DSROA Board Meeting

Saturday, January 29, 2005

9 AM @ Kanab Holiday Inn


Board members present:  Dale Clarkson, Val Cram, Art Ortolani, Shawna Cox, Larry Clarkson and Phillip Hall.  Lee Bellar was excused due to too much mud on the Skutumpah road to allow for safe travel.


Others present:  Joe Wood, Larry Baer, Brent Fullmer, John Davis, Taylor Button, Barbara Button, Fred Searles, Joe McElroy, Joe and Candice Bosze, Nellie Hoyt, Cathy Church, Patsy Clarkson, Ken Lent, Larry Murphy, Nyle Willis, Kathy Pierce, Shar and Greg Tobler, and Karen Morris.


Dale Clarkson called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM.  He asked Phil Hall to give an opening prayer.  Dale then gave an overview of the ranchıs development from the beginning.


Barbara Button read the December 11, 2004 minutes.  Larry Clarkson made a motion, seconded by Shawna Cox to accept and approve the minutes as written with one exception.  Shawna Cox is to be added to the Legal Document Committee. All in favor.


There were no requests for non-official agenda items to be added to the agenda.


1)              Hoyt well and road

Nellie Hoyt told about her solar powered pump being turned on several times this past fall.  The water from the well has ran across the DSR road and created a small washout.  Nellie is concerned with trespassers, with Massengaleıs complaints of the washed out road, and with three culverts that Hoytıs have lost that were left at the headquarters. Larry made a motion, seconded by Art, that DSROA should give Hoytıs three cement culverts to replace the missing culverts.  All in favor.


2)              Brent Fullmerıs Appeal

Brent made an appeal to every member to work together.  There are those on the far right and those on the far left.  However, most members are in the middle.  He asked for everyone to try to give a little to allow for more cooperation.  Brent and others would like to organize a Grader Consortium.  Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Shawna, that Brent Fullmer create a proposal for the grader consortium and present it to the board via email or fax.  All in favor.  There was discussion regarding the poor shape of the County Road to the ranch.  Barbara had asked the County if we could use our grader to smooth out the ruts on the County Road.  She was told, ³Absolutely no².  Dale Clarkson then mentioned that there is a recorded document stating that DSR can grade the County Road.  Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Art, that Dale Clarkson give Barbara Button a copy of the recorded document.  Barbara to then approach the County with the document and discuss the issue.  All in favor.


3)              Manager Contract Renewal

Barbara Button asked the board what their plans were regarding her manager contract that expires on March 1, 2005.  She read the board last yearıs contract.  Phil  made a motion, seconded by Larry Clarkson, to approve Barbara Button as the general manager of the ranch from March 1, 2005 until March 1, 2006.  All in favor.  Barbara was asked to type up an official contract and send it to the board via email or fax within the next couple weeks for their final approval.


4)              Legal Documents

Ken Lent reported that his prepaid legal service attorney stated that after reviewing the proposed CC&R and Bylaw changes, the attorney believes the new documents will give more protection to the membership. Ken reported the Attorney stated,  ³It is appropriate to put the Utah Statutes in the new documents because the Code is to legitimize our association operation².  After discussion, a workshop meeting was scheduled for 1 PM following the board meeting to go over some of the differences and questions.


Next Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 25, 2005 at 6:30 PM at the Kanab Holiday Inn.  Shawna made a motion, seconded by Val, to adjourn at 11:30 AM.  All in favor.