DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

March 24, 2007, Kanab UT


Ballot Vote Count Meeting

            Meeting called to order 9:10am

            Linda verified all counted ballots were from members in good standing

Counting ballots was done by Linda Alderman, Shawna Cox, and Lynette Foster.


                        Bob Becker                  66 votes

                        John Martine                65 votes

                        Ken Lent                      63 votes

                        Dustin Hollis                 64 votes

                        John Southwick            64 votes

                        Dirk Clayson                55 votes


            Election of officers

                        Larry Clarkson President

                        John Martine                Vice-President

                        Ken Lent                      Treasurer

                        Bob Becker                  Secretary


            Meeting adjourned 10:10am.



March Board Meeting


Board Members Present: Larry Clarkson, Ken Lent, John Martine, Bob Becker, Dustin Hollis, John Southwick, Dirk Clayson.


Others Present: Linda Alderman, Ole Lindgren, Shawna Cox, Eldean Holiday, Louis Millet, John & Sunshine Harris, Fred Searle, Larry Meltzer, Vance & Kathy Green, Jerry & Beverly Racine, Betty Nuttall, .J. C. Stimson, Larry Baer, Joseph Woods, Scott Foster, Lynette Foster, Larry Murphy, Brent Fullmer, Gale Jackson (conf. call).


Meeting called to order at 10:10am


Minutes of January 27, 2007 meeting was reviewed and approved.


Financial Report – Ken Lent, Linda Alderman

1.      $97,000 dues have been paid, $15,800 past due.

2.      $2000 in new Ranch House account.

3.      Present Ranch trucks are dead. Delivery has been scheduled on a purchased ($4000)  98 Chevy KC3500 truck.

4.      Saw Mill has been set up and any money generated will apply to the  purchased price, once it is paid for it will be donated to DSROA.

5.      We had to pay $2600 income tax. In the past we did year end purchases to not have any profit.


Brent Fullmer Report – Needed Ranch Repairs

1.      Upper water system needs two valves to allow Upper Cabins to have water while working on pump, also prevent line drain.

2.      Need to purchase a generator ($650) for Summer pumping assistance to solar pump.

3.      Suggest Upper water system hydrant to operate off pump tank to keep water pump time/cost down.

4.      Lower water system cost 3 gal/hour of diesel to pump water.

5.      Need to add valve to isolate Cabins 6, 7, and 8 from the water line.

6.      Cabin 7 needs new Stop/Waste water valves.

7.      Cabin 8 also needs new Stop/Waste valves.

8.      Need to add valve to isolate Cabins 9 & 10 from the water line.

9.      Need to add two valve at the Barn, one for the new Ranch House, other to isolate the old Ranch house, Garden Cabin.

10.  Water leak in the store – The polly pipe froze because the Stop/Waste valve is broken and didn’t drain the lines. Brent will donate materials

11.  Need to finish the fire tank (4000 gal.) connections before May.

12.    Members have been financially paying for culverts on Broadhollow, Crawford and Brown homestead roads, basically the roads went through the Winter OK.

13.  Brent’s recommended To-Do List.

a.       Start new Ranch House

b.      Delivery of the truck from Ohio.

c.       Fix all Water line/pipe brakeage and add valves as discussed above.

d.      Members/Board need to brought up to speed.

e.       Have the roads graded by Memorial Day.

f.        Committee Fire Plan


Manager’s Report: Ole Lindgren

1.      Ranch will do tree removal on members property for Mill lumber and fire wood.

2.      Duvill/Sherod (Lots 159/160) wants Board approval to gravel the road to their lots. The road crosses common ground. The Board approved their request.

3.      Reservation of Ranch House, Garden Cabin, Cabins 6,7,8. Ole, Larry Baer, Linda to resolve.

4.      Horseback Rides: Members-$15/Hr, Members guest-.$20/Hr, Non-members-$30/Hr. Ole’s Outfitters business to pay for horse care and feed. Linda to set-up horseback ride account. Board OKed $9000 to put into the account.

5.      Robinson lease up April 2008. Ole to look into DSROA increase cattle quantity.

6.      BLM Trail Lease –Ole has received BLM trail rights to all trails on BLM and GSEM for horseback rides.

7.      Weed and Fire control with Ole’s goats. Meets Fire plan requirements

8.      Brent Robinson quoted $2900 for digging out the basement of the new Ranch House and cover up the trash ditch. Larry Clarkson volunteered to do it.

9.      Ole’s past Outfitters Fox-trotted group wants to camp near the air strip. The Board approved DSROA allowing them, Endurance Ride group and the past Motorcycle Group to camp in that general location.


Old Business

1.      Road sign to limit access to Meadow Canyon Road. Sign Committee to give recommendations to the Board. Sign Committee – Fred Searle, Dustin Hollis, Gale Jackson, Jerry Racine.

2.      New Ranch House –  Because of limited time to complete (Needs to be completed by October 2007) a Cabin Kit with approved plans is the best bet. Brent received a discounted price of $25,000 for an approximant 1500 SF cabin. This is $11,000 below sales price. To hold the cabin the Board approved (Ken abstained because found the manufacturer)  to purchase the cabin and borrow $30,000 to pay for it. Larry/Brent to look into increasing the size of the cabin. With the basement the cabin should be close to 2500 SF.

3.      The Board to review the employment contract for Ole/Kenda and Linda. Handed out old Manager agreement, Barbara Button agreement and a generic contractor  employment agreement  for review and modification.

4.      Board to review 10 steps to Higher Ground document.



New Business

1.      Linda ask about filling out a Sales Tax form. We have not paid Sale Tax since 1992 but not sure why. Need to check with Nyle Willis.

2.       New Ranch House Fund Raiser. We need to work on getting donations. Look into auction donated items. Use the May 19th Spring Fling as an opportunity for donations.



Meeting adjourned 1:30 pm


Next meeting – Holiday Inn Express, Kanab  April 28, 2007 5 pm.