DSR Board Meeting

January 10, 2009

Members Present: John Southwick, Ben Clarkson, Shawna Cox, Dustin Hollis, Dave Sills, Ed Bolinski, John Harris(teleconf)

Others Present: Linda Alderman, Paul and Nancy Brayton, Dale and Patty Clarkson, Brent Fullmer, Larry Baer, Vance Green (teleconf), Clint(?)(teleconf)

Notes taken by Shawna Cox  prior to Dave Sills arrival:

9:05 begin

John: Delay minute approval until next board meeting - all board members board members didn’t receive them

Linda: Reviewed check register for December - 10 year agreement (BLM) right of way , title 5 maintenance fee $3, 823.10

John: Will review with BLM - budget is $500 annual

Ben: Requested Linda to print out monthly check register for the board

John: Caretaker report

Paul: Tire lost on front of Kubota, Garden Cabin shut down, froze up, thawed and drained

Cabin #1 shower wall damage - small leak behind wall - removed toilet and sink - mold in floor - checking for pricing on rubber cement overlay

Cabin #8 - waiting for budget to see if we can spray on insulation (r50 - biggest problem is freezing

(at this time Dustin Hollis and Dave Sills arrived - late due to Hwy 14 shutdown - Dave Sills continued minutes)

John: Discussing bath in cabin #7

General discussion of problem in cabin #7

Brent: Cabin #7 and #8 valves cannot be shut off - (weather permitting) will redo valves to those cabins with Paul

Paul: Paperwork shows two valves (off and drain) - will update records to show actual situation

Paul: Garden cabin pipes are eggshell - will replace - discussed cleaning in tool shed - organizing - will inventory with pictures - recommend another person look it over

John: Should inventory annually

Paul: Pulling out lot signs and placing them in new storage area (old store) - asked what should be the distribution of signs

Working on making equipment useable - Ed donated another generator - maintaining chainsaws, etc.

Ranch house doing well, solar doing very well, - discussed a “Job box” for tool storage o7utside tool shed for check out of tools


Ben: Need check out system

John: Deposit system

Brent: Will look for a box for this purpose

Paul: Possible revenue in Friday night barbecue

Nancy: 5pm-9pm with reservations

Paul: Possible budget item

Ben: Creates good experience for ranch and members

Shawna: Motion to go ahead with the concept - seconded - carried

Ben: Suggested reasonable dollar amount for food and service

Shawna: Motion to go ahead with tool lock box - seconded - carried

Paul: Want to build (rebuild) deck outside old store

Brent: Will provide lumber

Paul: Any bids on water tank repair? Water samples due - will figure out delivery method

Linda: Utah Water Certification Program folder introduced - given to Paul for review\\General discussion of water certification and distribution

Linda: Recommend Paul consider being certified

John: Bring all official papers to board

Paul: County is plowing road

Bed: Discuss water rights

Dale: Passed out copies of water rights papers - reviewed - discussed time spent (100 hours) - cannot handle this in ten minutes of board meeting - does not know where water rights paperwork is located

Larry: Discussed his water rights filings

Dale: It’s aggravating and expensive - need a master plan

Ben: Discussed individual applications - protection of filings

John: Discussed need to maintain and improve rights

Ben: Not sure board can manage water - recommend a water master

Shawna: Would like to work with Dale on water rights

Dale: Vance Green has made an application to do DSR water coordination

Vance: Discussed requirements for an engineer

Shawna: Would work with Dale

John: Set up committee for this matter

Ed: Said there was system in process asking members to go through board for water applications - recommend Dale use his experience to do this

Dave: Discussed separation of developer/DSR water costs

Shawna: Should develop budget for water

Dale: Discussed ideas of separation

Vance: Discussed need to prioritize water rights

Dale: Right direction

Vance: Discussed getting it going

Ben: Discussed BLM grazing permits

John: I am checking on this

Ben: Skutumpah road work discussed - county/BLM problems and environmental groups

Linda: Our county not working with other counties

John: Update on lawsuit - working with lawyers - being handled as if going to court - discussed need to be proactive and document these matters

Paul: There is procedure in force - has form for reporting

Discussed management of animals at ranch

Ed: Need member safety audit before opening in spring

Ben: Discussion of budget

Dale: Does not feel budget included fees to cover his input to changes

Ben: Says we voted for approval of ale’s concept

Dale: Handed out two letters - read to board by Dustin

Brent: Discussed his concerns for development

Shawna: That is why board is here - to have matters submitted here for consideration before development

Ben: Need to vote on the lease

John: Motion to proceed with Clarkson land and water lease agreement - within 90 days to board for agreement - seconded -

John Harris: Questioned what was being motioned

Dustin: Read proposed agreement

Vance: Discussed that association has currently low tax rate - general discussion

Ben: Votes for agreement - 5 Against - 2 - motion carried

Back to budget discussion

Dustin: Suggest an emergency fund

John: Roll contingency funds to cabin maintenance

Ben: Motion to approve budget - seconded - approved

Paul: Need three refrigerators

Due to time constraints on room, the meeting was adjourned