DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, Jan 29, 2004

Nyle's Office


Board Members present: Tom Massengale, Art Ortolani, Lee Bellar, Larry Clarkson, Larry Baer, Nyle Willis, and Phillip Hall


Others present: Taylor and Barbara Button, Joe McElroy, Robin and Cindy Slosser, Larry Murphy, Dan Ortolani, Joseph Wood, John Davis, Jerry Racine, Betty Nuttall


Financial Report

Barbara passed out the year-end profit and loss versus the actual budget and a check register for December and January. She reviewed different aspects of the reports. We stayed within our income for the year. At the end of 2003, there was a small amount of money left which was used to purchase some of the approved expenditures that we thought would have to come from 2004 money. We purchased a badly needed hydraulic lifted trash trailer. In the past, the trash has been hand unloaded at the local landfill. This has been hazardous to the health of those handling the trash. (Not to mention totally sickening!!) We also purchased some culverts for the Meadow Canyon/Old Coal Road Junction where the floods have been going over the current road. We also purchased a small mobile generator as the WWII model at the ranch finally gave up.


Water line to 40K Tank

Taylor reported that Christine Moore sold her lot and thus is not interested in donating $10,000 for the water line up to the 40,000 gallon tank. A discussion followed as to the legal status of the ranch if we offered water hook-ups to the property owners along the line. What is our current standing with water hauling permits and the usage at the lower cabins? How much is a hook up worth? How should the water rights of the lots along the line be handled? Taylor spoke with the Utah State Water Division Officer, Ken Bausfield. It was not very clear as to where we actually stand. Phil Hall will compose a research letter to those members along the line to see how they feel about hooking on to the ranch water line.


Area Reps and Committee Chairmen Meeting in March

Phil and Barbara will send out a member-wide newsletter informing the members about the March 27, 2004 meeting. They will ask for member information to comply a member directory booklet for ranch use. All members will be asked to answer a few questions (name and addresses of owners, email address, interests that may be of help at the ranch, knowledge of springs on their lots, knowledge of where their lot corners are, and more). A letter will also go out to all Area Representatives and Committee Chairmen with questions for them to answer to help them get going on their areas of responsibilities. All Area Reps, Committee Chairmen, Board Members, and the Ranch Manager will be asked to be at the March 27 meeting. There are 17 committees for different areas of the ranch. Three or four of these committees will be focused on more heavily but all committees will be given attention. Forming these committees and involving others outside of the board to help with decisions and research is the goal of President Phil Hall.


Selling Lot 1

Nyle Willis asked if selling Lot 1 was legal by our Bylaws. It was generally felt that a vote of the entire membership should be taken regarding this issue. Phil made a motion seconded by Lee to have Nyle ask for legal advice on this issue. All in favor.


Water Hauling Fee

After discussion regarding the $100 fee for those permanent residents that haul water from the headquarters, it was felt that maybe $100 was too much for the use of the water. Art made a motion, seconded by Phil to temporarily rescind the water hauling fee until the next Board meeting so that the matter can be evaluated further. All in favor.


Grader Leasing

Brent Fullmer asked this item to be withdrawn from the agenda. Lee Bellar asked that the whole question of owning and using the grader be but on next months agenda and he will give a report on it. Taylor Button also had some information he would like to share next meeting on the subject.


Manager's report

Taylor Button reported that the Garden Cabin is being repaired and painted. Tony is taking out the old stovepipe in the bedroom ceilings, retaping the ceiling and walls, repainting the ceiling and walls, putting new flooring down, and putting up new moldings. They are also putting in an outside entrance where the upstairs windows are. Members have for years used the window as a door. They are also repairing the drop-down stairway to try to make it safer. Many alternatives were examined but there is not enough room for any other stairway alternative.


All nine cows are pregnant so we will have nine calves this year. We plan to sell some of them. Taylor has been dealing with Clark Lamb for some used culverts. Larry Murphy mentioned that he knows where we could get some “squashed cement pipe for free. He will check in to that more.


The ranch phone is not working again. Taylor has checked into satellite phones and cellular phones. After Randy Cram looks at the current phone system and gives a cost estimate to fix it, a decision will be made as to which phone system is the most cost effective.


2004 Ranch Manager

Taylor's contract expires Feb 28, 2004. The board discussed a few alternatives. Barbara Button gave the board a proposal for her to be the Business Manager. The Board felt Barbara's proposal was good and was in favor of tentatively accepting it for the time being with the opportunity to study it, amend it if necessary, and finalize it at next meetings Board meeting.


Fundraising Ideas

Dan Ortolani said that in order for fundraising to be successful there must be three elements. 1) A specific need to raise money for, 2) how much money, 3) then decide how to raise the money. He said we must be realistic with our expectations. No specifics were given.


Clarkson Family Cabin Rentals

Dale Clarkson was not at the meeting. This item was not discussed.


Next meeting will be held at 6:30 PM, Thursday, February 26, 2004.