Minutes of DSROA Board Meeting

Held Friday, July 9, 2004

At DSR at 6 PM.


Board members present: Phil Hall, Larry Baer, Nyle Willis, Art Ortolani, Larry Clarkson, Lee Bellar


Others present: Larry Murphy, Ken Lent, Tony Holden, Taylor Button, Barbara Button, Nellie Hoyt, Dan Ortolani, Brent Fullmer


Reviewed the May 1, 2004 minutes and approved them unanimously.


Barbara reviewed the financial status of the ranch.Ý The board received a report of actual expenditures vs. what was budgeted.Ý The ranch has stayed within the budget in almost all areas.Ý Barbara also reviewed with the Board all the past due member assessments.Ý She updated the board on efforts to collect seriously delinquent accounts.


Solar Systems

Lee Bellar reported that he is still working on bids for the solar system for headquarters.Ý Barbara said that the ranch does not have $10,000 for a solar system as was quoted by the first company.


Mineral Rights

Lee has called several agencies to find information regarding purchasing of the mineral rights on the ranch properties.Ý Barbara spoke to Rex Smart at the Kanab BLM Office. Rex stated that purchasing of the mineral rights on private property is very much possible.Ý Rex did not know what the price would be.Ý But if the ranch really wants to pursue the matter, Rex will look into it for us.


Hoyt Gates on Association Road

Nellie Hoyt stated that they want to fence and gate their two lots so that they can keep their own cattle on their property this fall.Ý Tom Massengale must open and shut Hoytís two gates to get to his house.Ý He objects to gating Association roads without all property owners behind the gates approval.Ý The Board sympathized with both parties.Ý After much discussion, Lee Bellar made the following motion: The DSROA cannot allow gates on Association Roads without all property owners behind the gate agreeing to the gate.Ý It would be a hardship on anyone travelling the roads to open several gates each time they traverse the road.Ý The Board suggests cattle guards. Phil Hall donated $200 and Larry Clarkson offered to install any cattle guards the Hoytís can acquire.Ý Hoytís must install cattle guards or leave their gates open.Ý Seconded by Art.Ý All in favor.


Managerís Report

Barbara asked the Boardís opinion on the Pierce Dump Truck Lease.Ý Because of fear of major mechanical breakdowns with older equipment, the Board is afraid to accept the offer.Ý They wish to thank Pierce and Morris for their generous offer.


Barbara reported that the fish pond fence is progressing well.Ý The new van, the ranch purchased for $431, runs well but it allows dust inside because of worn out door seals and so might not be the answer for a cleaning van.Ý Cabins 7 and 8 now have metal roofs.Ý Much work has been done on the roads the past couple months.Ý Barbara met with Doug Powell and Rex Smart of the Kanab BLM and Monument offices regarding the mineral rights for gravel extracted from the DSR gravel pit.Ý Powell has agreed to issue a free use permit to the ranch for Association use of gravel because DSROA is a non-profit association.Ý If individuals acquire gravel or leach rock from the pit, they are to purchase mineral permits from the BLM office.Ý Barbara feels the government men have worked hard to solve the problem and wants to emphasize that individuals MUST purchase permits or the government will revoke our free use permit and close the pit.


Utah State Water Dept

Barbara met with Scott Hacking and Ken Bousfield recently.Ý There is a long list of items the State wants DSR to do to come within compliance on both the new and old well systems.Ý Barbara has many hours of work to complete by September 15 to meet the requirements.


New Water System Funds

Phil reported that after calling all adjoining property owners to the proposed water line about signing up (per the proposed agreement sent out last month to all property owners) for water and paying the $5000 connection fee, he got one positive response and two maybes.Ý One owner had inquired about payment possibilities.Ý The Board voted that the fee would remain $5000 for those who signed the agreement and sent in the $5000.Ý If the money was not forth coming (30 days) or a decision was made at a later date to connect to the system, the fee would be $7500 at that time.Ý Larry Clarkson to pursue one of the tentative parties and Phil Hall to attempt to finalize the decisions and collect the money.


Legal Status of Ranch Documents

Phil Hall reported that he and Barbara had met with the Attorney (Association Document Specialist) in St George and a draft of the documents would be in his hand within two weeks for the Board to review.ÝÝ The Documents would be drafts of the language additions and corrections necessary to bring the CC&Rs and Bylaws in compliance with Utah State Statutes and place items in their proper place in these documents.Ý Phil stressed that this information needed to be reviewed and prepared for the general association membership to review and approve at the annual meeting.Ý Phil stated that another July Board meeting should be held on the 30th of July to finalize the Boards review and the agenda for the annual meeting.


Annual Meeting

Phil handed out a suggested agenda for the annual meeting.Ý Larry Baer made some suggested changes.Ý The changes were noted and the official agenda will be presented at the next meeting.Ý Need to put a notice on the web site emphasizing the nomination deadline of August 1.


Next Board meeting will be Friday, July 30, 2004, at 5:30 PM at the ranch.