Joe Bosze, Member

Since 1978 my family and I have been members of Deer Springs Ranch. We treasure our time there, so we built a log cabin for our family to experience the life at the ranch. I have established myself by being trustworthy and honest in all of my personal and business dealings. I have always confronted the issues with an open mind and attempt to reach solutions that favor the majority of DSR owners. Now that I have retired I have more time to spend at the ranch and offer my services and talents that can be beneficial to the ranch. I have a commitment to the ranch and my fellow ranch owners. We even adopted Cabins 1 and 8 and did interior remodeling and cleaning at own expense. My wife and I have driven from Las Vegas for many years to attend regular monthly meetings as well as serve on committees. My presence at these meetings is important so that I can have an informed voice and make voting on issues a priority.

I have been a manager of a trucking company, a welding instructor for the Community College through the 501 Engineers Union, a maintenance engineer for the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas and am a Vietnam veteran. I am familiar with the ranch and most of its needs, including large and small ranch equipment, and have coordinated jobs with many of the ranch managers and other DSR owners.

With other board members and working as a team member, I feel I can make good decisions to keep the ranch moving in the right direction without compromising my ethical standards. I may not have the eloquence of words, but I will get the job done. I believe in the original concept of the ranch, keeping it noncommercial and basing it on family traditions.

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