2nd Revision

DSROA Board Meeting

Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004

Kanab Holiday Inn Conference Room



Board Members present:  Dale Clarkson, Val Cram, Larry Clarkson, Lee Bellar, Art Ortolani, Phil Hall and Shawna Cox


Others present:  Barbara Button, Brent Fullmer, John Davis, Taylor Button, Larry Baer, Byron Schimpp, Kathy Green,  Vance Green, Paul Ford, Joe Bosze, Candice Bosze, Larry Murphy, Nyle Willis, Joe Nuttall, Betty Nuttall, Jerry Racine, Beverley Racine, Tom Massengale, Patsy Clarkson, and Fred Searles.


Minutes of previous meeting Art Ortolani made a motion, seconded by Val Cram to reject the minutes of the October 18, 2004 meeting as written. Art, Val, Shawna Cox, Dale Clarkson, and Larry Clarkson were in agreement. Lee Bellar and Phil Hall opposed. 


Larry Clarkson made a motion, seconded by Shawna Cox to have the board members edit the minutes after the meeting.  All in favor.


Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Shawna Cox to record all future meetings and archive the recordings.  All in favor.


Art Ortolani will get Barbara Button a recorder to use.  The recorder has the ability to download to the computer.


President Dale Clarkson asked if the audience members had any requests to be heard on non-official agenda items.  No requests were submitted.


Cabin Committee Chairman Report

Ken Lent reported to the new board that the cabin issues identified in April 2004 had been taken care of with the exception of some propane gas tank issues.  We are still working with Amerigas to determine when and if they can move two propane tanks.  We will then need to reroute the propane line to the cabins. 

Ken asked Barbara to give some statistics on the cabin usage this year.  41% of the members of the ranch used the cabins this year.


New Well and Water System

Barbara reported that the water system at the ranch has been split into two parts:  the lower section (the new well, pump house, water meter, irrigation connections, old well hook ups, restructure the electrical connections and generator, etc.) and the upper section (retrofit the 40,000 gallon water tank, 4 inch water line from old tanks to new, hook up for lots, pressure reducing valves for cabins, etc.). The original plan for 2004 was to use the budgeted money to do the upper section.  However, the old pump went out in August and so the board allowed for a change of direction.  The lower section then became the area of focus.  However, some members had paid their connection fees and had been told their water hook ups would be done this fall.  Barbara is concerned about using their connection fees to do the lower system when it will not benefit them directly.  Those present in the audience and the board understood the problem:  a shortage of funds.  It was suggested that we ask members to pay their 2005 assessments early to generate the funds necessary to complete the entire system.  Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Shawna Cox.  Barbara to continue with the entire water system this fall.  Members asked to commit to pay their assessments early.  All in favor.  (Nine lots paid their dues on the spot that morning.  Our members are great!)


Shawna Cox made a motion, seconded by Larry Clarkson that all dues paid by December 31, 2004 will be $395 for 2005 even if the board decides to raise the 2005 dues. All in favor. Tom Massengale then donated several pieces of plywood and lumber for the pump house.  Ken Lent volunteered two concourses on cement blocks.  John Davis, Brent Fullmer, and Taylor Button volunteered to help construct the building.  Barbara noted that Scott Hacking from the State Engineer’s office inspected and passed the lower system fittings and connections on November 19, 2004.


New Board Representatives for Ranch Committees

Phil Hall went down the list of DSROA committees and noted which ones had been chaired by board members that were no longer on the board.  The changes were: Val Cram represent the Farming Com., Shawna Cox represent the Flora and Fauna Com., Shawna Cox to represent the Financial Audit Com., Dale Clarkson to represent the Fund Raising/Capital Improvements Com., Phil Hall and Dale Clarkson to co-represent the Legal Code Review Com., Art Ortolani to represent the Recreation/ATV Com., and Shawna Cox to represent the Social Com. with Tom Massengale acting as Chairman of the Social Com.


Commercialization of DSR

Brent Fullmer presented some sociological ideas and needs of each member of society.  He related it to the ranch community and the possible effects of commercializing  (opening the ranch up to non-member use) at the ranch. He stated that commercialization of the ranch could be either bad or good depending upon the master plan.  Brent asked for a written master plan before any plans were accepted.  He received applause for his well presented ideas and feelings.


Changes in Bylaws and CCRs

Phil Hall reiterated that he feels the new changes to the Bylaws and Protective Covenants will provide more member protection from the whims of year to year changing boards.  He believes it will also clarify some areas of conflict in the rules and guidelines.  There was much discussion on the matter.  Some members feel that the changes are too complicated and rigid.  While some feel that they will bring more protection and order to year to year operations and decisions.  Every member is encouraged to read the published booklets of proposed changes and submit their ideas for consideration.  A ranch wide vote will be held in January 2005.


Reservation Fees and the Point System

Dale Clarkson voiced his concern with the reservation fee system versus the old point system.  Dale sees them as two totally different business management concepts.  Dale does not feel that the fee system has as much flexibility as the old point system.  For instance, a member pays the same price for the reservation of Cabin 4 (smallest cabin) or the Garden Cabin (largest cabin).  He feels the ranch needs a more equitable system.  Art Ortolani asked Barbara Button to give the pros and cons of each system since she has worked with both systems.  Barbara stated that on the point system members did have more flexibility to use their points.  Each point was equal to one dollar. They could use points for horse rides, fish, or cabins with each cabin valued at different levels.  However, most members did not value their points as much as they value an actual dollar.  For instance, members often reserved  their two weeks and then never actually came to the ranch and used their reserved time.  Keeping track of how many points a member used over the week’s stay on horse rides and fish caught was also somewhat cumbersome. Because the cabins were at a dangerous level of needed repairs and funds are always low, the board, at the time, discussed at length the options.  Because many members voiced the opinion they did not want their assessments raised just to repair cabins when they never used the cabins, a plan of “the user pays” was instituted.  Those that actually used the cabins would pay a $25 fee.  This would hopefully solve two problems.  It would encourage members to be responsible for their reservations if they had to pay at the time of reservation requests.  And it would generate much needed funds to help offset costs of refurbishing the cabins.  The general consensus was that neither system is perfect and we all need to work together to solve the problems.


Cement Culverts

Barbara informed the board that we have over 50 pieces of eight-foot long cement culvert stacked at the ranch.  The cost of the culvert was the freight to haul them from Arizona and the cost of equipment to unload the heavy pipes.  After discussion, it was agreed that members could purchase pieces of cement pipe for $50 per piece.  Members are then responsible for moving their newly purchased pipe.


Road Right of Ways

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding giving the public access to cross our private lands.  There are pros and cons to both sides.  In brief, if DSR gives access rights to Kane County for Meadow Canyon Road from the county Skutumpah Road near the airport to the Dixie Forest Service gate at the north end of Meadow Canyon, Kane County would then maintain, finish graveling, install the needed culverts, install cattleguards as needed, possibly fence and gate side roads, and possibly reimburse DSR for some of the gravel already spread on the road.  The Division of Wildlife has said they would patrol our lands more heavily during hunting seasons to try to curtail illegal hunting. In addition, the Dixie National Forest would give DSR right of way to gravel the short strip of Forest Road near the Red Reservoir and install several cattleguards along the Forest boundaries.  The Forest Service would also like access through the Johnny Brown area to their Grand View Trailhead located to the north of Johnny Brown.  In exchange, they would gravel that road and hire someone to maintain it.  The down side of the whole thing is:  giving public access will probably increase traffic on Meadow Canyon which could result in an invasion of privacy on our personal lots and possibly more occurrences of vandalism.  Is the trade off worth it?  The public is currently using our roads without our permission.  Can we or do we want to stop it? Or should we just get as much compensation as possible for what is already taking place?  Discussion to continue in another meeting and after member input.


The next Board meeting is scheduled for Dec 11, 2004 at 9 am at the Kanab Holiday Inn Conference Room.


Shawna Cox made a motion seconded by Larry Clarkson to adjourn the regular board meeting.  All in favor.


After a short break, a closed meeting was called to order.  Larry Clarkson made a motion, seconded by Art Ortolani to have vice-president Val Cram conduct this meeting.  All in favor.


After some discussion regarding the rejection of the prior board meeting minutes, Val Cram made a motion, seconded by Lee Bellar to have Barbara Button review the minutes as written and put them in a different format.  After attempting this assignment, Barbara would forward the revised minutes to all the board for review. All in favor.


Larry Clarkson made a motion, seconded by Shawna Cox to adjourn the closed meeting.  All in favor.