DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

July 21, 2007, DSR Headquarters


Board Members Present: Larry Clarkson, Ken Lent, Bob Becker, Dustin Hollis


Board Member Absent: John Martine, Dirk Clayson, John Southwick


Others Present: Ole, Kenda, Olyvia, Taylor and Barbara Button, Brent Fullmer, Joe McElroy


Meeting started 3:10 PM UT.


Minutes of June 9, 2007 board meeting were reviewed and accepted.


Management Report – Ole


1.        Work time accounting

a.        Time spent directing lost non-members to Page, car GPS shows our road to Page?

b.       Time working on horse round corral. 

c.        Wednesday go to town take trash and laundry. 

d.       Lot of time traveling between ranch and upper cabins handling cabin issues.

e.        Cabin members have to come and meet Ole and spending lots of Ole’s time.

f.         Work load is to the point he has Olivia, his Mom, Kenda, Jerry and Linda S helping do the ranch needs.

2.        Ole is running the generator every night from 6PM to 10+PM. The board informed him not to do that. The generator only needs to be run when the water pump needs to be run.

3.        Horseback ride accounting

a.        Only accounting of horseback ride income is approx. $1000. Ole to make a list of members who rode the horses.

b.       Ole to try to meet the horse budget of $4000 cost. This takes into account all horse expenses and income.

c.        At present we count over 50 horses on the ranch, much of them in the upper meadow eating all the grass. 

4.        Linda to work with Ole/Kenda on paying ranch purchases so Kenda does not use her credit card. Kenda needs to clarify what account the purchases go.

5.        Ranch house will not be done by October, Kenda and the kids may go back to Antimony.

6.        The ranch truck is only 350 with an automatic and can’t pull the horse trailer with all the horses.

7.        Repaired the stairs on cabin 3.

8.        Tractor needs a new clutch, Ole to look into trading in the tractor for a smaller tractor.

9.        Grader not working, Ole to contact Scott machinery to come out and repair the grader.

10.     Ole will sign his contract agreement and give it to Bob or Ken.

11.     Ole to write a goat agreement for the board to approve and sign.

12.     Cabin cleaning – food left in frig., need to bill members who do not clean after they left.

13.     Problem with members who donated cabin time and the guest do not follow or know about the cleaning, rules and regulations around the ranch.

14.     Larry to check into ATV with covered trailer to use to go to the cabins for cleaning and supplies.


Financial Report – Linda Alderman, Ken Lent


1.        Linda indicates Larry has to contact the IRS on our double payment.

2.        Linda to check with her Son who sells insurance about Olivia and Blake who are 14 driving the truck on the ranch.

3.        Lot 52 locked out by Larry Sims gate. Linda to contact Larry on gate.

4.        Four delinquency leans to be filled, Linda to look into doing herself. Twenty eight members have not paid for this year, Linda sent letters to those members.

5.        Linda to sign her contract agreement.


Old business


1.        Will not order fish this year because the pond level is low, warm and little flow.

2.        $2K for pond cleaning, Allen S. wants more so we will wait until September when business is slower and someone may want to do it.

3.        Ranch house drawings are being finalized and will be ready for board approval and submit to building department for approval and permits.


New Business


1.        Linda to generate nominee and ballot letter. The annual meeting is set for September 29th  in Kanab at the Kanab library. This was voted on and approved.

2.        Dan Ortolani lodge – Linda to send a letter to stop using as a lodge or a fine of $100 a day will be charged.

3.        Look into a camping area around the headquarters – need to set up with sewer, water and camping fee.

4.        Board agree it would be OK to store trailers for members behind the headquarters.


Next meetings:


                August 18, 2007 9 AM UT at Holiday Inn in Kanab.


Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM.