion to organize Security Committee - Larry Sims head it up - Seconded

Lot #205 broken into - 4-wheeler

Linda distributed copies of DSR ranch/lot map

Discussed stickers and hang tags

Item #11: Trailer is at ranch - welding equipment at ranch (donated). Cattle guards/types/sizes discussed Joe Boze(sp) to weld

Item #9: Cabin #2 windows in Larry’s truck - will deliver Sunday Ole will install - roof needs patch work immediately

Item #5: Septic pumping - $225/tank - four (cabins 1-4) to be pumped

Item #4: Water self-test kits ordered - not shipped yet - four ordered - kit will test for E Coli (will check if they test for algae - will test at spring before tank. Discussed need for filters - possible filter at tank - tank type water heaters to be replaced with “on-demand”- Alma to be contacted - possible recase well

Item #6: Propane fridges - Cabin #10 to receive repaired one - need fridge in store (store fridge in garden cabin) - Cabins #7 and #6 need replacing - Amerigas will set up - #1 OK, #2 disaster, #3 bad, #4 doesn’t close, Need 5 at $1000 each - Replace ones in cabin #2,4,6,7 and store) - 2 in for repair

Item #4 not discussed

Item #3 - Contact Scholtzen with invoice to see if paint is the problem

Item #2 - Dustin will pick up 12 chairs

Item #1 - Owners to arrange for renting out their own time - Non-member time funds foes to ranch - ranch not responsible for member pool

Item #7 - Discussed make-up of December newsletter -

1. President’s message

2. Pre-request discussion of ranch house funding options

3. Cabin linen policy

4. Fee for reservations of Cabin #1, #3 and garden cabin

5. Ranch status will be in president’s message

6. Reiterate clean-up fee

7. Garden cabin reservation fee - $50

8. Letter from Ole

9. Committees/volunteers

10. Paragraph from Brent

Discussed e-mailing suggestions for content to Larry by 12-1

Vance will put content in newsletter form

Horse rides to be 3 days a week

Item #8 - Architect finalizing ranch house plans - Larry will submit to two contractors for bids (estimates) - Kevin Wright interested - Discussed log cabin brochure - discussed $30,000 limit on ranch debt - will be budget line item - discussed minimum 2000 square feet

Discussed ranch manager duties and responsibilities - none currently identified - Board responsible for identifying duties

Reports discussion:

700 gallons of diesel in big tank - suggestion made to put some in small tank (access concerns)

Cow/horse hay $120/ton

20 head of cattle on ranch

Ole feeding alfalfa cubes to his horses ( his expense)

Horse trailer to be junked - possible for sale sigh

Tank water level must be kept a certain level to prevent air in line

Discussed ranch access road erosion - possible liability problem - Soil conservation concern - Fish Game Wildlife interested -

Larry brought up $50,000 water conservation

Need review of copy of Ole’s contract - duties to be on next agenda

Discussed cost of ranch solar system ($12,000) owed to Larry - (capital improvement funds)

Discussed budget - figures entered on budget worksheets

Discussed tools - asset inventory - lock and key access to inventory

Motion to give $6,000 check to Larry (half of solar system) - seconded