DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

May 23, 2007, Conference Call


Board Members Present: Larry Clarkson, John Southwick, John Martine, Bob Becker, Dustin Hollis


Board Member Absent: Ken Lent, Dirk Clayson


Others Present: Vance Green, Bob Allen


Meeting started 8:00 PM UT.


Minutes of April 28, 2007 board meeting were reviewed and accepted.


Financial Report – Linda Alderman


1.        $4K cabin rental from BYU.

2.        Accounts have be set up for horseback rides and ranch house improvement.

3.        IRS checks may not be duplicate checks could be something in Quickbooks  – Linda to check into details.

4.        Dustin donated laptop to the ranch, gave to Kenda. Ole/Kenda still not using internet, hopefully should be resolved.

5.        Linda updating cabin notebooks, should be ready by Friday.

6.        Fish folder given to Ole, Larry to ask.

7.        Ole needs a better list of  ranch responsibilities, he is not sure of all that is needed to do. The Becksteads had a list, Linda to check with Barbara B on the latest list.  We need to define a check list for the cabins, horseback rides, and ranch duties.

8.        The financials have not been updated on the web, Linda gave the latest to Malinda, will check again.


Management Report – Ole did not call in.


1.        Upper cabins – Cabin 2, Terry Alderman has gone up and set traps and decon. He will return and clear the traps and check on rodent status.

2.        Some kitchen plates/pots/pans missing, Linda went to the thrift store and purchases need items. Larry to check ranch store storage room for any additional items.



Old Business


1.        Ole/Kenda neet to sign contract agreement. Bob to have an agreement for Linda by June 9 meeting.

2.        Ranch house improvement drawings should hopefully be done by Friday.

3.        Ranch truck is on its way, hopefully be here by Thursday. Larry has not heard from the driver and will call the broker to ask for his assistance.

4.        The board approved for Dustin to order 100 DSR decals and 100 DSR mirror hangers. Will be keep at headquarters and when members come up they will be issued/sign for them. The decals/hangers will be noted in the newsletter.

5.        Fire Committee Plan – Fire tank next to the 10K tank at the air strip needs to be rotated 10 degrees, covered and water lines connected. Allen Steed to rotate and cover. Limbed/trimmed  around cabin 1, still need to do the others. Brent/Larry look into BLM chipper.

6.        Ranch house fundraiser activities.  

a.        Board members call members to ask for donations/pledges. Donation wording needs to be written.

b.       Linda to let board know who has donated and give the board a list of members with phone numbers.

c.        Vance to update web site with Ranch house fundraiser section with some form of bar graph indicating achievement towards the goal. 

d.       Auction, donated items/services. Board to ask members as part of donations/pledges.



New Business


1.        Bob Allen’s house plans were board approved.

2.        Linda to talk to Barbara B on acquiring last years ballots.

3.        Gravel Pit. DSR to have a letter for members to give to BLM when gravel is to be removed from the pit. Both BLM and DSR to be paid for at a rate of $10/ton for BLM and $.50/ton for DSR. The DSR portion to account for truck road repairs. Gravel pit policy defines fee as $.50/cubic yrd for BLM, $.50/cubic yrd for DSRHOA.

4.        Allen Stead to stay at 5, 5A camp site. He is to pay for his family stay in trade.

5.        We need to setup a price for camping on the ranch. Location at the headquarters so to have water/shower.

6.        Larry to ask Ole where the Trotter are to stay and how much the ranch is to be paid, Larry to e-mail board.

7.        Fish – Ole has the fish folder (permit not in DSR name). Dustin looked into a new Tiger trout as a possible fish. Larry to ask Ole where he is on park services donating fish. DSR needs to order fish by next meeting June 9th.

8.        DSR has a form for ATV/Dirt Bike. We can use the form as a way to control misuse activity. Kenda is looking for the form, maybe need to get a copy from Barbara.

9.        DSR has a form for horseback riding. Ole needs to have all riders sign the form for his protection as well as DSR protection. Also need to have Ole’s horse liability insurance coverage in our file. Larry to check with Ole on insurance.


Next meetings:


                June 9, 2007 9 AM UT at DSR headquarters


Meeting adjourned 10:15 PM UT.