Members: These minutes have been posted to let the membership know of the recent proceedings in a timely manner. These are the minutes from the October 15th  meeting that will be temporarily posted as they have not been officially approved by the Board of Directors.


Candy Bosze

President DSROA



DSROA Board of Directors



Date of Meeting:     October 15, 2005

Location:                Ranch


Board members present:           Candice Bosze, Dale Clarkson, Larry Clarkson, Shawna Cox, Val Cram, Phil Hall, Larry Walters


Others present:       Larry Baer, Joseph & Babbett Nuttall, Jerry & Beverly Racine, Carol Walters, Patsy Clarkson, John B. Jordan, Taylor Button, John Martine, Dee Martine, Brent Fullmer, Joe Bosze, Ken Lent, Barbara Button, Larry Murphy


President Dale Clarkson called the meeting to order at approximately 10 AM.


Before taking up the agenda for the meeting, Dale Clarkson announced that his resignation as President of DSROA, effective immediately. He indicated that he will serve out his term as a Board member.


As Vice-president, Candy Bosze chaired the next portion of the meeting.


Val Cram moved that the Board accept Dale Clarkson’s resignation and his willingness to continue to serve out his term on the Board with a vote of thanks for Dale’s contributions and an expression of confidence in his continued service. Shawna Cox seconded the motion. Vote: 6 in favor, 1 abstention.


The Board then took up the question of electing a new President. After some discussion, Val Cram moved that the election be held immediately. Shawna Cox seconded the motion. Vote: 6 in favor, 1 abstention.


Nominations for President were opened. Val Cram nominated Candice Bosze. Phil Hall nominated Larry Walters. The vote was five for Candice Bosze, two for Larry Walters.


Since Candy was Vice-president, installing her as President required electing a new Vice-president. Nominations were opened. Larry Clarkson and Val Cram were nominated. The vote was five for Larry Clarkson, one for Val Cram, one abstention.


The new officers immediately assumed their responsibilities.


The minutes of August 13, 2005 were discussed. Dale Clarkson moved they be approved as written, seconded by Val Cram. Vote: five in favor, none opposed, two abstentions.


The minutes of the Board meeting held following the annual membership meeting on September 17, 2005 were read. It was noted that the meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM, rather than the 6:00 PM listed. Val Cram moved the minutes be approved as corrected. Vote: seven in favor, none opposed.  

Management report:

a)      Barbara reported that there will be a field trip for the Board and others interested following the Board meeting to see first hand some of the projects completed and other situations requiring Board decisions.

b)      Barbara reported that she had received a letter from Donna Owens from the US Forest Service responding to our request that the Forest Service move a cattle guard from its current location by lots 74 and 75 to the gate between Meadow Canyon Road and Forest Service property on the north boundary of the ranch. Ms. Owens was reluctant to move the cattle guard because of a concern that the Forest Service would in effect be encouraging trespassing on ranch property if they did so. The Forest Service would only be willing to move the cattle guard if the association would be willing to grant access to the ranch. It was also noted that the ranch needs to apply for an easement to maintain the ranch road that crosses Forest Service property on Pipeline Canyon road. Barbara noted the need for a cattle guard at the Forest Service gate because that gate is sometimes left open and ranch cattle move into the National Forest, exposing the ranch to potential citation and fine. Barbara noted that an appropriate cattle guard would cost about $3,000. Phil Hall moved that the association budget for two cattle guards in 2006, to be installed at the Forest Service and Pipeline Canyon gates, and two others in 2007, and that we apply for the necessary easement in Pipeline Canyon. Larry Clarkson seconded the motion. Vote: two in favor, five opposed.


Barbara will reply to Ms. Owens that we are not willing to grant access to our roads at this time.


Larry Clarkson moved that we proceed with an application for an easement on the Pipeline Canyon Road, seconded by Phil Hall. Vote: five in favor, two opposed. Barbara will prepare the application.

c)      On-site management is being carried out by Barbara and her family. Many projects have completed. She and her family are making strong efforts to reduce ranch costs and finish projects that were started earlier.

d)      Barbara noted the substantial contributions made by active association members. She called attention to the new roof installed on the Garden Cabin by Dave Turley, the work done by Larry Murphy and the digital recorder provided by Vance Green. She expressed appreciation for very supportive members.


Finance report:

a)      Shawna reported that the capital improvement account was opened on September 20, 2005 with a deposit of $24,593.07. She noted that some of these funds had previously been committed by the Board to reimburse the operating fund for the purchase of a vehicle.

b)      Larry Walters moved that $15,000 be moved from the capital improvement account to the operating fund to reimburse the operating fund for the cost of improvements to the water system. Phil Hall seconded the motion. Vote: six in favor, one opposed.

c)      Shawna expressed uncertainty about the extent of her responsibilities as Treasurer and requested clarification from the Board. The issue was deferred since there was another agenda item addressing this question more broadly.


Tabled motion to remove Dale Clarkson from the Board. Larry Walters expressed the view that the Board needed to decide whether or not they would call a special meeting of the membership to consider this motion. Since it is a motion by the membership, the Board cannot act on it directly, but could call a special meeting of the membership. Shawna Cox moved that the tabled motion be left for the next regular annual meeting, seconded by Val Cram. The view was expressed that reporting to the membership on Dale’s resignation as President might render the question moot. Shawna and Val withdrew the motion.


Board assignments and responsibilities. After several spontaneous contributions from members present, Phil Hall moved that the discussion of responsibilities be limited to Board members. Shawna seconded the motion. Vote: four in favor, three opposed.


After referral to the Bylaws and other documentation, it was agreed that each Board member would write a description of their duties and exchange them before the next Board meeting. Final descriptions of responsibilities will be agreed upon at the next Board meeting.


PCR-Bylaw changes. The question of how the Board and the Association should proceed following the vote at the annual meeting regarding on change to the protective covenants and by-laws. Three options were considered. First, since the set of changes put forward by the committee chaired by Phil Hall received the most votes at the annual meeting, this set of changes could be put before the membership again without changes. Second, an attempt could be made by the Board to reconcile differences between the two sets of proposed changes. Third, the Board could divide the proposals by producing one document that contains the language that is common to both proposals, and put this document before the membership. The Board would at the same time make an effort to reconcile remaining differences between the two approaches. Shawna Cox moved that the Board come together to review changes and produce a single document for the membership by the February 28, 2006. Larry Clarkson second. Vote: 7 in favor, 0 opposed. This item will be placed on the agenda for January 2006. Phil Hall said he would distribute copies that highlight the differences in the two proposals.


Lot 259 Settlement statement. Dale Clarkson provided a copy of this document which is attached to these minutes.


Repairs to Pond 3. Repairs made to Pond 3 were discussed along with options for further repairs. The Board will visit this site as part of the tour after today’s meeting.


2006 Budget. The Board was in agreement that the next budget should include both an operating and a capital budget, and that preparation of the budget will be the focus of attention at the November meeting. Board members and management will come with specific proposals for capital projects. Every effort will be made to share these proposals before the next meeting so that Board members have time to evaluate proposals and prepare for the meeting.


Wildlife budget. Larry Clarkson will propose projects and activities related to wildlife and wildlife management for the next budget.


Newsletter. It was agreed that Larry Walters would prepare and mail the October newsletter and that members would be asked if they would be willing to receive future newsletters by email.


Larry Sim’s plan approval. Larry Sims’ proposed building plans were considered (a copy is attached). The Board agreed to ask Mr. Sims for additional clarification regarding proposed setbacks from current property lines. There was also brief discussion about the appropriate role for the Board in reviewing and approving plans. This issue will be taken up as part of the revisions in protective covenants and by-laws.


Benny Jordan. Benny Jordan appeared before the Board to request that he be permitted to withdraw from the Association since he does not feel that he receives any benefits from his membership or the annual assessments that he pays. The Board took no action on this request but will evaluate Mr. Jordan’s situation and try to help him understand the benefits of membership.


Next meeting. The date for the next Board meeting was set for Nov 26, 2005 at 9:00 in Kanab. The meeting will be held either at the Library or in the Bank basement, depending on availability. Larry Clarkson will confirm a location. The date for the December meeting was set for December 10 in St. George, either at the Skywest facility or in Phil Hall’s office. Phil will confirm the location.


The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM.