DSROA Board of Directors



Date of Meeting:     February 18, 2006

Location:                Phil Hall’s office, St. George, UT


Board members present:  Candice Bosze, Larry Clarkson, Shawna Cox, Larry Walters, Dale Clarkson, Phil Hall


Absent: Val Cram


Others present: Barbara Button, Larry Baer, Joseph Woods, Clyde Nixon, Fred Searle, Brent Fullmer, Joe Bosze, Taylor Button, Ken Lent.


Meeting was called to order at 10:30 AM by President Bosze.


Minutes of the January meeting were not presented but will be at the March meeting.


Financial report.  Shawna reported that the current bank balance in the operating account is $55,685.49, and there is no change in the capital account balance.


Phil Hall is currently listed as an authorized signature on the operating checking account, and does sign checks occasionally. It appears that currently authorized signers are Barbara Button, Candice Bosze, Shawna Cox and Phil Hall. Shawna will check with the bank to verify which names are still on the account.


In discussing the financial reports presented by Barbara Button, it was noted that the capital improvement account is not included in her responsibilities and is not in any of her reports. Larry Clarkson moved that Barbara be asked to include the capital improvement account as a separate report in her bookkeeping system and that she provide monthly statements to the Board for that account along with the budget and expenditure report for the operating account. Larry Walters seconded the motion. All approved.


The need for a capital improvement budget was discussed briefly. No action was taken.


Manager’s report.


Barbara Button’s has been drafted and will cover the calendar year 2006. Barbara and Candy will sign the contract.


Ranch manager position. An advertisement appeared in 52 papers in Utah, Nevada and Idaho. We received 24 responses and an initial screening identified five strong candidates for the position. Interviews are progressing and it is hoped that a final decision can be made before March 1.


Revisions to the Protective Covenants. A discussion draft was presented to the Board in which the two proposals made last year were compared. Because this was the first time the Board had seen the document, discussion was tabled until the next meeting to allow time for review.


Capital improvement plan. One of the issues coming out in the candidate interviews is that the ranch house is not in very good condition. Phil Hall will assess the needs for the ranch house and come back with a plan for improving it.


Horseback riding. Several members have suggested that they would consider buying horses that the ranch could use in the coming season. Shawna Cox will contact Riley Anderson. Brent Fullmer will talk to Lee Bellar.


The next meeting was scheduled for 9:00 AM, March 25th, in St. George at Phil Hall’s office.


The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.