DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, December 9, 2003

Phill Hall's Home


Board members present: Phil Hall, Larry Clarkson, Larry Baer, Tom Massengale and Art Ortolani

Other's present: Taylor and Barbara Button, Rene Hall, Travis and Malinda Sanders


A delicious dinner was served to all present. All enjoyed a beautiful view of St George City and pleasant conversation. A brief meeting followed the dinner.


Review of revised Rules and Regs.

All Board Members had previously reviewed the proposed revisions of the Rules and Regulations. With a few minor changes, the Rules and Regulations were approved as submitted. A copy of these will be mailed to each member with the 2004 budget, the 2004 assessment invoices, and a newsletter from the President.


Ratification of proposed 2004 budget

All Board Members had previously reviewed the proposed 2004 budget. Even though there is not enough money to do all that we would like to do next year, the board feels that we are doing all that we can without raising assessments. It was proposed that we ask for voluntary contributions on the 2004 assessment invoices to help with the road and cabin maintenance budgets.



Phil clarified how the committees for different geographical areas of the ranch will work. He also talked about the different committee chairmen for specific interest areas of the ranch. A workshop will be held March 27, 2004 in Kanab for all committee chairmen.


Sell Lot 1

Art made a motion, seconded by Phil, to sell Lot #1. First right of refusal will be given to the Johnny Brown members. Accept the highest bid over $50,000. All in favor. Art to talk to John Pardo, Johnny Brown Area Representative.


Fund Raising

Art to talk to Dan Ortolani about auctioning several weeks of ranch time to raise some money.


Next Board Meeting will be January 29, 2004 in Kanab at Nyle's office.