DSROA Board Meeting Minutes

Feb 20, 2003 6:30 PM

Board present: Larry Baer, Tom Massengale, Larry Clarkson, Nyle Willis, Taylor Button, and Phillip Hall

Others present: Barbara Button, Dale and Patsy Clarkson, Brent Nielsen


Nyle made a motion, seconded by Tom, to accept the January minutes as written. All in favor.

Follow Up Business

  1. Larry Clarkson said he doesn’t feel it is his responsibility to do both 2001 and 2002 annual meeting minutes. He almost has 2001 done. Phil and Barbara will work on 2002 minutes as Phil is the 2002 board secretary.
  2. Board discussed setting a precedence by allowing a member to connect into the old well at headquarters. Taylor made a motion, seconded by Phil, to contact Ms. Moore and suggest she organize her neighbors and drill their own well. All in favor.
  3. Phil presented a letter to reply to Larry Walters. Nyle made a motion, seconded by Phil, to send the letter from the board to Larry Walters only. All in favor.
  4. Larry B requested an extension from the State of Utah on the water well drilling. The original quote by Cothern Drilling was accepted last year, but Cothern has not done the well. So Larry B will contact two other drillers and have them quote us to drill the well and report back to the board.


New Business

  1. Taylor talked to Brent Robinson. He will keep his cattle in NM until late summer this year to help DSR grass regenerate after the last few years of grazing and drought. Drought permitting, Brent will bring his cattle to the ranch late summer and still graze them for the usual length of time. The ranch should not lose any revenue from this plan.
  2. Larry C had spoke with Fred Searles regarding Searles desire to change the road on his property. The road will enter and exit his property in the same place as it currently does. The Board felt that Larry should find out a little more information and report back.
  3. Nyle presented a proposal prepared by Ben Clarkson regarding a mountain bike ride across some ranch property. The event will be April 23 and include approximately 16 cyclists plus approximately 12-15 Land Rovers. They will stay on existing roads. This is the fourth week of a tour which has included four continents. They offered to pay the ranch $1000. DSR will be covered under the events $1M liability policy. Taylor made a motion, seconded by Larry C, that we accept the proposal. All in favor.
  4. Barbara handed out a list of Accounts Receivable. Dale Clarkson was present and volunteered to help with the project suggesting that he thought he could encourage many to come current with their assessments. After discussion by the Board, Phil made a motion, seconded by Taylor, that Dale Clarkson and Barbara Button form a fact finding committee and within two weeks (by March 6) set a collection time table (no longer than 90 days for pre collection efforts) and suggest a plan to collect the past due accounts that do not respond. All in favor.
  5. Our bylaws call for an independent audit annually. To our knowledge, there has never been an independent audit as it would cost from $4000 to $5000. Board suggested the bylaw language be changed to allow a committee to review and audit the books each year. This then could be done by several members of DSROA as a committee. Nyle will prepare a report for an audit by the end of March.
  6. Phil presented a proposal for the DSROA to get their own web site (DeerSpringsRanch.org) and only link or mirror the calendar with the Clarkson site. The site would be totally independent of the Clarkson site with the one exception of the calendar. Barbara would be the only one capable of posting a reservation and making the final cabin reservation confirmation after all criteria for reservations are met as specified by the Board. Patsy and Dale Clarkson were present and agreed. Phil also outlined general headings and pages to be placed with the Ranch’s web site. Phil Hall volunteered to pay his own employee (a programmer) to design and set up the web site. The Ranch to pay the transfer fee of information by Online Marketing ($150) and the monthly hosting fee ($20). After much discussion, Phil made a motion, seconded by Nyle, that Phil and Dale and Patsy Clarkson will communicate with Mark Wade of Online Marketing regarding how to proceed to set it all up. All in favor.
  7. The board went over the suggested 2003 version of the Rules and Regulations that Phil had put together. These reflected the reservation system and horse riding fees and new no point system as voted on and approved in November 2002 by the Board. With some minor changes to wording all but section one was approved before Phil had to leave. Phil to get back to Board members with a new draft incorporating the changes agreed upon so that they can be sent to the members as soon as possible. All board members to look it over more and e-mail Phil with suggestions.
  8. Larry Clarkson presented his idea of how the ranch should be managed. He suggested that an over-all manager be in charge of the cleaning crew, the wrangler, and the greeter/host person. Larry was not sure that he actually wanted to be the manager though.
  9. Tom Massengale presented the names of people that had expressed an interest in positions at the ranch: Larry C to be manager, Danny Clarkson and his wife to be the host/greeters, and Judy Sherod be the wrangler.
  10. Taylor presented his plan for management of the ranch. Taylor would be the general manager and as such he would hire the rest of his staff. The ranch would pay him only. He would be in charge of hiring, taxes, worker’s comp insurance for his staff of cleaners, wranglers, host/greeter, road equipment operators, and other laborers. After discussion, Tom made a motion, seconded by Nyle, to hire Taylor for general manager pending a written proposal from Taylor on the details and dollar figures. All in favor.
  11. Larry C requested payment or replacement of leech rock that was spread on the roads

mistakenly. Board requested an exact cost and invoice.


Meeting adjourned at 9:50. Next meeting will be March 27, 2003 at 5 pm at Nyle’s office.