DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2003  5:00 PM


Board present:  Larry Baer, Tom Massengale, Larry Clarkson, Nyle Willis, Taylor Button,  Phillip Hall, Art Ortolani,


Others present:  Barbara Button, Dale Clarkson, Lee Bellar, John Pardo, and Larry Murphy


Tom Massengale made a motion, seconded by Phil Hall, to accept the February minutes as written. All in favor.


Follow Up Business

1)      Larry C reported that the 2001 minutes of the annual meeting are done.  Now that he understands what is required, Larry C will also finish the 2002 minutes.


New Business

1)      Taylor presented a bid by Alma Fletcher to drill the new well by headquarters.  Nyle made a motion, seconded by Art, to accept Alma Fletcher’s proposal and proceed immediately. All infavor

2)      Larry Baer presented his cabin plans and they were approved unanimously by the Board.

3)      Larry Clarkson reported on the Utah DWR situation with respect to deer tags.  The Ranch will not be getting a tag this year.  The DWR will be selling them and on a proportionate basis return money to those who were due tags.  Larry C suggested the ranch consider allowing only one hunter by written permission to hunt on the ranch.  Larry to contact Gary Carson regarding this idea.

4)      Proposal by Taylor Button  to be the new Ranch manager and provide all his own employees to get the job done was reviewed and approved by the entire Board 

5)      John Pardo voiced dissatisfaction with the way his pay for being the grader operator was handled.  Nyle Willis informed him of the legal requirements of the IRS that the Ranch followed.  John then gave a general accounting for the use of the grader. He asked questions about operations and policies regarding the grader for the coming year.  He was referred to Taylor Button.

6)      Dale Clarkson presented generalities about a potential use of Lanny Legg’s well in the half moon field. He felt that the Ranch might be able to enter into some lease agreement for the use of water from this well.  He wanted to know if he should pursue engineering studies to look into the mater.  The Board felt they would rather own their own well instead of leasing water. It was also felt that there were to many unanswered questions to make any expeditious decision and generally felt that they should keep with the original game plan already in place to proceed with Fletcher drilling.

7)      Phil Hall related the progress Barbara Button had made with the Clarkson’s on dividing off of the .com site with our own .org web site.  Phil Hall reviewed the general time frame and organization of the site.  He took pictures of the Board members for the site. The Board approved moving forward with the new web site and delaying sending out the next news letter until right after the next Board meeting when the site should be ready.

8)      Dale Clarkson was asked for the collection proposal he was to have worked up to present to the Board on the past due accounts.  He had nothing to report.

9)      Barbara Button (Ranch secretary) gave a report on the status of the past months collection efforts by Dale Clarkson and herself.  She then presented her ideas which were as follows:  Divide past due members into two groups (Level 1 - those more than two years over due – Level 2 - those two years and less past due). Level 1 members would be sent a letter informing them of Board’s plan to turn their account over for foreclosure. The Board decided they want at least 25% down by April 20 with an agreement of at least 10% each month following.  Level 2 will be sent a letter informing them a lien has been placed on their lot.  To have the lien removed, they must pay their dues in full plus the recording fees.  If they do not pay in full by the end of 2003, their account moves to Level 1. With the board suggestions, Barbara is to implement to plan immediately.

10)  Phil Hall presented an airport liability waiver form that was approved by the entire Board.  The Board also approved his past actions and proposals on an extended plan for the airstrip (to be posted to the Ranch web site).  Art made a motioned, seconded by Taylor, to require each member that uses the airport to sign the liability waiver form.  Phil Hall is to be the airport manager and see that members comply. All in favor

11)  Phil Hall notified the Board that John Southwick was planning on upgrading the fishing dock at the upper pond.  Phil said he had e-mailed John back a month ago that his offer was accepted but would like a brief description to give the Board. Phil reported that he had not heard back from John yet and requested his phone number from Barbara.

12)  The final draft of the 2003 Rules and Regulations were approved by the entire Board for presentation and posting to the web site. There were no basic changes made to the cabin reservation rules already sent to the membership.

13)  The next board meeting will be held May 3 at the ranch at 9 AM.