DSROA Board Meeting

Saturday, Dec. 11, 2004

9 AM @ Kanab Holiday Inn



Board members present:  Dale Clarkson, Val Cram, Art Ortolani, Lee Bellar, Shawna Cox.  Larry Clarkson and Phillip Hall were excused to attend family events.


Others present:  Larry Murphy, Larry Baer, Ken Lent, Joe McElroy, Taylor Button, John Davis, Barbara Button, Brent Fullmer.


Dale Clarkson called the meeting to order at 9 AM at the Kanab Holiday Inn Conference Room.


1)            Review of Previous Minutes

Lee Bellar made a motion seconded by Shawna Cox to accept the October 16, 2004 2nd revision as written by Barbara Button except for the paragraph titled Hiring of Attorney Bruce Jenkins .  That paragraph was to be reworded and presented to the entire board for their approval via phone or email.  The paragraph titled Mail Handling-PO Box Key is to be reworded.  Shawna, Lee, Art, and Val voted Aye.  Dale was opposed.


Shawna Cox made a motion, seconded by Art Orotolani, to accept the November 20, 2004 meeting minutes 2nd revision as written by Barbara Button. All in favor.


2)            Non-Official Agenda Item

Barbara Button requested permission to present a public road access proposal to the board for their review.  The board took the proposal to read later.  They will each give Barbara their opinions by December 21, 2004.


3)            Capital Improvement Budget

Shawna suggested that the capital improvements at the ranch should not come from our maintenance budget.  She suggested that a separate budget should be set up for capital improvements. Sources of income need to be identified for the capital improvements.  We also need a clear definition of which projects are considered capital improvements. Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Art Ortolani, to start moving towards halting the use of assessments for capital improvements as it is not a fair and equitable way to finance capital improvements.  Shawna Cox is to be the Chairperson of the Capital Improvement Budget.  All in favor.


4)            Update on Water System

Barbara Button informed the board that the work for the pipeline from the new 40,000 gallon tank to the old tanks will commence the week of December 12, 2004.  Richard Cothern has been hired to retrofit the new tank with required overflow, drain, vent, etc.  He will begin this week also.


5)            Legal Documents

Barbara handed out copies of the suggestions that have been given to her or Phil Hall regarding changes to the Bylaws and CCRs.  Lee Bellar made a motion seconded by Shawna Cox, to table the legal documents until everyone can study them closer.  A committee of members and several board members will be formed to review and suggest ways to simplify the legal jargon.  The committee s suggestions will be presented to the membership by April 1, 2005.  All in favor. The committee will consist of Dale Clarkson, Phil Hall, Lee Bellar, John Davis, Brent Fullmer, Ken Lent, Shawna Cox and Barbara Button.  The first meeting will be in January before the next board meeting.  Ken Lent suggested that he use an attorney that he knows, which would be free to Ken, to review the documents so that there will be two legal opinions.


6)            Budget for 2005

Barbara submitted a proposed 2005 budget.  The board and audience discussed it at length. Val made a motion, seconded by Lee, to accept the proposed budget with two changes.  Raise the tractor income to $2000 and raise the wildlife income to $5000.  Val, Lee, and Shawna voted Aye.  Dale opposed.


Next board meeting will be January 29, 2005 at the Kanab Holiday Inn.  Shawna made a motion, seconded by Lee, to adjourn.  All in favor.