Dear DSROA members,


Greetings!  I am writing you this e-mail as President of your DSROA Board.  I would like to try this form of communication out for a few months to see how responsive the Ranch members are as a whole.  The next Board meeting is scheduled for the 29th of January in Kanab at Nyle Willis’s office at 6:00pm.  The current form of the agenda can be found on the web site.

A couple of items already on the agenda are the following:


1) The Board has put up for sale lots #’s 1 and 259.These lots are owned by the members in common.  (We own lots #’s 1, 74, 75, 190, 259).

Some of the Board’s reasons were that we were not collecting annual dues for these lots, and there were no future common use envisioned for them. Another reason for selling these two lots was to raise money to pay off the grader and further the desperately needed improvement of the cabins and Ranch roads. Board member Nyle Willis, although not opposed to their sell, wants to readdress this topic at this next Board meeting.

Dear Board Members:

Even though I am not opposed to selling lot No. 1, assuming that the price
is right, I am not sure that the Board can vote to legally do it.  I can
find nothing in the bylaws or cc & r that allow it.  I know that lots have
been sold before, but those lots were once part of inventory.  This lot has
historically been part of the "Association" property and is part of the
2,000 acres owned by the members.  I believe that the Board can buy and sell
assets that go along with the day to day operations, however selling off
part of the corpus of the ranch may be beyond the Board's authority without
a vote of the membership.  If that is the case, it would be at the Board's
peril if a member makes a fuss.

Nyle Willis

 Do you feel the Board is empowered to sell these lots?  If you feel we should not sell them, what would you propose doing with these properties?  



2)  The Grader.  Brent Fulmer, representing a group of members who live year round at the Ranch and others, would like to rent the grader from Dec. 1st to May 1st. 


The DSROA Board of Directors would lease the grader to a consortium of
owners for the winter months. The following stipulations would apply;
1. The consortium would obtain a business license from
Kane County to
absolve DSROA of legal responsibilities.
2. The consortium would be non-profit and the grader would not be used other
than to maintain access on Deer Springs Ranch.
3. The grader would always be available for use by Deer Springs Ranch even
during the leasing period.
4. The consortium would be responsible for fuel and maintenance expense
during the period of the lease and would return the grader to Ranch control
in as good or better condition than it received it.
5. The consortium would pay the Ranch a fee for each hour of use during the
lease period. The fee to be
negotiated as the consortium would be paying for fuel, maintenance, and
hiring our own operator.
6. The consortium would be available to any or all members who wish to join.
It would also make the grader available to any member who wanted one time
access but didn't want to join the consortium.


They would be in control of its use and maintenance during that time. Nyle Willis thinks we should sell the grader to this group and have the Ranch rent it back


Another alternative to Brent's proposal would be for the "consortium" to
purchase the grader from the ranch and then it would be available for
whatever use the consortium had.  The ranch then could contract with the
consortium or any other contractor who was interested to grade the ranch
roads on a periodic or as needs basis.  This would remove the ranch from
making expensive repairs to the grader and/or trying to determine the cause
or responsibility of any damage done.  The consortium would be able to "hire
out" to members or others for blade work also.

Nyle Willis


 I feel we should not sell or give control of the grader to anyone. We should have Tony  (the current on site manager for the Ranch) trained to use it (like Vance Beckstead was), and let those who need it during the winter months listed above rent the grader with our authorized operator (Tony) driving it.  This way we stay in control of how and when the grader is used and maintained. During the winter months Tony will have the time to meet the demands of the group of residents that live full time at the Ranch. If we lease (turn over control) of our grader to a group, we lose control of how and when our grader is used and the option of who operates it.  Granted, the Fulmer group’s intent would be to return the grader in good condition.  My point is we are not in the business of leasing large expensive equipment and we do not have the expertise to do so. I feel we need to stay in control of our expensive Ranch equipment.  I am not in favor of selling our grader.  I feel it was purchased at a good price and is very needful for maintaining the roads at the Ranch on an as-needed basis.


The Board would appreciate your input.  Go to our web site under the “member matters” area and click on the “Email the Ranch Board button” section to send us your response. Your Email will be posted for everyone to read, unless you specify otherwise.


Thank you,

Phillip Hall President DSROA Board