Minutes for the DSROA Board Meeting,
September 20, 2003, 7:00 a.m.

Garden Cabin

Board Members present: Larry Baer, Art Ortolani, Nyle Willis, Phil Hall, Tom Massengale, Taylor Button, and Larry Clarkson


Others present: Barbara Button, Brent Fuller, Joe McElroy, and Larry Walters.


The minutes for the August 2, 2003 board meeting were read and approved.


Follow up on Assignments and special reports

Review Annual Meeting Agenda and Assignments

Phil Hall reviewed the agenda. Time and method for new business was determined.

(All approved).

Grader and Roads

Taylor gave an update on the progress of grading since the grader was fixed. It seems to be working well now. Taylor and Tony were able to repair it with under $300 in costs for parts.

Report on Water Systems

Taylor reported that he had the original purchase agreement for the 40,000 gallon water tank at the top of the air strip. The Purchase Agreement indicates that it is for domestic water use. He inspected the inside of tank and he believes that a small repair would be all that is needed and it would be ready to use. He checked with the State, and with our Purchase Agreement, they said the tank was approved. Taylor outlined a system using the new well and running a new water line up to the existing location of this tank. The new water line is to be placed from the big tank south along the member lots then turning south east to miss the State land parcel and on across the airstrip to the position of the existing tanks. The old water tanks could to be used in the following way. The best one is to be placed by the big tank for fire protection. The next best tank will be taken to Leaf Springs Area for a water catchment tank for cattle and wildlife. The last tank is to be given to Phil Hall if he hauled it away as a small consideration for the expenses he has shouldered for the web site. It is of questionable use due to its deteriorated condition. Others in the room agreed that it was of little value. Phil Hall agreed to take it for possible use if it seemed fair to those present. No objections.


Taylor has spoken with Christine Moore who is willing to pay $10,000.00 for a connection fee to the proposed new water system. The total cost of installing pipe with stub-out tees for member lots, electrical wire, valves and preparing the pump house at the new well is estimated at approximately $16,000.00.


Phil Hall made a motion, seconded by Larry Clarkson, to proceed with the water project as outlined by Taylor Button immediately after receiving Mrs. Moore check with the following provision. 1) Nyle Willis will contact our legal representative and have a water hook-up agreement prepared that could be used in this case and in the future for other members that might want to hook into this water system. The legal contract is also to indemnify the Ranch from unforeseen complications that may put in jeopardy the Ranch's ability to deliver water and also any non-negligent problems with water quality or purity. 2) That Mrs. Moore signs this document and agrees to transfer her .45 acre feet water right back into the ranch well and she agrees to the annual fee. The .45-acre feet water right that Mrs. Moore has will be figured into a gallon amount. The yearly fee will be calculated for pumping up to that amount of water and a proportionate share of maintenance of the water system etc. 3) Mrs. Moore is to pay for cost to pipe the water from the Ranch's tee and provide an agreed upon meter to measure the water she uses. If Mrs. Moore has additional rights to water, she may transfer an agreed amount to the Ranch's well, provided this and her other rights are not used for resale. The prorated costs of additional water quantities will be calculated. The costs of additional hook ups to be $10,000.00 and the number limited so as not to go above the 14 hook up limit that would make the Ranch fall into the category of a water company. All in Favor.

Recommendations for Fencing by Upper Ponds

Taylor outlined the nearly one mile of fence it would take to surround the upper ponds, grove area, and enclose the spring plus put in cattle guards. He estimated the cost to do this for materials only at $3000. This fence would satisfy most of the demands of the State to bring our upper cabin water system in compliance. This would make the upper ponds pasture areas more useable by members. He proposed doing this early next spring unless the budget could afford it this fall. Larry Clarkson made a motion to accept Taylor's proposal. It was seconded by Nyle Willis. (All in Favor).

New Business

Non-eligible Voter List

Barbara was prepared with a list of those still owing dues. She had it ready for those counting ballots should one of those on the list try to vote.

General Review 5 year Plan

Phil Hall presented an overview of a Five Year Master Plan for the Ranch that he would present to the members that afternoon in the annual meeting. The Board felt that it was a good beginning and would be all right to present. It was suggested that Leaf Springs be developed before Half Moon.

Financial Outlook - (Current through 5 Years)

Nyle Willis concurred with Phil Hall on the approximate amount of $30,000.00 in the budget as discretionary income that could be applied as Phil Hall outlined in the Five Year Plan. He felt our financial status was good provided we stay on a course of debt reduction and collection of our outstanding debts.


Web Site

Phil reported that the final hitches in the mechanics of the web site had been worked out and that there was increasing member utilization. He reported that members had given 90 e-mail addresses. The web master designer will demonstrate with a computer how to use the site and answer questions at the annual meeting.


Cost of Putting Lot #259 For Sale on E-bay

Phil presented the possibility of putting lot #259 for sale on E-Bay. It was felt that the cost was too great. Art Ortolani suggested ForSaleByOwner.com for a $50 dollar fee. The Board all agreed to try this method in addition to a notice at the Ranch and on our web site until the first of next year.

Bid on Old Cabins

Brent Robinson has given a bid to buy and move the two old Zion cabins in the cabin 5 area for $1,000.00 each. Brent would also clean up all the junk in that area and haul it off. Larry Clarkson suggested that we allow all members to bid on these cabins until October 1, 2003. He suggested, that since they may not be able to haul away the garbage like Brent, that the starting bid be $1200.00 per cabin. All agreed.


Horse Ride Insurance

The Monument has raised the required amount of liability insurance for the outfitting permit to take rides on the monument. Since our horse rides are not-for-profit, the Board suggested Barbara talk to the Monument to see if we could re-negotiate requirements.


Next meeting place and time: to be determined by the new Board after the annual meeting.