Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

Thursday, May 26, 2005

7 PM @ Clarkson Properties Office


Board members present:  Dale Clarkson, Phil Hall, Shawna Cox, Val Cram, Lee Bellar, and Larry Clarkson.  Art Ortolani absent.


Others present:  Barbara Button


Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Lee Bellar, that this board meeting was an official board meeting and any decisions made at this meeting would be official.  Dale, Val, Lee, Larry, and Shawna voted Aye.  Phil voted Naye.


Shawna Cox made a motion, seconded by Val to accept the May 7, 2005 board meeting minutes as written with a few small changes.  (Those changes were made in the official copy of the minutes)  All in favor.


Shawna made a motion, seconded by Larry, that DSROA pay for the gravel and spreading of that gravel from the Meadow Canyon Road at the top of the airstrip to the new 40,000 gallon water tank.  Any gravel needed on the remainder of that road to lot 156 would be paid for by the members along the road.  DSROA will provide the grader and operator to spread the gravel.  All in favor.


Shawna made a motion, seconded by Phil, that DSR buy the white GMC truck Dale Clarkson offered for $2800 and the Polaris ATV that Taylor Button offered for $2500.  All in favor.


Larry made a motion, seconded by Lee, to accept the rates for grader and tractor rent as listed in the May 7, 2005 minutes.  All in favor.


There was then a discussion regarding a newsletter.  Dale will give Candy Bosze an outline of ideas for the newsletter.


Val made a motion to strike the reservation fee and accept Dales generous offer of covering the reservation fees.  No second.  Motion died.


Phil made a motion, seconded by Lee, to instigate a cabin rental pool for this season.  At the end of 2005, the board should reassess the success of the rental pool and evaluate the reservation fee.  The rental pool program should be introduced in the newsletter.   Phil, Lee, Larry, Shawna voted Aye.  Dale and Val voted Naye.


Lee made a motion, seconded by Shawna, to adjourn at 9:45 PM.  All in favor.