Deer Springs Ranch Board Meeting

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Zion’s Bank in Kanab


Board members present: Dale Clarkson, Phil Hall, Art Ortolani, Val Cram, Larry Clarkson, Lee Bellar.  Shawna Cox arrived about 10 am.


Others present:  Joe and Candy Bosze, Bill and Audrey Kettler, Larry Murphy, Fred Searles, John Davis, Kevin and Gladys Northey, Joe McElroy, Larry Baer, Taylor and Barbara Button, Brent Fullmer, Ken Lent.


Dale Clarkson called the meeting to order at 8 AM.


Minutes of the April 9, 2005 board meeting were read and approved with one change.  In the middle of the second page, Phil Hall made a motion.  Change “would be blocked out for non-member use” to “would be blocked out for member use”.  All approved.


Ranch Manager’s Report

Barbara Button reported that the Garden Cabin, Cabin 7, Cabin 8, the store, the laundry room, and the carport have been painted.  As soon as the weather permits, Cabins 6, 9, and 10 will be painted.  We expect to have enough paint left to paint Cabin 2 also. 


Barbara is very pleased with the work of Kevin and Gladys Northey, the new caretakers.  They have donated much of their own items: kitchen sink for ranch house, bathroom tile for ranch house, paint for ranch house kitchen, a door for the office into the ranch house, and several plants and other items.  The ranch house interior looks much better now.  The chickens have all been locked up so that plants may be planted and actually survive without being pecked to pieces.  Several flats of flowers have been planted.


Barbara asked the board to consider buying either an ATV or small pickup for the caretakers to use to drive around the ranch.  Either one would save gas and provide a second means of transportation for the caretakers.  As it is, the caretakers must use their own vehicle when the ranch truck is being used.  In the past, caretakers have used their own vehicles and literally worn them out.  This item is to be on the agenda for next month.


The 40,000 gal water tank renovation has been slow.  There was discussion as to whether the board approved spending $4000 as quoted by Richard Cothern to sand blast and repaint the inside of the water tank.  Larry made a motion, seconded by Val, to have Dale call the original seller of the tank and see if a settlement could be reach to have the original seller fix the interior paint job.  All in favor.


Barbara presented letters of request by Vance Green (lot 156) and Bill Kettler (lot 155) asking for monetary support for improving the road on the west side of the airstrip.  The board wanted to do some research on the matter and will make a decision via email within the next few weeks. 


The Kane County Commissioners will meet with the board on Friday, May 20, at 10 AM at the ranch to review the Meadow Canyon proposals.


The proposal for renting/use fees for the Kubota and Grader was reviewed. We will need to develop a damage waiver document. This document will need to be signed by the member when requesting use of the grader or Kubota for private work. If they choose not to purchase the damage waiver, they will be responsible for any damage to the equipment that might incur while the grader or Kubota is being used for private work on their property. The money collected for the damage waiver will go into a "Line Item" on the budget that is earmarked for equipment repair and maintenance. Members will be given two options when requesting grader work. They can request the use from the Ranch and the Ranch will provide the operator. Or they can request the use of the grader and select from the list of Ranch approved operators. When choosing that option, they will be responsible for negotiating with the approved operator for their wages. They will only have one operator option when it comes to use of the Kubota. The Ranch Caretaker will operate the Kubota. Following is a suggested fee rate schedule. We recommend the charge be broken down into 15 minute increments for partial hour use with a one hour minimum charge.


Base Charge;

Grader $50.00 per hour

Ranch Provided Operator $25.00 per hour

Damage Waiver $25.00 per use/day

Kubota with Operator $50.00 per hour

Damage Waiver $25.00 per use/day


Approved Operators List: Norris Church, John Pardo, Larry Clarkson , and Nolan Button.


1)                   Night light and cabin keys

Val made a motion, seconded by Art, for Barbara to purchase some solar lights to place near the bulletin board, along the path to the ranch house/office, and by the steps to each cabin.  All in favor.  Lee will donate a solar light he has and doesn’t need.


2)                   Horse rides and schedule

Dale asked Barbara to report what she had found out from Jeff Allen, a local wrangler.  Jeff would need $25 per hour per rider to make it feasible for him to take over the horse rides at the ranch.  Barbara told the board that we pay $4200 per year for horse ride insurance and additional $3500 for feed, tack, and vet bills for the horses.  If we took part of this money and subsidized Jeff for member rides, so members could continue to ride for $5 per hour, we could subsidize about 250 rides before it began to cost the ranch more than before.  This was considering that the ranch continued to feed a few head of horses for using to manage the cows etc.  The board quickly decided that this was not a good plan.  Larry made a motion, seconded by Phil, to have Barbara, Dale, and Art (the Recreation Board Representative) work on a horse riding schedule and program and report back to the entire board within 10 days (May 17th).  All in favor.


Candy Bosze was asked to help prepare a exciting and informative newsletter to be mailed to all members by June 10, 2005.


3)                   Cabin rentals and reservation fees

The reservation fees and cabin rental fees were discussed at length.  Several board members want to do away with the reservation fees.  Other board members do not want to discard the reservation fees until an alternative plan of income has been proven.  Phil made a motion, seconded by Lee, to leave the reservation fees in place this year.  But to add to next months agenda a discussion of possible ways to increase income for the association by marketing cabins to outsiders as long as it doesn’t overly compete with member use. Phil and Lee voted in favor.  Dale, Val, Art, and Larry C voted against.  Motion failed.


Larry Clarkson then made a motion, seconded by Val, to have a committee consisting of the board, Barbara, and interested members decide on reservation fees, non-member cabin rates, and member rates.  Dale, Val, Art, and Larry voted in favor. Phil and Lee voted against.  Motion passed.


4)                   Welcome letter to new buyers and DSROA membership certificates

Dale asked what was being sent to new members.  Barbara read a letter she sends to new members when she learns that they are a member.  It is a one page letter welcoming them to “our ranch family” and giving them the web site address, telling them what can be found on the web site, and listing the ranch phone numbers, email address, and mailing address.  A discussion about membership certificates and if they are needed then proceeded.  Some believe that membership certificates are not needed as your membership is stated in the CCRs.  However, others believe that the membership is not stated in the CCRs and that a certificate is needed to state membership rights.  Val made a motion, seconded by Shawna, that official Membership Certificates be sent to any member that requests it and that every new member will receive a certificate from now on.  All in favor. Dale to get Barbara a copy of the official certificate that used to be sent out.


At this point, Dale said they were running out of time so he was requesting that they skip to agenda item #9.

9)                   Weekly management meeting

A discussion ensued.  Some board members feel that a weekly meeting consisting of Barbara, board members that can make it, and possibly the caretakers or committee chairmen should be held.  At this point, Barbara stated that she feels the communication between her and the board (with a few exceptions) and between the board and most of the committee chairmen (with a few exceptions) is very poor.  She said that she has sent out at least two emails to the board each month and most of the board members never reply or acknowledge the receipt of these updates or pleas for assistance.  After much discussion, Phil made a motion, seconded by Larry, to encourage board members, the ranch manager, and any committee representatives to respond immediately to emails and phone calls so that communication could be improved among personnel at the ranch. Phil, Larry, Val, Art, and Lee in favor.  Shawna opposed. Dale had to leave the meeting and could not vote.


Remaining agenda items placed on next month’s agenda.  Those items are:  Signage, dams and reservoirs, seven-day coverage each week, Meadow Canyon Road, and mini commercial projects – Legg, Reber, Ortolani.


Next board meeting is set for Saturday, June 18, at 10 AM at the ranch.  Luncheon to follow.


Shawna made a motion, seconded by Phil, to adjourn the meeting.  All in favor.