DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

April 28, 2007, Kanab UT


Board Members Present: Larry Clarkson, John Southwick, John Martine, Dustin Hollis, Ken Lent, Bob Becker (Conf. Call)


Board Member Absent: Dirk Clayson


Others Present: Brent Fullmer, Ole Lindgren, Mr./Mrs. Cleveland, Vance Green (Conf. Call), Clint Grey (Conf. Call)


Meeting called to order at 9am


Next meeting set for May 19, 2007 9am at DSR headquarters.


Minutes of March 24, 2007 were reviewed and accepted.


Financial Report – Ken Lent


1.        About $87K in account.

2.        Wrote two checks to IRS, $2.5K and $2.6K. Linda Alderman, Ken Lent, Nyle Wills, Larry Clarkson to review why.

3.        Some issue on Ole payment out of the Adm. Account.

4.        Vance Green and Clent Grey request update of financials on the DSR web page. Linda to provide as exel file if possible.



Old Business


1.        Independent Contractors Agreement for Ole/Kenda was reviewed and approved. Ole given a copy to review and sign. Bob Becker to make an Independent Contractors Agreement for Linda.

2.        Ranch house improvement status. County building permit started, a lot of new requirements. Present issues with the ranch house are no/little power for the computer internet and cell phone. Brent offered to add three more panels and another controller to add more power. No hot water, hot water heater needs to be back flushed.

3.        The Garden cabin major propane leak was the stove, it has been taken out of service and a new stove will be bought (about $300).

4.        Truck status. The transport company has $400 of Brent’s money and still have not picked up the truck. Brent to call again to get status. Larry to check with his transport truck broker. The board approved to pay Ole $100/month and any maintenance and repair for the use of his truck. Ole recommended the ranch look into an ATV for him to use to limit the heavy use of the truck.

5.        10 steps to higher ground. The board moved forward with the 10 steps in review what steps can be incorporated and others modified/removed. Look into using the users group to help develop the mission statement and get members feedback on the 10 steps. The conflict of interest requires a revote to include all members votes.


Community Fire Plan – Brent Fuller


1.        Brent to generate a fire plan document. Goats helping a lot, Meadow canyon road needs 13.5’ access width and to act as fire break needs to be cleared of brush to 30’ wide. Lot driveways need to have 12’ access width with a turn around area for fire equipment. We need to implement a plan and make progress over given period of time. Upper cabins need 30’ clearance of brush, look to have scouts help clear. Ole to work on a project list for member volunteers to help as a work day and offer some form of a pot-luck dinner.  If BLM sees we are doing our part they will bring personal out to help clear around their roads.

2.        Brent to make a check list for fire protection with goals, action, responsibilities, and resources so it can be brought up at each board meeting for review. Need to take pictures of all structures on the ranch and inform members of the fire plan so they can do their part.

3.        Upper cabin water fire connection near completion.

4.        Add hose bib at spring tank for hauling water and lock present hydrant.

5.        Solar pump running, need a portable generator four times a year, John Southwick will donate a 5KW generator.

6.        Water issues cabin 9

7.        Need to add water valves around the headquarters for better water control.

8.        Brent – road committee, ranch concrete culverts available for road repair. 


Management Report – Ole Lindgren


1.        No computer, no cell phone because the solar panels are not working correctly and do not have power. The board approved to use some of the ranch house improvement money to fix the solar system.

2.        Roads in good conditions because of little rain for the season. Taking any gravel from the gravel pit must be cleared by Brent or Larry.

3.        Cabin repairs - Cabin 9 has some water leaks, will be fixed next week. Ole will be asking guest to identify any cabin problems. Ole will only have time to fix major issues.

4.        Garden cabin stove needs replacement, Brent/Ken to look at Home Depot.

5.        John Southwick to act as the cabin committee.

6.        May 19th Spring Fling will have to be rescheduled due to a horseback ride guest group date conflict.

7.        Ole is still working on corrals, need to help make the ranch safe from children entering into the horse area.

8.        Laundry – Presently have full service of bedding/towels but is very costly and time consuming. Need to look into members bringing there bedding/towels or pay a laundry fee. This needs to be addressed for next season, too late for this season. 

9.        Ranch house improvements – add 3 bedrooms to north side while insulating the new outside wall. On the south side add a dining room, may be useable for small board meetings. Loan with State Bank would be a revolving account to allow funds when needed. The funds can be repaid with donations.




New Business


1.        Ranch House Fund Raising –

a.        Re-evaluate horseback rides – If financially beneficial enough could have Ole handle horseback rides and have someone else handle the ranch.

b.       Ranch auctions to raise money

c.        Donations/pledges from members

d.       Fishing derby – tagged fish winner - need to order fish, quoted $4.50/lb. look into other sources. Ole to check with his fish friend for recommendations and lower cost. Board approved spending $2K from the wild life fund for fish.  Ole also checking into re-establishing some of our collection ponds.

2.        Name tags – Tags for members/guest, member tags for cars, guest tags that can be issued by Ole. Dustin to get pricing.

3.        Misc. Items – Alton coal mine proposal would impact our area with open pit mine and coal trucks running down Johnson Canyon. Vance found the web site http://www.altoncoalmine.com/



Meeting adjourned