Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

Saturday, June 25, 2005

9 AM @ Ranch


Board members present:  Dale Clarkson, Phil Hall, Art Ortolani, Larry Clarkson, Lee Bellar, Val Cram.  Shawna Cox absent.


Others present:  Barbara Button, Robert Musko, Klen Brooks, Mary Elliott, Ken Lent, Don Busboom, John Davis, Joseph Wood, Greg Burke, Rod Johnson, Tom Massengale, Nathan Button, Candy and Joe Bosze, Lynette and  Phil Foster, Brent Fullmer, Taylor Button


Minutes of the May 26, 2005 board meeting were approved.


1.             Horses

Barbara reported that Rod Johnson has offered to help occasionally with the horse rides.  The horse rides have been scheduled fairly heavily.


2.             Newsletter

Dale and Candy will get together and plan the newsletter. Notice of nomination for board positions deadlines will be listed in the newsletter also.


3.                    Cabin Rental Pool

Members will be able to deposit their extra weeks.  Barbara will rent out of the pool.  The proceeds are split as follows:  Cabin maintenance (DSROA) 40%, between members that participate 40%, advertisement 10%, and on-site managers 10%.  No motion made.


4.                    Sale of Lot 259

Lot 259 is sold to Dustin Hollis.  Phil Hall made a motion, seconded by Art, to use the proceeds as follows:  $5300 to shore up the unexpected expense of vehicles, $5000 in a contingency fund, and the remainder to be used on a priority list which the board will need to make.  All in favor.  Items mentioned for the priority list was old barn, roads, cabins, reservoirs, and pavilion.


5.                    Old Barn

The old barn is about to fall over.  Discussion regarding how best to handle the problem resulted.  Some think the best thing would be to tear the barn down and rebuilt from the bottom up.  Others think that some heavy duty “Band-Aids” will work. Val made motion, seconded by Lee, for Joseph Wood to buy iron and weld some tee braces which will be bolted to the old beams to strengthen the pillars.  DSR buy the materials, Joe Wood donate the labor to cut and weld the iron.  All in favor.


6.                    Motorcycle Race

Brent Fullmer is concerned that the race scheduled for September and which will be running on his newly graveled road, will do much damage.  Larry Clarkson made a motion, seconded by Art, to have DSROA repair any damage done by the race to any roads.  All in favor.


Art made a motion, seconded by Larry, to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 am.  All in favor.


Next board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, July 16, at 9 AM at the ranch.